Sunday, November 21, 2010

I put up my tree. :) :) :)
and all other things Christmas in my house.
Jason and I spent our Sunday afternoon decorating our tree, and I quite enjoyed it.
I love going through our ornaments and remembering when or why we got them.

Behold the tree (sorry its so dark)

Each year we each get a new ornament that depicts our year.

Jason got a coca-cola bottle. He says its because he loves coke, I say its to remember the year of all his kidney stones. :)

I chose an SLR camera ornament, for obvious reasons.

Then, of course, we had to get one for our kitties.

I sat on our couch this afternoon and thought for a while about how weird my life is to me now. Not in any sort of bad way, but for 20 years of my life, I lived with my parents, putting up their tree, sitting on their couches, and being a part of their daily lives. Its surreal to me, even still, that I have my own house, with my own stuff, I put up my own tree, with my own ornaments and my own little family. Although daily life seems normal, when I look at everything from a distance, it is still so weird that I am an adult. I wonder when this will feel completely normal. I sure do love my little adult life though.

Progress is definitely being made on little Henry's nursery, slowly but surely. I would post pictures, but I would rather do a big reveal post than tiny as we go posts. The paint is %95 done. The wall decor is all purchased, painted, and put together. I made a rug the other day that I oh so love and would have cost at least $100 if I would have just bought it. The only thing missing, and the only reason it is not completely finished is the crib set. We had a crib set all picked out, then we learned the the 3-in-1 and 4-in-1 cribs were being recalled, or flat out canceled because they were falling apart and children were dying in them. So now we have to find another set that we like and that is certified safe, which %90 of them aren't, sadly.

Well there is nothing much else going on with us. We will be doing our Christmas cards soon so send me your address if you would like one. I am doing something different with mine than others do, so I am really excited about it. It will be the most fun card ever received. :)


Whit said...

what is the 3 in 1 or 4 in 1 crib sets?

Whit said...

we do the orinments for the year is a tradition my family started that I am carrying on with my own family. don't you love traditions. Im so excited to buy presents for our own kid this year! You will love that next year. We did last year but it wasnt quite the same not having him here yet

Heather said...

I'm excited to see the rug you made!

Hailey said...

My tree is already up too! I'm so glad I have a fellow "lets celebrate Christmas early" friend! I'm not alone! Decorating my home has definitely kept my mind off things and has given such a nice, peaceful ambiance to come home to. Love LOVE love Christmas! Booo to all the Christmas haters. BOOOOO!