Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pwetty pwease?

Christmas post is below.
I am in desperate need of your assistance.

your decor assistance.


My little sister got me this great statue of Joseph Smith and Emma, and I need help to maximize its beauty.

Here it is.
And here is the spot I have picked out for it.
It needs some sprucing up.

here are some nick nacky vases I got from the DI to help.

Now, what should I do with them?
The pink one is obviously going to get a new coat of color.
What should I put in them?
how should I arrange them?
Should I add other stuff too?
what stuff?
I am really not good at accessorizing things like this and I really need your help.

Seriously, any ideas.
no comment will be dismissed, and all will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You, in advance.

Friday, December 25, 2009



I so just love Christmas.
Don't you?

here is how Christmas went. ( I will try to spare as many lame details as possible)

Spent Festivus (Dec 23rd) at my moms house with her side of the family, eating and doing the Nativity scene to which I have so no pictures of.
but you get the idea.
Christmas Eve afternoon I spent at my moms moms house, exchanging gifts, and chatting.
Jason spent the afternoon with his moms moms since it is her birthday.
Christmas Eve night we spent at my family's house, opening Butterfinger gifts, and watch,"Planes, Trains and Automobiles" due to their recent experience traveling.
long story.
they got stuck in NY for 4 days due to the snow storm that shut down the airports, nearly didn't make it back for Xmas.
but they did, and Christmas was had.
Christmas morning!!!
changed my life.
Jason bought me my first digital SLR camera.
oh how he loves me.
after that its all a little blurry as I was stuck behind my camera all day.
so the only reason I know what happened for the rest of the day, is because I have pictures of it.

This picture is actually at 11pm, but its the only pic of us on xmas.

Jason got an electric razor, and I don't quite understand the face he is making...
the mound of garbage.

ah my favorite part of xmas morning, Jason brought out our little heater from the bedroom so I wouldn't be cold, since I am always cold. lol

ah, I just love this guy.

The only picture of me on christmas, since I was behind the camera.

my new scrapbooking software, so excited.

Jason got some sweet new clubs.

The girls in my family. :-)
Summary: It was a great, mostly relaxing holiday.
we went to my parents in the morning, till about 11, then to his parents and stayed there till after dinner.
I love spending time with family, but when it gets to the point that you are struggling for conversation cause you have been there for 7 hours, I get a little stressed.
So next year the plan is this, my parents in the morning till about 2-3, then his parents till about 6-7. equal time, and just enough time I think. 1 meal per family, thats good right?

It was a drastic improvement from lasts years Christmas, where we were just all over the place and didn't get to relax, and I am sorry but I am not one of those people who think a holiday needs to be all full of stuff, people and places. I just need family, good food and nice comfy place to relax.

and that is what I got. :-)

Now, what do we do for New Year's Eve?

Monday, December 21, 2009

love it love it.

Update on our lives.

We still live in Sugarhouse, and we love it.
I mean we absolutely love it.

I feel safe here. Its cute, its sweet, the ward is awesome, the neighbors are so so so wonderful.
I seriously could not think of a better place to live right now.
The only reason I want to move, is because next year we will need more space if we wanna have a baby.

but we love Sugarhouse. Can't say that enough.

Jason still works at Goldman Sach's in the equity derivatives department.

got that?
He loves it, its stressful busy at times, but it really seems to be rewarding for him at the end of the day.

I recently signed a contract with the State of Utah for my position as Legal Secretary.
and guess what?
I love it.
I originally thought I wanted to get out of the whole legal field thing, which in the end result I do, I want to be a Personal Trainer, but oh my goodness I love my job. It is seriously so much fun every single day. All of it just works for me, the work, the people, the schedule, just everything. oh my goodness, I just love it. I don't really ever dread work anymore.
I plan on being there a long, happy time.

its been 3 months, too. So I can honestly say I love it. ;-)

I am done reading my Personal Trainer text book.
do I feel as though I am a pro exercise guru?
eff no.
so back to the book I go.
I really want to make sure when I take the test, I will pass the text. so I plan on taking as long as I need to be able to do that. I really don't think it should take longer than the end of the year.
but I love that too. I have learned a lot, and when people ask me questions, it surprises me how easily I can tell them a detailed answer and know for sure I am right.
Its kinda weird.

Hmm... what else?

Our callings are great.
I was released as second counselor in the YW's presidency and called to be the 1st counselor in the YW's presidency. lol.
Jason is the service coordinator, not sure how he likes it, but thats where the lord wants him!

One of my favorite parts of our life right now is that we leave for work at the same time, so my husband walks me to my car and kisses me good-bye, then we talk on the phone on the way to work.
I love it. lol.

