P.S. I totally forgot who all wanted access to my fitness blog also, so send me a comment with your EMAIL ADDRESS and I will add you.
Monday, January 31, 2011
32nd week of pregnancy
mommy is this big.

baby is this big.
Things are going good, the nursery is done, everything is purchased, washed, hung, and ready. The house is ready for Henry. :) Exactly what I wanted. I wanted everything ready by Feb 15th, so I am way pleased that it was finished by January.
The tiredness from the first trimester has crept back into my life, making me regret that I didn't take advantage of my energy in my second trimester. Its ok though, lucky for me I have nothing to do during the days really so I can rest and nap as needed.
**Vent time**
There is one thing I hope I never hear again, and when I do hear it I usually stop listening 2 seconds later:
"just wait"
What is everyones problem in that they can't let you enjoy the moment? You say you feel well rested and they say: Just wait until the baby comes and keeps you up all night.
You say you like your in laws and they say: oh just wait until the baby comes and they get annoying.
You say your marriage is fantastic and they say: just wait until the baby comes and it all changes.
You say you can't wait to get back into the gym and they say: just wait until the baby comes, you wont want to.
You say you can't wait for baby to come and they say: just wait until he does, you will wish you had more time.
Can we just eliminate that phrase from our vocab? I know people say it and tell you those things to I guess try and be helpful, but its rude. Its just plain rude. Its like they are bitter with how their experience was, or how they chose to parent, that they just want to bring you down in the few moments of contentment you have during your pregnancy. Its like they think you are going to say: Oh, my gosh, you are so right, I should just stop being pregnant right now and change my mind. ??????? So please, if you find yourself giving a prego advice, AT LEAST don't start with the phrase "just wait" because trust me, she stops listening.
ok, I feel better now. :)
**Vent time over**
What else, I, unfortunately, am one of those women who during pregnancy get larger EVERYWHERE, and not just my belly, giving the illusion that my belly isnt very big. Allow me to go into detail (as if you could stop me). When I lost 53 lbs(exact number ;)) I guess the memory of the weight still remained, so when I started gaining weight during pregnancy, my body dispersed that weight into the places it knew weight used to be. Make sense? So basically I am back to my weight and size that I was 3 years ago, plus a beer belly. At first I was really depressed about it, and upset, but then I realize I am lucky. I know EXACTLY how to lose the weight, my stomach isnt being all stretched out, no stretch marks on my stomach, etc. So while I hate the size I am now, I know its totally doable to get back down to my tiny self.
the other part about getting ready that I didn't really think about was clothes for Henry. I know babies don't need much, but they need some. We got a lot from friends, family, showers, etc. But there were still some holes in his wardrobe. He needed PJ's, shorts, and some church clothes, so I was SUPER excited to go get them, and shockingly found some waaay cute stuff. Henry now has a great supply of plaid shorts like his dad, basketball shorts and warm up pants, and a sweet argyle vest for church. I also bought his blessing outfit, he better not be too big for it when he comes out! To be honest I haven't ever really liked baby boy blessing outfits, and I dislike how useless they are after the blessing, so I got him a more practical outfit that I just think is pimp(yes I just said pimp). see below:
I think its just freaking awesome. :) Its a newborn size, cause I figured that makes sense, but I need to hurry and decide if I should exchange it for a 0-3 size, I mean, it depends on when he will be blessed, how much he will weigh, etc. But by the time he is born they will probably be out so I should get on that.
The thing about being pregnant at this point, is I have been pregnant for so long, that I forgot what its like to not be pregnant, and it feels like the countdown will never end. It will be surreal and weird when I actually do go into labor and have this little guy, right now that day seems soooo far away.
64 days!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Henry's Nursery is almost done!
Henry's nursery is 95% done!!! All I have to do is the bedding, and the diaper pad cover.
Then seriously, its done!!
Jason put the crib and glider together tonight and I looove it. I am so happy with how it turned out.
