Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Count your many blessings see what god has done.

Count your blessings is one of my favorite church songs. I read over it last week in sacrament meeting and I told myself to count my blessings sometime soon, in detail. So here I go.

I have THE BEST immediate family. They are hilarious, caring, outgoing and just plain perfect for me.
I have THE BEST in-law family. My MIL isn't crazy, my FIL is hilarious, and I inherited a couple hilarious brothers, which I have always wanted.
I am married to someone who adores me, daily. He constantly lifts me up, does wonderful things for me, and over 2 years ago that sweet man took me to the temple and promised me wonderful things before our sealing.
Everything material I owe to him, my beautiful home, my reliable car, the toys I have, the cats I enjoy, and everything in between.
My cats, lol, I just love them. They are sweet little family members that teach me a lot of loving and patience.
knowledge, of all kinds, my fitness knowledge, gospel knowledge, wordly knowledge and social knowledge. I am blessed to be able to learn things daily whenever I want.
my body, its amazing in all the things it can do, and I have been blessed with health.
my motivation, drive and determination to do whatever I want. Even when I have hard times and days, I never let it keep me down for long, and eventually I achieve whatever I want, from fitness, to home decorating, etc.
My will power, it has been a huge blessing in my life as I have needed to overcome different obstacles, usually on my own. Most of the time I have enough will power to not let my surroundings affect me, or negative people bring me to their level.
I have an amazing group of friends, that it has taken me a long time to learn how to develop those relationships into long lasting ones. Growing up in the army I moved every year, so I never needed to nurture friendships cause I knew it wouldn't last. So when I permanently moved here it was weird to need to do that.

The phrase I like most about this song is "see what God has done", because it wasn't at the front of my mind when thinking about my life, that God made it this way. Of course, Jason, my family and I played a part, but I owe everything and all my blessings to my Heavenly Father.
However your life is, whether good or bad, Heavenly Father made it that way, for a reason. There is something he wants you to learn, and he chose that path specifically for you, so try to find the reason. I think my reason is to teach my gratitude and charity. I have so much to be thankful for, that I need to be constantly thankful, and constantly trying to find a way to help others with it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet post :) It's always good to be mindful of the beautiful things in life.

Whenever the boy I take care of is acting a little rotten or having a poor attitude I have him make a list of 9 or 18 things [1-2 per year that he's been alive] that he's thankful for or that makes him happy, and by the end of it he's so much more pleasant!

I always forget that you are/were an Army brat! My dad was in the Air Force and retired here after 20 years. You're so right - it's a really strange experience realizing you've settled down and made a permanent, or at least semi-permanent, home after a life of moving every 2-3 years.