Sunday, January 16, 2011

Need your advice on one or all!

I need baby advice! well, getting ready for baby, baby advice.

Jason and I went out this weekend and got EVERYTHING else we think we need(minus some furniture) and I tried putting it all away tonight, but it just made me so overwhelmed at everything I don't know.

for starters...
We got these bottles. We didn't look at any reviews, we didn't take any polls, we just went to the store, looked at them all, read why the boxes said they were the best, and picked what we thought was the best.
Question 1. We only bought 3. We figured we shouldn't buy a whole stock pile until we know what bottles he likes or we like, good or no? Getting home I realized 3 bottles, is not a lot. I plan on only breastfeeding for 1 month max, and formula feeding occasionally from the beginning anyway, and 3 bottles, I mean we might be constantly washing these 3 bottles over and over and then what if we lose one?! So how many do you think we should start with?
question 2. While I was getting these bottles out of the box, I noticed the top unscrews, but so does the bottom! What in the world is the point of that? Is there something I am supposed to know here?
We got a ton of onsies. I noticed while putting them away according to size, that some sizes weren't running the same. 0-3's looked like 12 m, 12 m looked like new born etc. How do you know which ones will fit your baby without going by size, is the only way to just try it on him and see?
Pacifiers, same deal as the bottles sort of. I know we will want lots of these, so slowly over the many grocery trips to walmart I plan on picking a pack of 2 each time, but then I thought what if he doesn't like them?! We got the soothie kind pictured above, which 90% of people seem to use, so I figured its a good chance Henry will like them, but I don't know. bad idea to stock up?
We got this diaper bag set. I love it, its unisex so we can use it with a girl yada yada, but why in the world do I need a mini diaper bag? Help me out here, at first I thought well for when you leave him with grandma, but then I thought whats its the big bag, that I wouldn't want grandma to have access to also? Then I thought well maybe you keep one in each car, but then I thought about the stuff that you would then have to get two of, and what if he has a favorite blankie etc. So tell me, what do I need a second little diaper bag for? church?
We DID NOT purchase a bumbo. lol. I will if someone can give me 5 solid reasons for it. I just don't see the point, can't you just put him on a blanket on the floor just as easy as squeezing them into a plastic contraption? I know everyone has one, and they are all the rage, but I think this fad too shall pass, no?
Burp clothes. We got a few of these from people, which I appreciate and will use, but do I need more, or do you just end up using a towel or a bib? It seems like there are several baby products that are for the same thing, so do you really need each kind?
Crib set. I will be making it, so it goes with the nursery, my question is what all do I need or want? I am fine using a bumper, I think the pros outweigh the cons and we have a ceiling fan in the nursery. Does he need a pillow of sorts? do you put animals in there? What about a mobile? We don't have one, are they really that useful for baby to fall asleep?
Car seat covers. I plan on making one, or two, I have the front fabric picked out, but tell me the purpose before I pick out the back fabric. Is it so the baby can sleep, and therefore should be dark, or so germs stay away from the baby and warmth, therefore it doesn't matter what the inside color is?
Diapers, we got a ton of diapers from people too. Is this the same thing, you should see what you like before you stock up, or can I just go to costco and stock up? and how long do they stay in the smallest size? not very long right?

I just have this need to be ready as much as I can be. I don't want to get Henry home from the hospital and be in a flurry to get things we need or forgot, ya know? I want to make the first day home as peaceful and family oriented as possible, not about going to the store 30 times. Before you comment, I know I know, the first day home will probably be anything but peaceful, but I want it to be about Henry, not about products.


bequi said...

I'm emailing my response.

Angela said...

So... I'm not a mother, but I do have a degree in Child and Family Development. Maybe that is good for something, but maybe not completely.

Bottles... couldn't tell you on that one except I've known people to have like one for every day of the week. I do wonder why you only want to breastfeed for 1 month. Any amount of time is better than none if you are able to, but just curious why so short.

Pacifiers... a friend of mine uses the ones you got, and seems to like them. Not every child will take to them, and in some ways, that's a good thing so you don't have to ween.

Burp cloths... I've learned that people just use whatever they can get, so you'll certainly need something for that. I'm sure it really doesn't matter if it's a BURP cloth or a towel.

Crib... I have NEVER known of a pillow being in there, and if you do put a stuffed animal, one is enough. You don't want much of anything in the crib so that the child doesn't get smothered.