I still maintain that the nursery decor is for the parents, not the baby. The baby doesn't care what the room looks like. Jason and I are the ones that are going to be spending a lot of time in there, so we better like it. We do. :)
Maternity pictures are in 2 weeks, and they will go in all the frames that are still empty right now.
ignore the pile of stuff on the changing table, and imagine a light blue diaper pad instead. mmmk?
8-9 weeks left. I think I can handle it. :) for now.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wrong era
I feel as though I was totally born in the wrong fashion era. You see the current trend of sequins, boots tucked into too tight of jeans or leggings, oversized sweaters with long sleeve shirts underneath, hooker knee high boots, and hippie attire is just not my cup of tea. None of its flattering. What Not To Wear would have a fit. Unless you are a size 2, jeggings DO NOT look good on you. Unless you have something to hide, why are you wearing an oversized grandma sweater with big armpits?
I don't mean to offend those bootwearing friends of mine, which I am sure is almost all of you, but let me try to enlighten you on the way I see things, and maybe you will agree.
(though probably not enough to ditch the skinny jeans) ;)
I loooove the 50's. They had it right. They had it all soooo right, in many different aspects of life, but particularly fashion. see below.
There is something to be said for a properly fitting outfit, with nice shape, perfect amount of movement, and a flattering color.
I understand that fashion is fun, I love shopping, but why do we feel this need that fashion needs to continue to evolve? Evolving is improving upon something, but fashion when it "evolves" just changes, yearly, and in my opinion not so good ways.
Why can't we be happy with a style, and build our wardrobes? Instead of spending money every year to keep with the trends, spend it on establishing a good quality wardrobe that we love.
I had a math teacher in Jr. High, perhaps some of you Central Davis Jr High friends had her too, who had a different outfit, for literally every day of the year. I mean, some were some pretty crazy outfits. People tried to catch her wearing the same outfit twice and it never happened. As a teenager I thought it was funny, this crazy lady keeps her clothes way too long sort of a thing, but I now realize she is brilliant! She has a years worth of clothes that she loves, that she feels comfortable in, and saves money for others things instead of buy new outfits. I love it. I hope to do that, maybe in a more neutral way though lol. I want to try to keep it timeless, simple, classic and modern. Jeans and a nice blouse will never be uncool, sure they may not always be trendy, but I don't like being trendy anyway.
I watch Good Things Utah in the mornings, and I usually only watch the first part where they have discussions, but let me tell you, I HATE all their outfits. Of course since they are on TV they have some fashion person picking their clothes out, and I just want to puke most of the time with their sequin leggings, cowboyish jackets, boots with buckles and flaps, and don't even get me start on the leg warmers.
Is it just me?
am I the only one who wishes fashion just stay the same?
am I the only one who pines for the 50's era?
Friday, January 21, 2011
Is it just me, or has photography gotten a little too pricey?
there are so many photographers whose work I looove and would love to enlist them to document this pregnancy, but I just can't fathom spending hundreds of dollar on such a simple session.
ESPECIALLY when it seems like everyone is a photographer these days.
Shouldn't that make the price go down?
I mean, don't get me wrong, really, I understand its an art, and its how some people make a living. So really, I am not trying to offend any of my photographer friends, I know its hard work and everyone puts their heart and soul into it. So don't take me the wrong way. :)
But it seems like for most, its a hobby, so wouldn't it be more effective to lower the price, to get more clients?
I mean, I would loooove nothing more than to randomly do photo sessions to document the growth of my family, or a party, birth, etc. but I can't do that with each session(or getting the CD) costing hundreds of dollars.
Maybe the problem I am having is that a lot of the photographers I love do a lot of family/kids sessions, which I get, are a lot harder than me and my baby bump will be, so thats probably why they charge so much, but I am easy!!! lol
I also get, that its the editing you are paying for also, but I still just think its a lot. I mean lets break it down.
Lets say a photographer charges 300$ for a session with 25 edited prints on CD.
