Wednesday, March 14, 2012

to go or not to go

dialogue with me here. 
I need thoughts, feedback etc.
Jason is switching positions at work which is going to require him to do some training in new york, for 8-12 WEEKS.  
I have the option to go(with Henry of course) but I am still on the fence about it. 

New york would be awesome
no time away from Jason
get to see some of Jason's family
get to see sights, etc. 

a 5 hour flight with a 1 year old, twice.
being pregnant, having to see a different dr while there
possibly go into labor there(We would be done around 38 weeks)
being cooped up in an apartment(provided by his work) with Henry all day
not knowing anyone
getting Henry to adjust to sleeping there
Having to buy certain things just while we are there, high chair, glider, etc. 

So I know there are more cons, but the pros have heavier weight than the cons. But the one that keeps me on the fence is going into labor. I love, adore, and trust my Dr here so much I would be so scared and worried if I had to have the baby there. we would be there from 30-38 weeks so I know the odds aren't high, but they aren't extremely low either. 

So there ya go. I need input, feedback etc to bounce around in my head. ready, go. 


Kourtney said...

I'm laughing that your "must buy if move to new york" list includes a glider :) I think it'd be really cool to go, but if I felt anxious about it, I'd take it as a sign that it wasn't right. My advice would be to decide on one way, plan for it, and if you feel uneasy, then it's not right. Another thought... if you do go, would the airlines even let you on a plane at 38 weeks to come home? I've heard that some won't let you travel after 37 weeks. Maybe if you had a doctor note or something it'd be ok. I don't think they want you going into labor on the plane or something. So if that's the case, you would probably have to have your baby in new york if you went there, regardless of whether you went into labor before 38 weeks. If that makes sense..

Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

the thing about buying things... if you find an apartment there you may be able to talk to the ward and see if there is stuff you could barrow from members for the time you are their. I LOVE New York and would jump at the chance to take an adventure with my little family without being further tied down. While your concerns about delivering there are wise consider your last pregnancy. If you made it to 38 weeks with Henner I'd say you'd be fine. There are restrictions on flying past 35 weeks on most airlines. You would have to have a "note" from the doctor that you saw saying you were ok to fly. Also before you go research doctors and hospitals there. DOUBLE AND TRIPLE CHECK WITH YOUR INSURANCE!!!! I have a cousin that lived in NY for a bit and the way their hospitals work are completely ridiculous! They had to pay thousands for 2 days in the NICU because the hospital was on their insurance but the NICU wasn't. Just things to consider. If all those things check out... then GO!

Laci said...

Here are my first initial thoughts... GO!!!! Oh man, that sounds like such a cool opportunity that doesnt come that often. Once you have more kids, the less appealing it will be to do this sort of thing until they are older (and then they have more homework and stuff like that to worry about too). Could you come home a week or 2 before him? That way you would be more secure with your due date? And honestly, a 5 hour flight (2x) would suck, but I really wouldn't count that as a deal breaker. I have flown 20+ times with Elle (when Daniel was traveling every week for work) and at least 4x with Gwyn and Elle by myself, and while, yes.. it does suck for those few hours, its really not a big deal at all. As far as buying stuff for while you are there, go with simpler things, like a small, portable highchair, or one that just hooks onto the table or an existing chair. And I bet you would be fine without a glider for a couple of months, but if you really wanted one, then get a cheap-o one from craigslist or something when you get out there and then sell it/give it away to someone in your temp. ward. Also, being in an unfamiliar place would be kinda hard, but the fact that you would only be there for a few months would make you want to soak it all in. Meeting Jason for lunch, going to central park, taking Henry to a museum. And just think, you would be there long enough to be able to get your bearings so that if you guys ever go back on vacation, you will have favorite restaurants and sites that you will want to revisit and NYC will hold a special place in your heart. On the other hand, I think I would be miserable having my husband gone that long (Daniel and I have done 4 weeks apart 2 different times in our marriage for work stuff). Anyway, I think that this is such a rare opportunity, that I would SO go for it. But I would also come home a week or two earlier than Jason. That would make me too nervous to be there at full-term. Or you could even do a compromise and just go out for the first few weeks and then come home way earlier.. that way you'd at least get to experience it in some way. And you could have Jason with you on the flight out there, and just have one flight by yourself. (-which in any case, make sure you buy a portable dvd player or use your laptop or something! Its a life saver. ...but I have a million tips for flying with kids if you ever want to know). Anyway, good luck with your decision!! I hope my 2 cents helped :) LOL

Tiffany Renee said...

Definitely go! Enough said. Lol. Laci is right about everything. I think coming back a couple of weeks early would be a good compromise to make some of your concerns about having the baby there less of an issue. Plus I would be worried about being able to fly home at 38 weeks. But really, even 9 months pregnant and with a toddler, I'm sure it would still be an awesome time.
Truthfully, even if you have the baby there, will it be the end of the world? Is that possibility worth giving up a chance to live in New York and having to spend that much time at home by yourself? You might love your doctor there too even. I guess you've just got to decide if being there would be worth having your baby there too if it does happen. For me it's a no brainer, I'd go in a heart beat, even if I KNEW the baby would be born there.

Angela said...

My brother and his wife live in Brooklyn, and they love it. They don't love the cost of things, but they love everything else. :-)

As you have already decided to go, make the best of it. It's not going to be easy, but what is when you are away from what you know. You can leave when you want as its just a temporary thing so if you start to feel you need to be home for Charlie, you can.

Follow your heart as that's really what matters.

Beki Jo said...

Go! Have lots of fun! Don't stress! Heavenly Father will be watching out for you! It'll all work itself out. And by the time you come back (with a baby in your arms or in your belly) you'll be greatful for the time spent in a place that some people only dream of going!

Me said...

I would say go. Will you be more miserable without your friends and your doctor and your glider or without your husband in the last part of your pregnancy?

Like others have said, NYC is an awesome place full of adventures! People fly all the time with children, and you could always come home early if you didn't want to deliver there.


You could just let Jason go have the adventure and stay comfortable at home. You'll just have to be a single parent for a while. I've heard that's super hard, but if you're feeling that's the better option, don't listen to us!