Want to know what else I have kinda come to love?

eesh ready for it, its really hard for me to even type this.



Enough said, we don't need to go any further.
well maybe, I read this book, it has a way cliche title,"15 secrets to a happy home" but weirdly enough its not about that at all. Its about self improvement, self change, and managing things in your life, with your choices.
I quite enjoyed it and am reading it a second time.
I have loved putting everything I learned there to practice.
I really have seen a huge change in my over all attitude and happiness as I realize that I am the creator of my attitude.

I highly suggest that book, and I am getting another one for Christmas called."Change it Up!" so I will let you know how that one goes as well.

Speaking of Christmas, waaaay oober excited.


I can promise there will be pictures to boot after Christmas since on Christmas Eve I am getting my Nikon DSLR!! Ah, I can't breathe, be still my heart.

Happy Holidays Bloggers!!!

Oh P.S.
I am going to try to accomplish 1 thing of my list each week and this week I think I am going for talking in a british accent for a whole day. I am going for Dec 26th.

so if I call you that day, and sound silly, just know, thats my pathetic attempt at a British accent.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

my list

I was inspired to make a list.

A list of things I want to achieve.

by Age 30.

cross your fingers for me.

1. go a week without driving anywhere.

2. go 72 hours without a computer.

3. learn how to make my own cleaning supplies from natural ingredients.

4. make a dress.

5. learn to crochet.

6. try something I think I will hate.

7. do something that scares me.

8. write a letter to each family member.

9. write a letter to my future self to open in 20 years.

10. run a marathon.

11. read a book.

12. celebrate absolutely nothing one day.

13. call my friends every week.

14. get to know all of my neighbors.

15. go scuba diving

16. learn a language.(German)

17. swim with dolphins.

18. ride in a hot air balloon.

19. Go to the gym early in the morning for 1 week.

20. write a living will.

21. got to a concert.

22. institute a once a week"buy nothing" day.

23. plant a peace pole.

24. keep all my promises.

25. Don't talk for 1 day.

26. be in a talk show audience.

27. send a message in a bottle

28. learn to meditate.

29. go horseback riding, and enjoy it.

30. visit the grand canyon.

31. Learn to play the guitar

32. talk in a British accent for an entire day

33. hug a tree.

34. milk a cow.

35. churn butter

36. take a martial arts class on self defense.

37. Go completely organic.

This is definitely not the end of my list. But I think its a pretty good start.

My hope is that all of these things will broaden my experiences in life so that I can teach my children, but also that I will learn and develop a deeper appreciation for the things around me.

I may or may not keep you updated as I complete my list. Although chances are, I will.


what would be on your list?

Friday, December 11, 2009

good news

Today I wanted to make Christmas Stockings for Jason and I.

1 year ago on Dec 26th I started "crafting" if you will.

Which means last year for Christmas, we had way lame stockings.

See here.

I guess I always had this idea that your stockings HAD to be that fuzzy red and white kind that you put felt shapes on because thats what my family does.

When we got married, we did not taking our christmas stockings with us. They stayed with our parents and got filled there, too. :-)

We get 3 stockings.


Anyway, I wanted better ones then the lame ones I threw together last year.

and I wanted to make them.

so I planned to go to the fabric store today, then michaels, yada yada yada.

THEN I realized, I have tons of stuff here. I need to use it.

so I went to the fabric/craft laundry basket, picked out a bunch of fabrics and went to it. I traced our old stockings, cut, sewed, ironed, freezer paper transfered, aplique'd and walah!

Wow, this picture does not show the detail in the fabric at all. the tan has swirlies and dots. The holly is green and gold striped fabric and the berries are different shades of red stripes.

Don't worry, they are NOT done.

I am going to let Jason decide what he whats to put on his, and I need to mull it over and decide what else and how I want to put on mine.

but my FAVORITE part, are the names. I love the font I chose, and I love that I put the names in the corner of the white instead of in the center.

so in short, I did not have to brave the frigged cold or travel to Midvale and buy supplies.

I had them, all of them, all along. :-)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just so I know

Tomorrow's To-do list

1. go to fabric store in Deseret Book for stocking fabric
2. go to Michaels and get ribbon for stockings.
3. find a stocking pattern
4. Make stockings.
5. Study.
6. Workout.
7. Buy milk.
8. Wrap all the presents I am currently in possession of.
9. Nap
10. Make dinner for the hubby.
11. Cuddle with said hubby.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Years resolutions

I know, I know.
It hasn't even past Christmas and I am already talking about New Year's.

BUT I am only talking about my resolutions, not the holiday so is that OK?

