Friday, February 18, 2011

My name is Monica Gellar.

I don't know where this came from, this gene of mine, because my family members exhibit no signs of this trait.
I am a clean FA-REAK.
Now don't get me wrong, my house is not always clean, I don't mean a clean freak that always has to have things clean, cause thats certainly not what I mean. What I mean, when I clean, its like me against the germs. I mean business. I have a bucket of chemicals, spray, wipes etc that must be used.
I worry this is not normal, and that something may be wrong with my wiring, so tell me if this all seems normal to you.
1. sponges- Sponges gross me out to no end. Its a breeding ground for bacteria that you make worse every single time you use it. I do have sponges, and I use them to wipe off counters of crumbs, but that is the extent of its use. Promptly after use it gets scolding hot water ran through it for a few minutes.
2. wiping off counters- my BIGGEST cleaning pet peeve is when people wipe off the counters, usually with a sponge, and then consider their counters clean. I can not watch. I saw it happen once, and I immediately got out the one chemical they had and cleaned it(they were about to make a meal of which I was supposed to eat). The purpose, to me anyway, of wiping off the counter is to get all the loose crumbs and pieces that would fly off the counter when you do clean it. Even if the sponge is soaking in soap water, you are still just spreading things around, not cleaning. so I wipe off loose stuff, wipe down with a rag, then sanitize with 409.
3. move stuff- just because something doesnt move, doesnt mean stuff doesnt get under or around it. We have a spice rice, knife block, and utensil holder on our counter and when I wipe down, I move them. and I move them when I santize. It grossed me out to not move it.
4. appliances- The appliances must be cleaned. I find the oven door gets the most dirty, but I still clean the fridge doors, and the dishwasher door. My stove is a cooktop(devil) so I clean that constantly, too.
5. Clutter- Clutter is not clean. There should be a place for everything and everything in its place. Currently we have a small corner counter in our kitchen that is housing clutter that I have to decide where its place is, but rest assured, it will be gone soon.
6. The garbage- K, so this delves a little into my pet peeves about my sweet hubby, but its a cleaning pet peeve none the less. I HATE when the garbage is not clean. We have one of those garbages cans with a swivel lid, and my husbands family was raised to scrap food off onto it, then let it fall in the garbage. This drives me batty and every time I see their garbage I cringe. Its a little thing, so I don't make a big deal of it, I just clean the lid off every week.
7. Dust- Growing up as a child you are given certain chores that are staples, doing the dishes, sweeping, etc. I was never taught to dust, though. It wasn't until I had my own home that I realized dusting is a must, and a weekly must. I don't know why people don't dust, it takes 2 mins to walk around with a duster, then just vacuum. Pathetically, I then dust my vacuum.
8. Baseboards- I can't stand when the baseboards are not clean. They get dirty, dusty etc, and they must be cleaned, monthly.
9. Vacuuming- I can not just pick up a room, put everything away and pretty, and then just not vacuum. To me, if a room is not vacuumed(or swept for that matter) its not clean. Its almost there! Just vacuum!! I vacuum my couches about once a month, also.
10. Bathrooms- Cleaning the bathroom is also not something I was taught, my mom must have done it always. I can't stand when people clean the inside of the toilet with a toilet brush, and then are done. I must clean the entire toilet, inside and out. Its DISGUSTING how gross it gets with boys. So gross. maybe I never had to worry about it growing up cause we had all girls, but boys drip all over the place, and oh my gosh it just grosses me out. The base of it gets super dirty also.

Sooo, whats the verdict? Am I normal?


Kourtney said...

I don't think your clean freakiness is normal, but it SHOULD be! Part of why we loved our house when we bought is because it appeared to have been kept very clean and pristine. Once we moved in and I started wiping things down to unpack, I realized that it had rarely (if ever) had a deep clean. It was gross. I'm pretty sure they never cleaned behind the stove or wiped down the baseboards. I spent three days after we moved in just scrubbing everything. I wish I was home more often now so I could keep up all the cleaning! Maybe after the baby comes :)

bequi said...

I wish my furniture wasn't so heavy, because I like to clean behind it periodically. I know you've been to my house and it's not usually perfect, but when I get in cleaning mode, I'm very detail oriented. I scrape around my sink with toothpicks.

However, you might be a little excessive. Ha!

Heather said...

I'll be the first to admit I don't make time to deep clean as often as I should, but there is one thing I'm awesome up around door knobs and light switches! They get dirty so fast!!!

Laci said...

Normal in my book!! I agree with everything you hit on. Although.. sad to say that with one week to go before baby, my house is slowly deteriorating :/ I do have great plans to clean next tuesday, as my parents get here next wed... so anyway.... I couldnt agree more with the vacuuming things. Vacuuming is a MUST to finish off a clean room.

Whit said...

I am also a CLEAN FREAK! I agree with the sponges I NEVER use them they are gross! I use paper towels, 409, rags and sanitizing wipes. I also agree with vacuuming. It is necessary for a room to look totally clean. I actually agree with everything you said on here! I deep clean my house once a week and do little cleaning things throughout the week. I have to have a clean house or I go crazy. Poor Ty. Sometimes it makes me a bit crazy