Car seat cover... it is to keep it dark when they sleep, but also to keep them protected from wind, rain, snow, etc. when carrying them from different places.

Kati, you are going to be an amazing mother!! Trust those things that are built within you!! :)

It's said...

Ok, You'll need more bottles if you plan on bottle feeding. I have no experience with those bottles, but I know my friend's kids won't take that nipple. We like Dr Brown bottles, but he prefers the nuk nipples.

Which also covers the pacifiers. We LOVED those soothies, but Oliver wouldn't take them. He only takes nuks.

And with onesies you have to go by weight. Oliver was a big kid and busted through those. but most average babies are in a higher size than the onesies say.

The small diaper bag is for if you're running somewhere fast. That way you don't have to lug the huge bag. just a bottle, diaper, and wipes.

Bumbo, Not NEEDED, but would be a lot more handy than you think. We never had one, but I REALLY wanted one. You can lay them down, but they often don't like it for too long. Plus, the bumbo helps develop the sitting up muscles. As well as allows them to look around.

With burp clothes I had A LOT I made a ton and used them a lot. But Oliver didn't throw up often. Breastfeed babies tend to throw up less. Since you're planning on bottle feeding be prepared for the possibility of a lot of spit up. I never used a towel, but I think I wouldn't want to taint our towels with what is basically vomit. PLUS formula stains.

They say not to have pillows or animals till their older in the crib. Just in case they roll and can't move again. I'd say get a mobile, we didn't have one, but Oliver seemed to like the ones others had.

With the car seat covers I make them reversible that way you can hang things from the other set of handles. Oliver just fell right to sleep so I don't think that matters much, but I put on the inside of his a fabric that was red, black, and white (the only colors they can see at first) (Oh and Oliver's isn't reversible obviously. I learned from my mistakes)

I say wait with the diapers. we definitely have had favorites for different stages of development. we HATED pampers at first and now we love them. You also have to see which kind works for your baby's body. The name brands were the ones that kept Oliver's poop explosions in best. Oliver was born a giant(9.9)because he was 8 days late so be was only in newborns for like 2 days.

And it won't be extremely peacful, but not having to go anywhere DEFINITELY helps.

That's my experience with these things. And I'm sure you'll find what's best for you :)

It's said...
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Whit said...
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Whit said...

1. I have no idea what the bottom screw for the bottle is. sorry. We loved the soothie ones because they are the same as the binkies and so he only had to get used to one thing. We also got them in a set with 2 8 oz and 2 4 oz along with some formula containers that snap on the bottom of them. 4 was enough for us but I also nurse so we don't use them as often.

2. oh the onesie question well it seems like the white gerber onesies are right on the sizes that they will need but a lot of other ones just depend on the brand. Look to see if they have a weight recommendation on them. some of them do. Sometimes you just have to see if they will fit.

3. We/Maddux loves these binkies because this is what they get in the hospital if you don't plan to use this one than you should bring your own to the hospital so they don't have to get used to another one. I would say to at least have 4 of them but probably not more just incase he is not a binkie baby. But if he is anything like Maddux he will need more because he loves his and they seem to get misplaced a lot. I think I have bought the packs of 2 at least 5 times.

4. We also have a diaper bag set just like that but a different color. I actually really like having the two sizes. The majority of the time I will use the big one for when we go to church, or out for the whole day or to grandma and grandpas and I will use the small one when I am going on quicker errands and know I only need to bring along a diaper, wipes and a change of clothes. This is good for when you just need to go to a few places and know you won't be gone for long. I also like it when I go to the grocery store because then it doesn't take up much room in the cart. It is also a good bag for the mall so you aren't lugging a huge thing around. Also the bottle holder is nice so it doesn't spill. Just be careful not to pack the diaper bag too full we did and the zipper broke.

Whit said...
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Whit said...

5. I am in LOVE with the bumbo. Maddux uses it all the time especially before he could sit on his own. It was nice when he couldn't sit up by himself but didn't want to be on his back or tummy it would cheer him right up and he liked to be able to look around. It was also nice to be able to sit him in it and feed him when we were at families houses instead of trying to feed him on our lap or caring his booster seat everywhere we went. I don't think the bumbos are a fad at all I think they are a really good investment that babies really like. Well Maddux loves his and I will for sure keep it to use for the rest of our babies. Once he could hold his head up by himself which was really quick he was in there all the time. He was so happy in it especially in the summer time outside on the grass and he could look all around. I really felt like I needed mine and he is 8 1/2 months and we still use it all the time.

