Sunday, February 20, 2011

23 days left! or so...

So there are 23 days left until Henry is full term.
I have every intention of evicting him promptly as this occurs.

Until then, I have had an issue with not working while being pregnant. I love that my husband can support us, and that it allows me to stay home, but I feel so unproductive. Especially this last trimester, its been somewhat painful, and tiring, and I just cant do as much as I want. It makes me feel lazy, or useless, like I should be working instead, but that wouldn't really work either anyway. So, in order to feel productive everyday, and not do too much, I have come up with a 23 day plan with a project to do each day.
who doesn't love a good list, I mean really?

1- Laundry (we have so many clothes all over the place lol)
2-purge clothes I don't wear
3- clean ALL baseboards
4. Clean kitty litter room
5. organize fabric
6. finish blanket and crib set
7. make carseat cover
8. organize TV stand downstairs
9. organize cords
10. reorganize kitchen
11. clean all ceiling fans
12. frame project
13. finish book 1
14. read book 2
15. clean backyard
16. trim front bushes
17. organize laundry room
18. clean car
19. organize office
20. plan a 3 week dinner menu for after baby
21. stock nursery with diapers and wipes
22. organize bathrooms and under kitchen sink
23. go to the Temple ( dont know what I will do since I cant sit or stand for long,but eh, its the thought)

Not only will this help me be and feel more productive every day, but it will keep me busy until baby is full term. I know once he is full term I will be more impatient for him to come, but I think I will be more okay with knowing that he actually might come, as opposed to now where I only dream.

23 days really isnt a lot. and the closer it gets, the more scared I get of labor. I know once it happens I will be more excited than scared, but for now its just scary.


Angela said...

I think you should put the temple on there a couple times. :) I know it's always helped me get through times of needing to be patient. I can't believe you are so close!

It's said...

You can do initiatories those you can do for a half hour. You should probably take the kitty litter room off your list and on Jason's since you being pregnant aren't supposed to handle it. :) I didn't work the whole time I was pregnant and I LOVED IT. We also didn't have internet or Television most of the time. I read like 5 or 6 book series. It was awesome. And you're body is working 24/7 you're building a baby in there.