Thursday, December 16, 2010


It occurred to me I never posted Henry's recent ultrasound! GASP!
Well this isn't his most recent, and I think everyone that reads my blog is on my Facebook so its probably nothing new, but here is our little guy 1 month ago up close:

I just loooove this picture of him. I love seeing his little profile and his little button nose already. Everytime I went for an ultrasound, this was the image I would hope for. So I am glad I finally got it. :)

In utero, he looks something like this:

Image of the inside of a pregnant woman at 25 weeks pregnant
Except I can tell you that he is breach. He was breach at my last appointment, and he had not moved much cause his kicks were still in the lower region. I think maybe he has moved now, but I won't bore you with the reasons why I think that. ;)

And this is what Henry looks like from the outside:

I think my bump is funny shaped, but oh well.
nothing new to report, just trucking along. 14 weeks left. holy cow all of a sudden that doesn't seem like a lot.
Jason has felt him kick.
I have come to terms, sort of, with the weight gain.
the nursery is 50% complete, the goal is 100% by January 31.
at my shower I got diapers, and its so weird to have diapers in the house.
On that topic, I got a lot of baby stuff at the shower that when I went to go put away, I started panicking cause I don't know where they go!!! Like bibs, obviously we need bibs, but clearly they have to go in the kitchen, and I don't have a bib drawer! I started freaking out realizing I was going to need to re-organize my kitchen cupboards.

14 weeks....

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