6. Make sure to stock up on burp clothes. They are so nice to have. Maddux doesn't spit up much and never really did but they just were so nice when he was feeding to have them right there so he didn't get it all over his cute clothes and for when we burped him. I just felt like we couldn't have enough of them and still use them all the time. I just don't think a towel does the trick because they are too rough and I wanted something soft but absorbent for my babies skin.

Whit said...

7. For the crib I feel like you will need a bumper pad (I agree the pros out weigh the cons on this one), at least 2 sets of sheets (boogies, spit up, pee and blowouts will get on the pretty easy so you at least want one back up pair), a comforter (this is mostly to give them extra comfort and padding and then you put a lighter blanket over top them), and a skirt if you want just so it looks cute and ties altogether. I am pretty sure it is recommended that you don't put stuffed animals or pillows in their cribs because they can suffocate so I would say no to those. Some people use a mobile but we didn't because I didn't want him to be dependent on it to fall asleep and he did just fine without it.

8. The car seat covers are awesome. Especially for a new born and for the cold months. It keeps it dark in there so it helps them to sleep and it is also nice for when it is cold or windy or rainy outside and it keeps them warm and dry. I don't think it really matters what color you do the inside.

Whit said...

9. I would suggest to see what you like before you get a huge bulk of them. Maddux would leak through certain ones and stay dry in others so once we found the ones that worked best for him then we stocked up at costco and we get them there all the time now it is so worth it and saves us a ton of money. Maddux was in newborn size and 1s the least amount of time but he was still in newborns for about a month and in 1s for about 2 months. He was in 2s for a lot longer and just barely started wearing 3s and will be in those for a long time. I also suggest getting your wipes in bulk at costco the kirkland brand they are awesome and save you sooooo much money.

These have just been my experiences so far with little Maddux I hope that helps. I know it can be a bit overwhelming when it comes to baby gear. You can also not have enough blankets so stock up I just made a bunch.

Jenny said...

I'm sure somewhere on the box or in the instructions i will tel you why the bottom unscrews. My guess would be either ventilation or for easy cleaning. Babies eat like 12 times a day at first start out eating only like an ounce or two, Trin is 6 months now and she still eats like 8 times a day will eat 6 oz from a bottle at a time now. We have 8 4oz bottles that we used all the time at first and now we have 8 10 oz bottles that we use all the time. We use platex brand and they have different nipples to use with any of their bottles, that's what he will care about not which bottle you use. (though I do like the calapsable bag ones cuz i helps avoid gas and it's easier to keep the bottles clean since you just throw away the insert)
I dont' mean to be rude but idk why you would PLAN on breastfeeding for 1 month. the first month is the hardest, it's only after that that you can really enjoy the convenience of not having to bring a bottle with you everywhere cuz you've already for the right amount of food at the right temerature sitting on your chest whenever he asks for it. I would suggest breastfeeding from the beginning and just keep it going but don't stress about it and just formula feed when you need to, like to get more sleep and if you want to get out of the house and leave the baby with someone then you wont have to deal with pumping. Pumping has been the biggest stress/annoyance for me. And stock up on nursing pads so you don't leak through your clothes, you'll go through them like crazy the first month but by the end of the second month I hardly even needed them.
Trin never liked binkies she rarely used them before and mostly just likes to chew on them now that she is teething. we use the nuk brand.
We didn't get the bumbo either. we did get a boppy pillow though cuz it's more versitile. she liked tummy time better at first when she was on the cuz she could look at more than the floor an inch from her face. And it supports her when shes sitting. she started sitting without needing support at 5 months. And it has been good for nursing and when trev would feed her.
Burp cloths and bibs have different purposes we have about a dozen of each. That way we only have to do laundry once a week.
Bumpers are important they make a breathable one that we got a babies r us so if they roll up against it they wont suffocate. No pillows or stuffed animals at the head of the bed either for the same reason. we used to put a burp cloth under her head to catch anything she spit up at night so we didnt have to clean the sheets all the time. 3 sheets have been perfect for us. we don't have a mobile but occassionally we'll use the classical music from her swing once in a while to help her sleep.
Diapers are all different. we stocked up on the huggies pure and natural and have loved them but they didn't work for my friend who had a boy. It seems people i know have had more issues with diapers for boys.
Don't forget mittens so he dosn't scratch his face while he sleeps, you can put his socks on his hands too if you don't want to get mittens. Having a swing or bouncer can be a life saver, especially if it fits in the bathroom so he can be happy in that while you get some relaxing shower/bath time. You'll want a thermometer or something to tell you if his bath water is a good temperature (though you will be sponge bathing him the first week, especially if you circumsize) Make sure you have food in the house that literally takes no prep work, frozen dinners and such. I made some food the week before and stocked up the freezer and made sure i kept leftovers in the fridge too. Plan on having your hubs pick up the perscription pain meds either the day you get home or while you are still at the hospital right before you leave.