This year I have decided to plan my goals earlier, so as not to hastily make a quick decision on what my resolutions would be.

and I have categories of goals. :-)

Its good to write resolutions and goals down somewhere so you can hold yourself accountable.

1. Fitness goal- This one is hard because I feel like I have already done so much, and if I set myself one more goal, I feel like it may be TOO much and won't happen. But I will. My goal here is to run a marathon. yikes. I don't know if it will happen in 2010, since during the marathon months I could be prego, but if not 2010, then 2011. And if not a marathon this year, at least a half marathon with a few 5ks.

2. Education goal- I am 2 chapters away from finishing my PT certification, and so that will be this year, not next. so for 2010 my goal is to start and complete my Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist certification, I am thinking by July. That may change due to costs or length of course, so I will update. I love my current job and its pays great so I am not in a hurry to find a different one, so for now I want to establish my PT resume and pretty it up as best I can.

3. Church goals- My goal as a couple is to attend the temple once a month at minimum, not including weddings. my goal as an individual, is to attend every other Friday. I think it will help keep balance and perspective in my life. I also want to help my young women realize the true sincere principles of the gospel, and not just all the Do's and Don'ts that I feel may sometimes crowd their minds.

4. Personal goals- I am going to work on vocalizing more positive things, and not so many negative. I am going to work on putting myself in the others persons shoes first, before I honk my horn, or give them the evil look lol. I am going to work on biting my tongue with the little things, and speaking with grace at the big things.

My overall goal is to improve myself.

whose isn't?

Now its time for Kati's random Cell phone pics.

This the scrabble board that I beat Jason on. lol and that I took 10 mins on each turn to do it.
and by beat, I mean I blew all 3 players clear out of the water.
This is how much I love my husband. lol I bought him at least a 2 months supply of coke.
This is the back of one of the onesies I made doing freezer paper transfers. seriously so fun.
These are all the onesies I made!! some were doing freezer paper transfers, some with applique, but they were all way fun!! and I did boys and girls so as not to jinx myself when I have a baby. lol although Jason has told me that even if our first is a girl, she will wear those 2 sports teams onesies. oh well.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I feel entitled.

I have been married for over a year.
with that, I think I have earned the right, to give marital advice.

ready for it?

Since being married I have learned that there is a tremendous difference between falling in love, and being in love.

being in love is a lifestyle, its a constant effort and and constant joy. Its work, its adaption, its hard, its glorious and it is worth it.

falling in love is simply the process to being in love.

I think if someone asked me, what is one thing you would tell a newlywed couple, it would be the rules to solving conflict.

because there ARE rules.

I know every couple "has their own way" of communicating and solving conflicts, but it really makes me so sad to see friends not realize the difference between solving conflicts, and fighting.

It breaks my heart.

I found these rules a long time ago, rules to solving conflict with a spouse. I read them, computed them to memory, and put them into action.

Whats great about it, is it only takes one spouse to learn these rules, for both of you play by them. Once you set the tone, and set the mood, your spouse will follow suit without even realizing it.

I know, I did it.

Jason still to this day, doesn't know I have rules for solving conflicts.

  • Take it private and keep it private.
    When a situation arises where there is conflict, wait. Don't immediately discuss it. Agree to talk about after you both have collected your thoughts, and when you both are in a comfortable neutral place where you both feel safe, so not in your car, not at a friends house and not at the store.

  • Keep it relevant.
    Don't bring up old grudges or sore points when they don't belong in a particular argument. Put boundaries around the subject matter so that a fight doesn't deteriorate into a free-for-all.

  • Keep it real.
    Deal with the issue at hand, not with a symptom of the problem. Get real about what is bothering you, or you will come away from the exchange even more frustrated. Example: don't talk about how upset you are that he left his clothes on the floor, get to the real issue that you would like more help around the house.

  • Avoid character assassination.
    Stay focused on the issue, rather than deteriorating to the point of attacking your partner personally. Don't let the fight degenerate into name-calling.

  • Remain task-oriented.
    Know what you want going into the disagreement. If you don't have a goal in mind, you won't know when you've achieved it.

  • Allow for your partner to retreat with dignity.
    How an argument ends is crucial. Recognize when an olive branch is being extended to you — perhaps in the form of an apology or a joke — and give your partner a face-saving way out of the disagreement.

  • Be proportional in your intensity.
    Every single thing you disagree about is not an earth-shattering event or issue. You do not have to get mad every time you have a right to be.

