Monday, April 2, 2012

1 year older


This little dude.
is turning 1!

Sometimes it blows my mind that he is already 1, and then other times it feels like he should be leaving for college already. 
He certainly has done a total 180 since his newborn days. I remember for the first like 2 months all he did was scream and scream. It was torture. Luckily I had a few good friends to give me good advice and help me through it. Thanks to those of you. :)
These days, this kid is rarely anything short of happy. He is constantly smiling, laughing, babbling, and flirting. He flirts with alllllll females. He is the most well behaved baby ever when we go to the store. He never makes a peep and just looks around. Sometimes he babbles to me and I babble back. I love it. he loves to suck on food, and then spit it out. That is getting kind of frustrating. 
At any rate, I am excited to have a big party for him. 
To kick off his birthday we bought him a swing set. 
I never had one growing up, so I was excited when it finally arrived. 

Here are some pictures of his first go around on the swing set. 


So basically it makes for 1 happy kid, and I am HOPING it will soon start to make for a tired kid that will take a longer nap. :/ Currently he is on 1 nap a day, but its only 2-2.5 hours. :(

Happy Birthday week to my little man! Can't wait for saturday. 

Birthday party post to come after. :D

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