1 hour session
3 hours editing(all together, cause I know some photogs do it over a couple days)
thats 4 hours
do you realize that person is making 75$ an hour? Shrinks don't even make that much an hour.
So maybe I am just bitter that my husband has warped my carefree capture the moment mind into a finance one, which agreed is for the better, but I still think the photography industry is getting a little crazy.
I am doing maternity pictures soon, I have a backup place to do them if I can't find a reasonably priced photographer before then.
Its 79$, which is the sitting fee, and includes a CD of ALL the images you select, edited.
THATS what I am talking about people.
and its a reeeally cute place, their studio is setup to look just like popular photog places, with brick walls, graffiti, vintage furniture, etc. and to me it doesn't look all studio stuffy. Check it out sometime. :)
Anyway, I am getting them done sometime in the next couple weeks, so I will let you know if I found a photographer or if fotofly it is!
On a side note, I loooved going private and seeing how many people actually read my blog. All my blogstalkers, don't be afraid to comment! It will be a lovely blog relationship.
I may eventually share the reason for going private, but right now its still a little hurtful to think about, so just know its because I don't think the whole world needs to have access into my life if they don't actually care about me. :)
Also, I only invited those to my fitness blog that specifically requested it, so if you want to see that one too, let me know. :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I am going private, again.
so friends and blogstalkers, send me your email. I won't publish the comments.
It will probably happen tomorrow.
post edit
**blogstalkers!! don't forget to give me your email in the comment also! lol**
funny and breastfeeding
Want a funny update about my pregnancy?
Well I don't care, you are going to get it anyway.
Boobs. haha. yeeeeah.
I knew they got bigger, and I was totally prepared, but I didn't realize HOW they get bigger. I just figure I go up a size or two. I figure they just stick out further. I did not know, they your whole frontside becomes belly, and boob. I have boob in my armpit, I have boob on my collar bone, and I have boob all the way down to when my belly starts. Its madness! there is boob everywhere!!! I realized how funny this was when I was bathing the other day, and I had to LIFT my boobs off my belly to wash under them! ahha!!
a few of you asked me why I don't plan on breastfeeding for very long, only a month.
I will tell you, and I best not get no judgmental comments or I will busta cap.... (said in a gansta voice...)
Ok. Well first I think its gross. I want to be a mom, but I have never had that desire to be THAT close to a person. I only prefer one person to get that close to my boobs, and he is 25. I realize it may change blah blah blah, but for now I think its gross.
second, its true that babies that are breastfed sleep less. Before you send me all your comments saying,"my baby sleeps great and I breastfeed!" I understand there are some where this isn't the case, but the studies prove it, breastfed babies sleep for shorter periods of time, and they usually don't sleep through the night. Sorry, I am selfish, I need to sleep through the night eventually.
third, yes, I understand breastmilk is BETTER for baby, but that doesn't mean formula isn't great for baby also. Breastmilk is ONLY better for baby, depending on moms diet. If mom is eating bad stuff, baby eats bad stuff. Sure there are nutrients your body is creating that they get, but I don't feel that outweighs the lack of basic nutrition he may not get should I have a bad food day. Formula is made specifically for babies, people. Its got great nutrients, its very filling, and I don't mind formula poop. poop is poop.
fourth, I want NOTHING to do with pumping. NOTHING. If you aren't feeding baby, you are pumping for baby and I am sorry, but I just won't be strapped to my house because of my choice method for feeding.
fifth, since I am not pumping, I want Jason to be able to feed and bond with him. There is all this hype about mother child bonding, but I want Jason to bond, too, especially since he won't spend nearly as much time with baby as I will. we will breastfeed and do formula from the beginning, but breastfeeding will end after a month.
sixth, the only reason I am breastfeeding for even a month, is the weight loss benefits. Call me selfish, but its my only interest.