The Viewer said...

Gracie bottle fed the whole time and we bot the cheapest bottles out there- she hated everything else. But we had like 12 bottles! You probably don't need that many. But it helps when you are busy with baby and you don't have to wash bottles as often.
The hospital gives soothie binkies so that's what he will initially get. Gracie only took soothies. But she, herself, stopped binkies cold turkey at like 4 months old.
Bumbos rock
Gracie had a bagillion burp cloths. And a bagillion bibs. She spit up soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! Just depends on your baby. So i say, see how he is with his spittin up
The cover: so they stay warm, random people don't touch him, helps with sleeping so it's dark.
Dipers- i love huggies to begin with. now we get luvs and nothing else seems to work for her. Just depends on the baby- trial and error

Laci said...

I pretty much agree with what everyone else said. I nursed elle for 11 months, but we still did formula at night time and when we left her with a babysitter. I would get a few more bottles though if you are going to exclusively feed him formula... think about 3 am and not having any clean bottles because you were too tired to clean some before you went to sleep... trust me on this one.. doesnt matter how clean of a person you are, you WILL have those nights! :) oh and the bottoms come off for convenient cleaning (i think). bottles are a pain to clean if you dont stick them in the washer.. which a lot of times you wont, mainly because you wont have a clean one when you need it... Anyway, so invest in a bottle cleaner (just like a scrub brush for bottles) or stick with the kind that the bottoms come off... formula can be clumpy and they stick to the bottom- hence they come off.

Love love love the bumbo.. elle still plays/sits in it and she's 2. SO WORTH IT.

I am a huge fan of bibs. My mom HATED it though because it would cover her cute outfits.. but I got so sick of changing her onsie 5X a day because of spit-up. Burp clothes are nice too.. but I'm a bib person myself.

Binky's are so hit and miss.. honestly it just depends on the kid. That one will probably just be trial and error.. same with diapers. LOVED pampers NB swaddlers for the first couple of months because they are so soft on their little bums and had very few blow-outs :) but then we switched to costco brand at like 3 months or something and have stuck with them (and their wipes) ever since. SUPER CHEAP and they honestly have worked the best.. but again, depends on the kid.

Pillow... we didnt try that out until she was like 1 or something.. I was too scared of suffocation.

I, too am making a carseat cover for this time around (with elle we just threw a blanket over the carseat.. such a pain! It would constantly fall off!) anyway.. I would do cute colors on both sides, even if you dont make it reversible, because think about when you flip it open to show friends, or pull him out or just whatever.. kind of a lame reason, but that's my thoughts on it LOL :) Or if you make the outside a pattern, just do the inside one of the colors from that same color scheme..?

And as far as the first day being peaceful.. the best thing that helped me (and that I plan on doing again) was that Daniel took elle for a car ride to get her to sleep (didnt take her out of the car though) and did errands like a car wash, drive through bank and pharmacy for my meds etc.. It was AMAZING. The first night home was AWFUL and such an eye opener as to how hard it was going to be the first few weeks. So I was literally running on like 1 hour of sleep our first full day at home, and I was a basket case LOL so daniel took her for a couple of hours and I slept. It sounds so simple, but I will never forget that. Anyway.. obviously you can do whatever you want, but try and think of things that will help YOUR sanity. You will be emotional, tired, in pain, etc.and it will take a couple of weeks or so to get into a routine..with VERY long nights. Rent movies you love or want to see. Books you want to read. Yummy shower gel (you wont want to take a bath for awhile.. I wont go into details, but just think about the bleeding.. :P). Your favorite ice cream. Magazines. Etc.

Anyway, you get my drift. Of course little Henry will not go unnoticed and of course you want it to be about him and as peaceful as possible. I totally get that. But the biggest thing I didnt think about when coming home from the hospital was MYSELF. You will have gone through a lot and will need stuff for you. For your sanity. For your long nights. And frankly for a reward for all you've been through. LOL That sounds stupid because the baby IS the reward.. but do you understand where I'm getting at here? Anyway.. I SO wasnt planning on writing a big post, but I guess when one asks for advice, people LOVE to give it LOL :) You will be a great mommy whatever you decide on these things!!

