Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So sue me, but I am tired of the main part of the house decor. :)
My husband warned me that the colors and such I had chosen were sure to get old for me after some time, I didn't believe him. It was one of those times I really should have listened to him.
I love the yellow and aqua colors that are on my wall, I just don't love them on my wall anymore, and I HATE the brown that I agreed to leave there from the previous owners. I also don't think the knick knacks and decor in the front room makes much sense.
Not all at once, because Jason won't let me paint while I am prego, but I can do the rest slowly as I wait for Henry.
Today was frames. I love frames, you can always use a good frame. Every time I am at the DI I buy a couple frames, guaranteed. Jason hates it.
So I had a plan, of what I want to do on the wall in our living room, and it was going to require quite a few frames, from large to small.
I had them all. :D
picture time.

Here is what the frames looked like before. Now, the temple one I got at DI and wasn't sure if I would try to salvage the temple, or just use the frame since its square, and square is hard to find.
(The white circle is a sort of mache temple piece someone made)

I decided to try and salvage it. I scraped it off with a cookie sheet spatula, spray painted every piece and here it is. I quite love it actually, the blue might be a bit bright, but you cant really be too picky with spray paint.

The other two frames got a fresh coat of glossy black, and I painted the mats an antique white.
This wall is going to be a collage of frames, all black, with white mats, and black and white pictures in them. I am taking down the floating shelves also. Don't want the room to be too busy, remember, simple. :)
Its hard to visualize I am sure, but the new idea for this floor of the house is light, airy, classy, simple, elegant. The paint splotch on the wall is a sample of the color I thought I wanted, but I can't decide if its light enough.

Here is a close up of the paint sample color. Its called Tinsel Beam, and its not what I was hoping for. I wanted a really super light cotton white blue type color, and this one has too much color in it for me. On some walls it even looks purple, so tomorrow I will go back and get a different paint sample.
This room is hardly finished, I would say its 3% complete lol.

So basically the whole first floor is going to be one color(its now 3!), with a very light subtle feel to it, very relaxing and not so overwhelming.
Jason likes to call our current paint scheme a melted crayon box, and his friend likes to call it a mexican circus tent. Ugh, I don't know what I was thinking, I was just so excited to get out of white walled apartments I threw bright colors up!

Oh well, I am fixing it now. :)


Laci said...

so I saw 2 new posts from you on my google reader, and thought "SHE HAD HENRY!" lol :) sorry- thats probably annoying to hear.

BUT I do love your ideas for the re-do!! I've always thought your current color scheme is so fun and brave, but I love the idea of light and airy! I'm excited to see the changes and get inspiration for myself WAAAAYYYY down the road when we can finally own our own home LOL :) have fun!!

Crandalls said...

We did our bathroom a really light blue color like what you are talking about...its a sherwin williams one though but I can get you the color name if you want. I was worried at first becuase it looked almost white but once the whole room was painted I was sooo glad I went as light as I did because it looks suprisingly the perfect barely blue.