Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 males, a suspicious white truck, and 911.

Let me set the mood for this story for you.

I am pregnant, hormonal, paranoid, and had been watching Law and Order: SVU all day.
bad combo, buts thats the setting.

So its 4 pm, Oprah is about to start, and I am going downstairs to get some bills I need to take care of, when the doorbell rings. Now, when the doorbell rings and I am alone, I do not go straight to the door. I go to the nursery, look out the window, and see if I can see who it is. So I look outside and I see a big white pick up truck. I am immediately suspicious, because salesmen dont drive house to house, and I don't know anyone with that truck. So I tip toe downstairs to look out the peephole, and I see three white males, wearing baseball caps, with their heads down so I can't see their face.
I am immediately, completely freaked out.
I run upstairs to the nursery again to see what their next action is. They get in the truck, and remain there for about 3 mins. Then they turn it on, and back it out, so I think oh good, they are leaving. BUT, they back out of the driveway, and park in front of my mailbox!!!

So at this point this is the story I have concluded in my head about whats going on,"They are here to break in, rob us, and they have more people coming. They also, dont think I am home, cause I didnt answer, so they dont think it will be a problem. They are going to break in, see that I am in fact home, and in the panic of the confrontation, they will kill me."


At this point, I decide 911 needs to get involved.
But, I do not want to be trapped in the house should they break in before help arrives. So I make my way to the garage, hunker down in the car, prepared to bust the garage door down the second I hear them bust down the front door.
I am serious.
So when I get to the car I make the call to 911. I can hear the men outside getting in and out of the car and talking, although I cant make out what they are saying. So I know I have to be quiet on the phone.
So I whisper to 911," Heeeelp me. There are strange men outside my house trying to get in."
It was very dramatic.
So she asks me all the basic questions, do you know who they are, what color is the car, description etc.
She then tells me if they go back to the door to call her back, we then hang up the phone.
As soon as I hung up the phone I thought,"WTF?! you arent supposed to let me go! you are supposed to stay on the phone with me until I am ok!! So I call her back and tell her I need her to stay on the phone with me.
I keep asking her, how much longer, where are the cops. etc.
I finally hear the cop arrive, and think to myself oh good, I am not going to die, and if I am going to die its going to be in the crossfires of a police shoot out so at least it will be cool.
I hear the men get in the truck, and I hear the truck leave. I open the garage door, and the officer comes to me and says:
"Um, they are from your alarm system company....they are in the area doing sales and wanted to use you as a referral to your neighbors..."


Out of ANYONE that it could have been, the people that I think are trying to kill me are from the company protecting me?! UGH!!! couldn't it have been a magazine sales company?

so I take a few deep breaths, try to compose myself. The cop explains he has told them to leave me alone, he tells me I am was justified in calling because they did admit they knocked on my door several times and how creepy was the truck pulling in and out.
So he tells me he told them to leave, go about their business blah blah blah.
So I go inside, try to compose myself, and I call Jason. I explain the whole story to Jason, what happened, who they are etc. Do you know what he says when I tell him they are from the alarm company?
"oh, that sounds bogus..."
"WHAT?! I am calling you to tell you I am now ok with the situation, I believe who they are, and you are telling me you think their story is bogus?!?!?!?OMG!"
So now I am freaked out, again.
So I hurry and hang up with Jason, and run outside to the cop who is still in his car, and I ask him, are you sure they are from the company? were they wearing uniforms etc? He says yes blah blah blah.
I go back inside, sit on my couch and try to ground myself again from this Law and Order situation I have half concocted in my head, but, I still do not feel closure to this situation.
I know, right?
So I decide, the only way I am going to get closure and feel at peace with this situation, is if I find the men, and A) apologize and B) decide with my own eyes they are who they say they are.
So, I get a hoodie on and a hat, cause I look a mess, and get in my car to seek them out. I am at this point driving 5 miles an hour around my neighborhood, with a hoodie and a hat, looking like a hoodlum.
I find one of them.
I get out of my car, walk over to him and explain I am the crazy lady that called the cops on them.
I could not have felt more stupid, he was this little 18 year old cute little mormon boy with perfect big white teeth and just says" oh I am so sorry, we didn't mean to scare you."
I explain to him that I am paranoid, hormonal, and pregnant. Its not their fault, entirely. ( I mean they did knock on my door 3 times.)

I now feel closure, and can laugh hysterically about it, but a good solid 15-20 minutes I thought I was going to lose my life.

I have not seen Oprah, the bills did not get taken care of, and I will not be watching the new episode of Law and Order: SVU tonight.


Laci said...

Oh my word!!! I would TOTALLY be freaking out. One time a couple of years ago, I was home alone (Daniel was out of town) and as soon as I turned out my lights to go upstairs and go to bed (like 10:30 at night), my doorbell rings..... So I did the SAME thing... I look out the upstairs window, but no one walks to the car so I couldnt see them..??? It rings again.. and again... AGH!! Then they JIGGLE THE DOORKNOB!!!!!! So I called 911 and the cops came in like 5 min. and come to find out that the kid that lived in the apartment next to me was having a party, and his friend's parents were pissed and trying to find their kid and got the wrong house. Anyway, I was SOOOO mad!! You would think that once the cop had talked to the parents, that they would come and apologize to me for scaring the crap out of a little girl (sorta) home alone, ya know??? I mean, JIGGLING THE DOORKNOB?!?!?!? COME ON!!! Anywho.... I'm glad you are safe, and that makes a great story!! No more scary shows for you missy!! ;)

Mike n Julia said...

Oh that is hilarious!! And coming from a dispatchers point of view, i probably would have stayed on the phone with you because you were so scared...AND the fact that you thought people were breaking in. Anyway...that is just too funny!! I got a big dog just for this reason....I am no longer scared when someone knocks on the door because she barks and barks when (and only when) someone rings or knocks on the door. She protects me and scares off the

It's said...

HA! That's awesome. I can understand where you're coming from

Ben & Kelsey said...

Oh my gosh I would have totally done the same thing so don't worry about it. I get so paranoid when I am home alone and I think everyone is out to get me.

Whit said...

oh my goodness Kati that is so scary. I would have been freaked out but I don't even think I would have been brave enough to call 911 I would have just hid and hoped they didnt find me. Good job being so brave and I think it is cute you went and tracked them down after.