seventh, people have been going without breastmilk for generations, adopted kids, babies who were allergic to moms milk, babies whose moms milk never came in, it hurt too much, etc. Studies say that only 56% of babies are actually breastfed. so really it doesnt seem life or death to me.
eighth, I know its easier to breastfeed, milk is there, perfect temp, etc., but I am ok with preparing a bottle and putting a little effort into it. and I am sooo uncomfortable with people breastfeeding in public, and so I want nothing to do with it.
ninth, I plan on working out as soon as possible, hard core, and that doesn't support a healthy supply of breastmilk, so I am assuming I will lose my milk around 1-2 months anyway.
tenth, my sisters and I were only breastfed for 1 month, and none of Jason's siblings including Jason were breastfed, and I think we turned out all right.
One of my friends is having her baby, right now. It makes me a little ansy to have mine, not in the sense that I want to go into labor right now, but I want to be prepared to go into labor right now. I am currently typing up a hospital plan, I am dying to pack a hospital bag, and put the carseat in the car. lol Its pathetic.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Today I had a boost of energy and attitude, so I took the chance to clean, put Christmas stuff away, and do some Valentine's day decor. :)
I love making my own decor, because I love knowing no one else has it, but I have started to not be so into "crafts." I don't know, and maybe its just me, but I feel like crafts have gotten too crafty, and it sometimes turns out like a 5 year old made it. So I no longer craft, I call it "DIY Decor." lol weird maybe, but I want to make my house and decor more classy than crafty. It started with the nursery, and now its on to the holidays!
So behold, my first DIY decor, lol Valentine's day. :)
I made the image myself, printed in on 11x14, used a frame I bought at the DI a long time ago for 2$, painted it white, got a mat and there ya go! I am super excited with this frame, I already have images made for St Pattys day, and Easter. I think this frame will always reflect the holiday/season we are in. I think its fun.
I just threw this up last minute, its Valentinsie right?
So now my house feels more lovey. :) I super love Valentine's day. its probably my favorite holiday for decor as far as actual decor and not just the fun of the decor, like Christmas.
So Happy Valentine's day to all, real soon.
And THANK YOU for all your comments on the last post, it really helped me figure things out. :)
I have the best blogger friends.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Need your advice on one or all!
I need baby advice! well, getting ready for baby, baby advice.
Jason and I went out this weekend and got EVERYTHING else we think we need(minus some furniture) and I tried putting it all away tonight, but it just made me so overwhelmed at everything I don't know.
for starters...
We got these bottles. We didn't look at any reviews, we didn't take any polls, we just went to the store, looked at them all, read why the boxes said they were the best, and picked what we thought was the best.
Question 1. We only bought 3. We figured we shouldn't buy a whole stock pile until we know what bottles he likes or we like, good or no? Getting home I realized 3 bottles, is not a lot. I plan on only breastfeeding for 1 month max, and formula feeding occasionally from the beginning anyway, and 3 bottles, I mean we might be constantly washing these 3 bottles over and over and then what if we lose one?! So how many do you think we should start with?
question 2. While I was getting these bottles out of the box, I noticed the top unscrews, but so does the bottom! What in the world is the point of that? Is there something I am supposed to know here?
We got a ton of onsies. I noticed while putting them away according to size, that some sizes weren't running the same. 0-3's looked like 12 m, 12 m looked like new born etc. How do you know which ones will fit your baby without going by size, is the only way to just try it on him and see?
Pacifiers, same deal as the bottles sort of. I know we will want lots of these, so slowly over the many grocery trips to walmart I plan on picking a pack of 2 each time, but then I thought what if he doesn't like them?! We got the soothie kind pictured above, which 90% of people seem to use, so I figured its a good chance Henry will like them, but I don't know. bad idea to stock up?
We got this diaper bag set. I love it, its unisex so we can use it with a girl yada yada, but why in the world do I need a mini diaper bag? Help me out here, at first I thought well for when you leave him with grandma, but then I thought whats its the big bag, that I wouldn't want grandma to have access to also? Then I thought well maybe you keep one in each car, but then I thought about the stuff that you would then have to get two of, and what if he has a favorite blankie etc. So tell me, what do I need a second little diaper bag for? church?
