Thursday, January 19, 2012

he thinks I am awesome

Henry has become a needy momma's boy. 
I posted a status a while ago asking my friends how to resolve this issue and I was surprised to learn that most of my friends dont care if their care are needy of their moms, which IS TOTALLY OK. I am not judging.
Just saying, I am soooo not that kind of personality. 
I can't have him be so needy of me all the time to the point that I get stressed thinking about leaving him with someone else. 
So, with no advice from anyone I decided to try my own ideas. 
my first try is the daycare at my gym. After a horrible experience at south davis rec and their daycare, I switched gyms to Skills Fitness and so far I kinda love it. Their daycare is much nicer, less kids there, and the employees are young female adults compared to moms. I know what you are thinking, wouldnt I want moms in there working instead? Thats what I thought, but the rec center had moms as the employees and I realized that moms are really good at ignoring kids, and not taking crying very seriously. Young single women still think kids are adorable and enjoy playing with them. 
So we have gone twice, the first time was fabulous and he loved it, the second time he was crying after 30 mins, BUT he hadnt had an afternoon nap, so I will chalk that up to tiredness and crankiness. 
But so far its good, the daycare has big windows that you can see in if you are in the gym, but the people inside the daycare cant see you. So I can check on Henry whenever I was without him seeing me, and I can see if I like the employees and how they do with Henry and the other kids. 
Its good, Henry seems to like watching the big kids play, and its getting him used to me not being around. 
Last night I also went to a body pump class at the gym, and left Henry with Jason and Jason put him to bed, which I think was also good for Henry not to rely on me  in order to go to sleep at night. 
so I am trying. 
I refuse to let the neediness continue, especially since baby #2 will be here before you know it and I can't devote every minute to Henry. 
Wish me luck!


The Chappells said...

You really can leave him here to help with the needy-ness (spelling. Word. Idk) It might help to leave him with someone he knows but not family and Reagan and Henry can keep each other entertained.

Angela said...

Obviously have no experience, but I can agree on two things... 1) young single women and even young married women without children LOVE playing with kids and pay extra attention! 2) I will have no room for neediness when children do come along as I will be working! So, I guess I'm really just saying "thanks" for your tried attempts to different things and blogging about them!