Friday, December 16, 2011

Tell me, I need to know.

Tell me, cause I really need to know.
Is going from 1 child to 2 really the hardest?
its what everyone says. "they" say its worse than just having the 1.
is it true?
are "they" right?
and for those who have done it, what do you wish you would have known before baby #2 came?
I need to mentally prepare myself.
Any help you have would be appreciated. :)


MotherLoverDaughter said...

I think it is like anything else that you change in life its something you have to get used too. I love having more than one because they learn to interact and entertain each other. They become the best of friends and the worst of enemies. They fight and bicker but then they curl up in the same chair and watch tv together. The one thing I would have done different is not have them so far apart in age and also let the older one help out more with the baby with holding and feeding because its a bonding time for them as well. Include Henry as much as you can as he shows interest based off his age. And as always enjoy all the moments because with two it goes by even faster.

Robins Family said...

I dont think as far as adding one more child is 'hard' but what I find hard is finding time for myself. I think getting up in the middle of the night was SO MUCH easier the second time around then the first. Going to the store isn't that bad, but I have a 4 year old and a 5 month old. One can walk and not have to sit in the cart and he follows directions very well. Maybe I didn't think it was as 'hard' has 'everyone' seems to make it sound is because Ethan is more independent and I was expecting the absolute worst. Don't worry what 'they' say you will adapt what your new normal will be. It just might take you a little bit of time to figure it out, but you will do GREAT! Congrats by the way!!

Crystal said...

You will do AMAZING! Henry fit right into your family and the new baby will too, don't stress about it! My kids at 23 months apart almost to the day so a bit further than your two will be. It was difficult to get used to at first but so was the first baby. Getting up at night with 2 kids is harder but just remember it doesn't last forever. Going out with two kids isn't bad I would say the worst is now that they are older and my husband comes with us and gets them all hyper playing with them haha. It's actually a great thing having them close together like someone posted before me they will be the best of friends and the worst of enemies. I had a boy then a girl so I wasn't able to reuse any clothes so that was a bigger expense but it was also sooo much fun shopping for a little girl. I thought I wanted all boys my whole life but when I found out I was having a girl I was beyond excited and now I can't imagine missing out on the experience of not having a mini me. I think one thing I wish I would have realized before baby 2 was born is not all babies are alike. The experience of having baby number two was completely different than baby number one. You will really be fine its harder but you get through it. Remember to relax and experience every moment because they really do grow up too fast.

Laci said...

I agree with everything that's been said. Its more different than hard. An adjustment. You will definitely have less time for yourself.. but I agree with waking up in the night.. its not nearly as hard or annoying the second time around. I actually really dont mind it at all. The fact that you know somewhat to expect with having a baby alone makes it so much easier- no "shock" factor the second time around. Although I will say I'm surprised with how different each kid is. I really thought that they would be little twins with their personalities- because its so hard to imagine anything different than what you already have. But like they say that each pregnancy is different, so is each labor and delivery, and so is each newborn/baby experience. Its so cool and fun though. I'm so excited for you! Its intimidating, but you will love it and do great!!

It's said...

For me it wasn't hard really. My only stress was nursing, but they cut my feeding way back. Which took away all my stress. But since you don't really nurse it doesn't matter. It wasn't worse than just one. Having Henry has caused me to actually get us ready before 5 (when Tron gets home). Because I know that if I don't get us all dressed and ready before I feed him at 9 it's not going to happen. Plus, with the second one you know better what you're doing and have the schedule thing down. It's great Oliver loves Henry so much and it's so fun to see that relationship. You'll do great!