Thursday, March 31, 2011

40th week.

Well I am in my 40th week and still no baby.
I kinda had a tiny hope he would come early but I am not feeling like it will happen. Thats ok, though, when he is ready to start his life, he will come. :) Each appointment I keep dilating a little bit more, so I know I am progressing.
I will admit, there is an emotion I was not prepared for. I did not think I would have such a hard time not being in control of the situation, but I am. Its so hard and nerve wracking to not be able to plan a few days even one day ahead, because I don't know when baby will come. Its frustrating that I can't put off doing the dishes, because I don't want to come home from the hospital to dirty dishes. I hate not being in control, and I didn't know I was that kind of a person. So I have tried my best to control the things I can, which is mostly cleaning my house or decorating. lol. My shower got a huge deep scrub, which is needed, the whole house is clean, floors and all, and I am trying my hardest to keep it that way. I KNOW I want to come home from the hospital to a clean house, so I keep reminding myself of that.
If you will remember from here, I had a feeling the baby wouldn't come before General Conference, and truthfully, as impatient as I am, I am ok with that. I remember having that specific thought enter my mind, that I needed one more, so I can't wait to listen and try and figure out what exactly I needed to get from it.
I keep talking to my Dr. about inducing, and I really need to ponder that this weekend because all along I have not wanted to induce, I want him to come on his own. I think I keep talking about being induced because its something I can control, which I need to get over.
So thats pretty much it. I haven't had any new symptoms, and the pain has actually gotten less, its just really hard to move around and do things.

Not too much longer though!!!


Laci said...

YAY!!!! SO CLOSE!!!!!!! Please keep us all posted~ I love that you are keeping your house clean.. I was the same way and its SO worth it in my opinion. Some people are like "oh dont worry about that! Just relax!" (which you should also do) but my theory is that its like when you go on vacation, and you want to come home to a clean house (at least thats how i was taught).. you just dont want to come home to a mess! Anyway, I'm with ya sister. Good luck!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

Jes said...

When I had my daughter I was induced at 41 1/2 weeks. It was nice being able to know when she was coming, if only a few hours in advance. I was able to go home and shower just before leaving for the hospital.

If you are induced don't be afraid to use medication for the pain. I was totally for going natural. That lasted all of fourteen hours. It was so much easier after that!

Lisa Niederhauser said...

I'm so darn excited for your little dude to come join you!

bequi said...

I agree with Jes. If you end up being induced, I hope you realize you're not a failure if you need an epidural. The contractions caused by pitocin when your body isn't ready to go into labor are EXCRUCIATING. When they turned off my pitocin a couple times with Sarah, my contractions kept coming at the same speed and same strength, but it was soooo much more bearable.