We DID NOT purchase a bumbo. lol. I will if someone can give me 5 solid reasons for it. I just don't see the point, can't you just put him on a blanket on the floor just as easy as squeezing them into a plastic contraption? I know everyone has one, and they are all the rage, but I think this fad too shall pass, no?
Burp clothes. We got a few of these from people, which I appreciate and will use, but do I need more, or do you just end up using a towel or a bib? It seems like there are several baby products that are for the same thing, so do you really need each kind?
Crib set. I will be making it, so it goes with the nursery, my question is what all do I need or want? I am fine using a bumper, I think the pros outweigh the cons and we have a ceiling fan in the nursery. Does he need a pillow of sorts? do you put animals in there? What about a mobile? We don't have one, are they really that useful for baby to fall asleep?
Car seat covers. I plan on making one, or two, I have the front fabric picked out, but tell me the purpose before I pick out the back fabric. Is it so the baby can sleep, and therefore should be dark, or so germs stay away from the baby and warmth, therefore it doesn't matter what the inside color is?
Diapers, we got a ton of diapers from people too. Is this the same thing, you should see what you like before you stock up, or can I just go to costco and stock up? and how long do they stay in the smallest size? not very long right?
I just have this need to be ready as much as I can be. I don't want to get Henry home from the hospital and be in a flurry to get things we need or forgot, ya know? I want to make the first day home as peaceful and family oriented as possible, not about going to the store 30 times. Before you comment, I know I know, the first day home will probably be anything but peaceful, but I want it to be about Henry, not about products.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
finishing touches
The nursery is so much fun now for me to just add finishing touches. The big stuff is done, and now its just fun little tweeking here and there.
These two shelves are really the only thing left to play with until I get the furniture in, but this is what I have done so far.
I think alphabet walls are fine, if your wall is 20 feet long, otherwise it really makes a room look small, but I like the idea of having the alphabet displayed somewhere. Plus doing it on a wall, do you even understand how many holes that would be?! sillyness. So I did this instead:
I like this better, when its time to start teaching him the ABC's, we can just take this down and learn them, like reading a book. I chose this one to bring in more different colors to the room.
This weekend Jason and I are hopefully going to finally decide on a crib set and get it ordered, along with every other tiny thing. I have this need right now to be fully prepared to him to come. :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
29th week
** I will no longer bore this blog with my weight talk, thats now going to be on my other blog. You can all cheer now. :) **
29th week of pregnancy.
tid bits:
I can still see my feet, and tie my shoes
my maternity clothes still fit
Henry moves all the time, seriously almost all day
His nursery is 90% complete
My Dr's appointments are now every other week
my belly is still measuring smaller
maternity pictures in a few weeks
I am terrible at taking pre-natal vitamins
I am overwhelmed at all the REAL baby stuff we need, bottles, binkies, etc.
84 days left
I am still comfortable, not yet into the seriously uncomfortable stage
our younger kitten loves to sit on my belly.
if there is such a thing as cravings, mine is fruit
we can see Henry move
sleeping at night is PAINFUL
I love my baths
my acid reflux is HORRIBLE
I love feeling him move, really, I do
I can cry at the drop of a hat
so yeah. my dr's appointments are every other week now, I can tell you that although that means the end is near, I am not looking forward to having to go in that often for a 5 minute visit. My Dr. is pretty much awesome though, so the visits are always fun and educational. My acid reflux is TERRIBLE. I burp at least every 95 seconds. no joke. its disgusting. Well we are almost there people! 3/4 of the way there! Jason and I are just enjoying the little time we have left just the two of us.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Henry's Nursery
Well last week I finally tackled the nursery, and I looove it. I will show you pictures of it now, even though its not done.