The Hansen's said...

Hey! I am so glad I am not the only one who loved the advice of others to help my sanity. I am a new mommy (Sophie is 8 weeks) so I am NO expert and am still experimenting but I will share what we have found so far...

I didn't introduce a bottle until she was about 5 or 6 weeks. I pump breastmilk and give it to her at least once a day just so she'll be used to it when I go back to work. We use the Nuk ones because that is the binky brand she uses. They are the orthodontic ones which are better for their oral development and I guess help support breastfeeding. They are also a lot smaller than the Soothies. I didn't give Sophie a binky until she was about 1 week old and was a bit better at breastfeeding. Both seem to be working well. I personally liked the idea of the nipples for her bottles and binkies being the same. Less confusion? My doctor said many babies don't get confused though. I am also curious about the breastfeeding thing. It is such a personal thing so don't feel you need to share. The first month is HARD! Once you can get past that point it is so much easier. I personally haven't given Sophie formula because I pumped like crazy at the beginning when I had tons of milk. This is nice because it relieves you and also saves milk for your baby. I borrowed a Medela electric pump so it was super fast and easy. Again, personal preference.

Onesies. Buy the plain white ones from Target. They are way overpriced at Carters. Target "Onesie" brand also has the little hand covers in the long sleeved ones which are so nice when they are newborns. You can also buy the Gerber brand from Wal Mart. I found these to run a bit bigger. I put the white onesies under EVERYTHING with Sophie. Mainly for warmth. It seems wierd to put them under a "cute" onesie but I totally do it. . . Long sleeved ones sometimes but always something. If you dont have the long sleeved onesies, use socks to cover their hands. The mittens are usually too big.

As far as the sizes. I'd say 99 percent of Sophie's "cute onesies" were from Carters so it wasn't too hard. I have noticed that the Children's Place stuff is a bit smaller so try those on early.

Diaper bag: I just have one and I am not sure whether it is big or not. I would guess it is. I always have mine stocked but that is just my personality. . . overprepared. ha ha

The Hansen's said...

I was given a Bumbo and I hear they are amazing. We haven't tried it because her neck isn't strong enough to support her head yet. It is awesome though when they can hold their head up but not sit yet on their own. We LOVE our Boppy though. It is great to put baby in to chill/nap, feed, etc.

Burp cloths: This is the BEST advice I was given. Those small thin ones that people give you? Hmmm... not very good. Buy cloth diapers! You can buy a big 12 pack at Target. They seem expensive but they are so absorbant and can be used over and over until you do a white load of laundry.

Crib: We have it all: bumpers, sheet, skirt, mobile. We have two mattress pads and three sheets. I also put a burp cloth under her head to catch spit up in the night. She is a spitter though. I don't use the mobile when I am putting her to sleep. I will use it during "waketime" (babywise) but when I still need her "confined" to her crib. We did play music though when she had a hard time calming down (first few weeks). We were given some CDs and they worked great.

Carseat cover: My friend (Abby Prows Smith) made me one. I use it all the time. Mine is lime green and pink. The under cover is pink. She seems to sleep under it just fine. You can see through to the polka dot side but she sleeps in the car EVERYTIME. Mine is not reversible and I don't see why it would need to be. I do suggest putting a button hole in the top so when he gets older you can have toys hanging through. Sophie just sleeps in hers now though.

Diapers: we are in the same boat. I barely had to buy them for the first time. We were given lots. I am still experimenting. Pampers Swaddlers were great for Newborn but seems to soak through faster. Their bums feel damp quicker and I change her often.

Wow. That was long. Did you read Babywise or the Nightime sleep book? Good luck!

bequi said...

One other random bit of advice:
When you're dressing him, just put him in as many layers as you would wear. Don't try to judge his body temperature by his hands or feet, because those can get cold fast (just like on grownups). If you want to know if he's warm, feel his chest/tummy.

I wasn't going to say anything since we've already talked about it, but since other people are bringing it up so will I. ;) like they said, the first month is the hardest and it can be really enjoyable after that. I don't remember who said it on here, but you can keep nursing a couple times a day and still do bottles, too. But then, nursing is just one of those things I feel strongly about.