Friday, March 25, 2011

Frames frames frames

Ok, I have decided to go with what all of you told me you liked, the grey paint color, First Frost.
(did I mention if it looks terrible everyone who voted for it is responsible to come help me repaint?) :)
The repainting will happen sometime in May, when Jason goes to London for two weeks. :(
This re-do is so far really fun for me, because I am not in a hurry, I can take my time, think things out, plan attention to detail, do things right, etc.
The current project I am working on is the wall of pictures in the front room.

See below:

This is how it looks so far. Here is the problem. When I had this wall planned out in my mind, it was NOT going to be symmetric. It was going to be all different shapes and sizes of frames, placed randomly and not so perfect. But, I just happened to find 8 frames that were the exact same at DI, that CAME with the perfect mats, and I couldn't help but get them, which made doing a random pattern very hard. Besides what is already on the wall, I have 6 more of the 8x10's, and I have 4 other frames that are identical to each other that I could mix in there, but they don't have mats. I love the mats.
Its frustrating. So this is what my living room currently looks at, its a mess. But I am SOOO excited for it to be painted. oh I cant wait.

I played with it more today, here is what it currently looks like.

*Pregnancy update*
I know I said I was done talking about the pregnancy, since there is nothing new, but there is a tiny new tid bit. I have decided I am not going to have my Dr. strip my membranes. This last week I have worked on accepting God's will, and his timing, so I am not going to push things, until Henry is a week late. I have been patient for 273 days, I can wait 21 more.
Its kinda funny how full circle pregnancy(at least mine) has come. At the very beginning I was grateful, patient, connected, and thinking about it in a spiritual way knowing that it was God's plan however it happened. Then in the middle I was irritated, frustrated, uncomfortable, annoyed, impatient, and all other emotions. Now I have come back around to the first set. Its way more peaceful this way. :)

OH, and pick A B or C. :)


Unknown said...

I am so excited to read your birth story - and wish you the happiest, healthiest, and safest birth possible!
I've heard a few stories where even though doctors are supposed to ask consent before each and every procedure, they strip the membranes without asking first. Really though, from what you've written about your doctor he sounds amazing and fully with you and your hopes/plans.

I just realized I never submitted my comment last night - I too am a big fan of the greyer color... but I may be biased since my whole upstairs is grey and I'm in the process of finding the perfect shade to go downstairs too :)
You should check out Young House Love - it's my favorite DIY/decor blog. They always seem to throw up at least half a dozen swatches before choosing a new color!

Whit said...

I will help you paint. By the way I love the idea of the frame wall I have been wanting to do this in my front room as well but haven't gotten a big enough collection of frames yet. It is fun to see your decorating ideas. I love the little table you repainted and although all the options are cute I like A the best.

Angela said...

Everything is looking good so far! You are so creative and crafty!!

And yay for how everything is working out for you in your pregnancy. I obviously have no idea what you are going through, but I've enjoyed reading it. You have grown a lot from the experience!

Me said...

Oddly enough, I think I would choose B. I first thought it looked like an enlongated vanity, but I think it'll be nice to see one's whole self in the longer mirror.

Jes said...

I like the mirror from B and the flowers from A.

You should come help me decorate my house! We moved in in October and it's dreadfully boring still. I need a good eye at the DI. Ooh, that could be a good show for you!

Katie, Keen Eye at the DI, on TLC.