This is what it looks like when you walk in:

The curtains are a lot darker than that, they are almost brown, but they are this really nice tafetta fabric so the shine part showed up a lot in the flash. My favorite part is probably the white wall, I bought those floating shelves at the DI for 1$ each, and painted them glossy black. The blue frame I got at wal-mart for 3$ and painted it that color. I loved it because it tied into the carpet pattern, which is here:

My friend Heather made her own carpet, and I was so excited at the idea because I could not for the life of me find an area rug that was special, and that I loved for a good price. So I just made my own! Its very thick upholstery fabric, with a few layers of other stuff underneath and I really just love it. Not bad for 30$.

This wall is probably the focal point of the room. The room was obviously done in a Texas Longhorns theme, and these are a bunch of pictures of the football team. My favorite is the big one. :)

This is the quilt that I have made, or started to make, that ties it all together I think. I haven't finished it, it just need to be quilted with a back and batting, then it will be done. I haven't made the crib set yet because we haven't gotten the crib.
My last shower was this saturday and it was so much fun. I love it when we cram 20+ people into my moms house, and its better when they're family lol. Funny random thing, I got a lot of stuff from all my showers, thank you everyone, but I didn't get ONE bottle! lol Jason and I now just need to go buy the rest of our registry, a crib, dresser, and glider. Then we are done!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Marriage and Parenting
Everyone gives you their advice when you are pregnant.
its like you have it written on your face that you want it.
They tell you to get sleep, when to give him solids, what to do when he cries, your body will be unrecognizable yada yada yada.
I take it all with a grain a salt and a grin.
But, my side of the family went camping a while ago, and my cousin told me something that changed the way I thought, and I have thought about it at least once a week since then.
she said,
"Having a baby changes the way you thought your relationship with your man was."
I don't know why that struck me, it just did. Its probably because throughout the pregnancy I haven't worried about the little things like changing diapers, bottle temps, baths etc. I have been concerned with the emotional side of raising a child, and creating a family.
I've heard since my early years, that having a baby does not fix marriage problems, it actually makes them worse. So Jason and I made absolute sure that he and I were on solid ground, and had been for a while, before we decided to start a family. Marriage is hard, it takes work, getting used to, and commitment. I imagine being a parent together is no different. I am grateful that Jason and I waited so long before taking this next step. We can say for sure, going into it, that we are totally in sync, in love, in understanding of each other, and are on the same page. I adore the two years we spent just us, I can not imagine getting pregnant right out of the gate, or when someones marriage is rocky, I can only imagine it would make it that much harder. I am grateful for the advice I received, it has made me more aware of what might change and how to keep things amazing, without this advice I wouldn't have even thought about it, and I think when you are aware of things and can learn before you need to, things are much better.
I know in Utah everyone is just so super excited to get married and have kids, but I will never teach my children that mindset. I, personally, think its ridiculous. People need to be ready, REALLY ready. Not just financially ready, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually ready. There is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting, there is everything right with it.
I know in Utah everyone is just so super excited to get married and have kids, but I will never teach my children that mindset. I, personally, think its ridiculous. People need to be ready, REALLY ready. Not just financially ready, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually ready. There is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting, there is everything right with it.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
27 weeks pregnant
Pregnancy week 27
questions I am sick of:
"How are you feeling?"
"When are you due?"
"Are you excited?"
I know people ask their questions cause they care, or they don't know what else to say, but after being asked the same question 100 times, you just get tired of it.
This last week I have felt like I am finally having the pregnancy I was meant to. Nothing hurts, no annoying symptoms, exercising regularly, I almost feel normal. Almost. ;)
I am beginning to feel the start of the uncomfortable phase kicking in, though I am doing everything to combat that. I have kicked up my exercises, changed my diet to a more energizing source, and try to stay active as much as I can. I have found all of these to be helpful when I start to feel that sluggish slump set it.
There are no more huge mile markers to pass until baby comes. Now its just a daily countdown. :) No more holidays, birthdays, events etc.
