Monday, February 14, 2011

34th week and redecorating.

There is non-pregnancy stuff at the bottom. ;)

we are almost there people!!!
It seems like the last 10 weeks of pregnancy are as different as the first 10 were.
I would blog about every week the first 10 cause things were changing so fast and so much, and the last 10 has proved to be no different.
Back pain- I have had back pain every since the accident, but I am not feeling the typical back of the last trimester. It feel likes my lower spine is being pulled toward my front with 100 lbs and it hurts. By the end of the day I feel like a 90 year old lady.
Swollen- I laugh at this one because my dr will ask me if I am getting swollen anywhere, and I chuckle as I tell him I don't know the difference between fat and swollen. So yes, I am swollen everywhere, haha. But I have noticed my feet and hands are "Swollen" so I can say yes. I can't wear my wedding ring anymore, and the other day I had a frustrating situation where someone thought I was pregnant and not married and giving my baby up etc. So Jason came home one day, told me to get in the car, we drove to a Jeweler, and he told me we were going to pick out a new "wedding" ring that I was going to be able to wear through out my pregnancy. :) He really is perfect. We got this set:

Cervix discomfort- Baby has dropped pretty low, and I can feel the pressure of him on my cervix, it feels like he is going to fall out. If only it were that easy right? The dr said its totally fine for him to drop now, so its nothing to worry about, it just means he is getting ready for labor, I am totally ok with that.
Tiredness- The tiredness is definitely back. Jason laughs that I take two naps a day, but on days that I don't, like Sunday, I am ready to go to bed by 7:30. Its really tiring making a baby! I sleep 14-15 hours a day, including naps.
Sleeping troubles- I have talked about the sleeping troubles before, but this time its different. The thing keeping me up, THE BABY!! You know how in the middle of the night sometimes you wake up barely, for just a second, and then fall right back to sleep? Well when I do that, I become aware of him moving and its hard to fall back to sleep lol.

I have a lot of issues/symptoms with pregnancy, but I am SO lucky that I don't have to work during or after my pregnancy, so I can relax and rest at home with these issues, rather than working. I am truly blessed to have a husband that has a career that allows me to do that.

In other news:

Jason's work is going to be sending him to London soon, we don't know the exact date, or for how long, probably at least a week, maybe two, and most likely in May. I realize I will have the baby, but my mom is going to play a key part in watching him while I....repaint the house! haha. I was going to keep it a secret and just surprise Jason when he got home, but I can't keep secrets, especially with paint samples all over the house. I know, I just painted when we moved in, but things like this take trial and error. I loooove the colors I painted the walls, but I just don't think they work well together, and Jason doesn't like them, and when we try to sell the house it for sure will have to be repainted. So I decided to just do it now. I want a color that will open and brighten up the space, and be very relaxing. so I have chosen:

A really really light pale blue. This picture makes the wall color I think seem more blue, because of all the blue accents, but either way, the paint sample I have chosen is a really light pale breezy blue. Blues and Grays are the new neutral, so it should work out great. Jason will like it because its not too over the top, and its a very relaxing color. The accents will still be red and yellow, and I am going for this look:

Well probably not because the only similar color is the yellow and wall color, lol, but I looove this picture.

So this is the picture that inspired my color pallet in the first place:

I just love the way these colors look together. So, I am going to get pretty close to these colors, but a little more subtle. We still have 2 gallons of the yellow from when we first painted, and I am going to take those to lowes and have them lighten it A LOT to get close to this paint color, and paint the down stairs living room all this light light yellow, add some red drapes, some light blue accents and be done.

Then its the upstairs floor that is getting painted all light blue, bringing back the white drapes, added a few light yellow and red accents and be done. :)

This execution will go much better than the first I suspect, and I will have at least a week to do it so I won't feel rushed or anything, and some of my friends are going to help. :)
I suspect the whole project will cost around 100-150$.
The paint, I am hoping to only need 2 gallons of the blue, 60$.
Paint supplies, 15$.
frames and accents from DI and Savers, 20$.
Fabric and supplies for some new pillows, 30$.
Misc unforseen expenses, 25$.

I am hoping to come in under budget on the last three items, but plan for the worst, hope for the best. All in all it should be a simple redo, with drastic results. I just want my house to have a lighter more relaxing feel. You feel me? thoughts? comments? concerns? opinions? advice? suggestions?

1 comment:

Laci said...

I LOVE your dress.. you look so pretty!! You are glowing for sure. And I love the idea of the light blues and yellows... I cant wait to live somewhere where I can paint! Oh and btw, I saw your parents this morning on TV! I saw you posted last night to watch it, and I forgot when I woke up, but my tv was set to cbs when I turned it on this morning, and there they were! They were so cute!!! And they did good on that little game too! LOL :) How exciting for them... and even though I've never met them, I still feel kinda cool by association LOL :) I will vote and keep watching and rooting for them!!