Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You are my google part 2

seriously, thank you guys for your "novels." I will be bookmarking that post so I can go over your comments over and over when Charlie comes. 
BUT, I do have 1 HUGE concern based on what you all said.
Everyone pretty much said the same thing, that a feeding takes anywhere from 20-60 minutes at a time at first. How in the world am I supposed to accomplish that while taking care of Henry?
Is that why moms have these snuggy long fabric wrap things?

Cause seriously, Henry's not a bad baby, but hes very energetic and always on the go and into something, so there is no way I sit somewhere from 40 minutes to feed baby, then pumping on top of that?!
Seriously, I am getting anxiety over it. 
I know some of you wont know what to say, cause you're like me with just 1 kid, but some of you have two and BF both, SO TELL ME HOW IT WORKS!!!

And seriously, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your "TMI comments" :) They were exactly what I was looking for. 


Crandalls said...

It does take awhile to nurse at first but I wouldn't do 40-60 minuutes...other than MAYBE at the very first until they have they first doc appointment and you know they are gaining weight. At the NICU they make sure all feedings are always under 30 minutes because if it takes a baby longer than that they are burning almost more calories trying to eat than they are taking in... so my mom has always taught me to do whatever to keep it under 30 mins. In the hospital they gave me the goal of nursing 10-15 minutes on each side when she was just little but now it's more like 5 on each side. My SIL has a baby who nurses so well he is done with his feeding and burping in 5 flat...maybe you will get lucky!

It's Me...shell said...

You can read to them. My doc cut me down to 5 minutes a side, so it took away all the stress for me. But my friend used this method And recommends it to all her patients (she's a lactation specialist): You get a bunch of dollar store toys (left in packages). Every time he's awake while you feed the baby you give him the toy. By the time he's into the new toy and bored with it you're done.

Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

I nursed in my moby wrap countless times. It paid for itself time and time again. BUY ONE!!!! You can make one but the ones I've seen that are made are not near as supportive and near as good as the one I bought. I have a whole big huge comment to go on your nursing one. tips and tricks I learned after everything that I went through nursing Jaxson. i'll just email it to you because there are some personal things.

Laci said...

I agree ^ I would say that nursing Gwyn for 40 min. lasted maybe the first month or so. I would just turn on a show for Elle or have her color or whatever. But inevitably Elle would ALWAYS want a snack or a drink or something as soon as I sat down to nurse. So I would either try and be on top of things and make sure Elle was all set before I started, or I would just have to get up and do it one handed! It seems like it would be overwhelming, but its not. It will be good for Henry because he is so used to just one on one time that it will ease him into having to share you. As far as having a sling or whatever, I have a stretchy sling that I used, but more for just carrying her around the house when she wanted to be held, and I needed both hands. But I dont think I ever nursed her in it -but I know some people who do. I'm just the type of person that was like "ok, this is my "break" so I'm going to sit down and relax for a min" rather than purposefully 'nursing on the go' , but to each their own. Also, I totally agree with whoever wrote on the last post to drink LOTS of water. I keep my camelbak with me at all times when I am nursing and it helps SO much. I notice a significant decrease when I dont drink enough water. I also agree with whoever said that breastfed babies sleep just as good as formula babies. You know I'm a schedule nazi, but I never felt like my babies went hungry at night, and they both slept 12 hours straight at around 10 weeks. As far as nipple confusion with using a bottle, I have to agree that it shouldnt be a problem. Elle did great with both, and I didnt even try with Gwyn and it was the exact opposite! She would NOT take a bottle until I weaned her and basically went cold turkey and she was forced to take one. - I totally regretted not introducing it sooner with her! They just get used to it like anything else. My sister on the other hand fed her daughter 1 bottle a day since she was born and did great with both. Anyway.. just some more thoughts I had!

Robbie and Darcy said...

I didn't read the other stuff, so sorry if someone already said this, but I nurse and pump at the same time. To be honest it is WAY less painful at first since your body is already doing it. You'll figure out how to get situated. I waited about 6 weeks to start pumping because I was told you need to produce milk before you make it. I know tons of people do it right after, but I didn't. I got really frustrated because I would only be able to pump like 1 maybe 2 ounces at a time. I kept it up and after like a week or so I was doing 2-3 ounces. Now I feed in the morning and pump at the same time and yesterday I was able to pump 7 ounces in like 15 minutes maybe? My baby only eats for like 8-12 mins or so, so it wasn't much more time than nursing. I haven't pumped more than just once a day and have always done it in the morning. Keep in mind the more you pump the more you make, which is good and bad! I haven't ever had the engorged feeling like a lot of women say they get, but I've always been able to produce a lot. Also, a side note, I always just nursing on one side per feeding, then rotate. I don't do the 10 minutes on each side or whatever. Too much of a hassle.

Kasey, Chelsi, Auklin and Kanyin said...

OK the important to know is that Henry will somehow just know- just like you somehow knew how to be a mom one day- now he is little and so 30-40 is al ong time but thats when you get him out a snack and he can eat with baby- try to hold off giving it to him until he is getting antsy. let him play right there with you and just be honest with him letting him know its time to feed the baby and after a while he will catch on- turn on a show helps too- also you MAY not need to pump every time so maybe you could do that during nap time? Good luck!

Kasey, Chelsi, Auklin and Kanyin said...
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