I have noticed on days I exercise and eat right, my mind is better able to make the connection that I am not fat, theres just a baby. It must be because my mind knows I am doing everything I can to not be fat, so there must be another reason for this beer belly.
I had the thought tonight that I think Henry will arrive after his due date. I know I am impatient, but I have no interest in inducing labor, even if he isn't here by his due date. I had the thought enter my mind tonight, that I may need one more General Conference address before he comes. General Conference SHOULD be either April 2-3, or April 8-9, my due date is April 5, with an original due date of April 8. So, its gonna be hit or miss, but I am certain that unless its needed, or its been two weeks, I don't want to induce labor. I want that experience of my water breaking and calling Jason in a panic. I like the mystery of not knowing when he will come. I want him to come on his own terms, not mine or the Dr's. I don't want it to be planned, I want it to just happen. I can be patient for this. :)
I am so excited to meet him and have him be apart of our family, but I still take it I think more seriously than most. He isn't just a baby, he isn't an accessory, or something to keep me occupied throughout the day, he is a spirit given to me and Jason for guidance and help. Its a tremendous responsibility. I constantly think about how I will teach him values, morals, standards, truths, lessons, charity, etc. Its not just about having a cute baby. Its so much more than that.
Monday, January 3, 2011
oober update
a few topics in this post.
First, today was an exciting day at the Powell house, we got our home security system installed! eeks. only such a paranoid nerd as I could find such enjoyment in this, but little did I know my husband finds it pleasing, too. Our security is the latest and greatest, blah blah blah, and Jason has already had fun playing with it. Its synced to apps on our phones, so we can control all of it from anywhere. He decided randomly to turn ON the system, little did he know I had it off for a reason, I was in and out bringing in groceries, so when I was standing in the kitchen and all of a sudden it turns on, it was quite freaky. It will take some getting used to, but I love it already. I already feel 10 times safer in my home alone, and I am not worried about all the little noises anymore. :D
I am officially a stay at home wife. :) The transition started in December and I have officially turned all my clients over to another trainer. I have loved it for the most part, I haven't been as productive at home as I would have liked, but it was a transition resting period for me. With the holidays and hoopla over, I am getting a routine down that takes care of everything that I need to do on a daily basis.
Because I have been home, I have blogged more, but a sad pathetic excitement of mine was the OWN channel! ahaha, don't judge. Its the Oprah Winfrey Network, in case you didn't know. I have been a watched of Oprah on and off since I was a teenager, but when I saw all the previews for the shows that would be on her channel I knew I would be hooked. I am! my fav shows so far are the behind the scenes oprah show, Ask Oprahs all starts, Your Own Show(it hasnt shown yet, but I can just tell), In The Bedroom, Miracle Detectives, and Searching For. I think they are unique fresh shows that I will most certainly become addicted to. The best part about the OWN channel is NO INFOMMERCIALS! The shows are on 24/7 so nights when you are up with baby or cant sleep, there will be a good show on for sure!
This weekend is sure to be a good time. Its my family baby shower, with my entire family! We did my bridal shower the same way, and it was a lot of people in one house, but it worked, so this will be fine. Then the next day is my little sisters mission farewell. This is the first missionary in our family, so I have no idea what to expect or how I am gonna feel, but I am pretty excited for her. Our family is close, but we are big kids and can/have handled being away from each other for long periods of time so I am sure we will all handle it fine.
This is the last baby shower, that I know of, so I can finally get started on completing the nursery. Jason didn't want to until the showers were done, so thats another reason I had my showers so early. :)
Lets see, oh, I am doing maternity pictures at the end of this month, but I may move it to the beginning of next month depending on how big I am, or not. I have yet to LOVE any pictures taken of me, candid or professional, so I am experimenting with different photographers. We will see how I like this one. Oh and I am excited for my outfit for it, you will just have to wait and see. :)
Thats about everything in updates! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season.
Can I just say I am soooo excited for Valentines day?
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