  • There's a time limit.
    Arguments should be temporary, so don't let them get out of hand. Don't allow the ugliness of an argument to stretch on indefinitely.
  • Respect.
    Do not raise your voice, you shouldn't have to. Do not interrupt the other person when they are speaking, if no one interrupts, no one has to yell. Face each other, don't discuss disagreements from different rooms, or on the phone, sit down, face to face and look at each other. look at each other so you know how what you are saying is affecting the other, and how they are responding to it. Listen to the other person, don't just hear them. Acknowledge what they are saying, and that it is important to you, that their feelings are important to you.

  • I have followed these rules, and added some of my own, and I can promise that they work.

    I promise that if you follow every single one, you and yours will be able to discuss things calmly and productively, and it does bring you so much closer together.

    I implemented these into my life about, oh, 8ish months ago, and Jason and I have only had 1 argument that wasn't productive.


    I promise, they work.

    my last piece of advice is that it is definitely 100% positively OK to go to bed "angry."

    I had always heard that it wasn't.

    but heres the thing, if you insist on staying up till you are totally happy, you could be up all night, AND when it gets past 9 pm, you are tired, irritable and 10 times more likely to say something you wouldn't normally, and know you shouldn't. In the end, it could be damaging to hash it out instead of just sleeping on it.

    When Jason and I get to that point, we say hey, its time for bed, if we wake up in the morning and are still upset, we will continue talking about it. We ALWAYS say I love you and kiss good night and guess what? we have NEVER woken up in the morning, and have still felt angry. Never. In fact, 80% of the time, we can't even remember what we were discussing and we are completely happy.

    If you can't remember why you were mad, chances are it wasn't anything important.

    so sleep on it. really.

    I hope everyone finds their way of communicating, but still respecting the very basics of human interaction concepts.

    and I hope everyone works a little bit harder to make their marriage a little bit better.

    cause your marriage is totally worth it.

    Thursday, November 26, 2009


    I believe in being thankful, for everything.

    even the negatives things in my life. because if they don't make me stronger, at least they are an example to me of what not to do, or who to be.

    I of course, am thankful for my husband. For all that he is, and all that he has taught me to be.

    I am thankful for my family, for being my friends.

    and I am thankful for my friends, for being my family.

    I am thankful that I have grown up, become the person I wanted to be, and to not let others try and get me down.

    I choose to be happy. I choose to let things go. I choose to live everyday with a smile on my face because if there is one thing I have learned in my life, its that you choose how you feel.

    no one else can make you mad.
    no one else can make you offended.
    no one else can make your feelings hurt.

    you choose how you feel.
    you can make the choice, to be happy despite your circumstances or others around you.

    and I know that.

    and I grateful that I have learned that, because I know some grown ups that don't know that.

    I am grateful for all my blogger friends. I love you guys, and your blogs. :-)

    I am grateful for my savior, for standing by my side daily and for whispering sweet truths in my ear.

    I love him.

    I am so eternally grateful for my young women. For the amazing women they are, and the best friends I have developed in them.

    I am grateful that the lord let me know when I was 15, that these young women would come into my life, and that I would be responsible for teaching them.

    I was prepared.

    I am grateful for every decision I have made in my life, for they have brought me to where I am now. Because I oh so love where I am now.

    I love the balance I have in my life.
    I love the serenity in my life.
    I love the perspective in my life.
    I love that I am connected deeply with my mind, body and spirit.
    It makes life so much easier.

    I love my parents, and my sisters.
    I love my husbands parents, and his brothers.
    I have the perfect immediate family.

    I especially love that I have mastered the art of taking care of my body. I love that I am strong enough to do it, and maintain it.

    I love that I will soon help others do that as well.

    very soon. :-)

    I am grateful for baths. I am happy when I am in the bath. soooo very happy. :-)

    Monday, November 23, 2009

    a few rules...

    There are a few commandments I feel we need to talk about. the 10 commandments, of the elevator to be exact.

    1.Thou shalt not fart.

    2.Thou shalt not attempt to board elevator before previous passengers have disembarked. The universe does not revolve around you.

    3.Thou shalt not press button for wrong floor without acting appropriately ashamed as elevator stops and doors open then shut without anyone leaving.

    4.Thou shall take the stairs if traveling between one or two floors, barring personal injury, lest incur the wrath of those traveling to the 32nd floor whose trips are delayed due to your laziness. (Justifying taking the elevator one floor because "they don't know if I'm sick--I could have some horrible disease, for all they know" is a supreme form of laziness, and using this logic risks incurring said horrible disease in the interest of serving you right. Certainly, some otherwise healthy-looking people have problems preventing them from using stairs, but surely not everyone in the building is afflicted with such illnesses.)

    5.Thou shall hold the door for others running to catch the carriage. A plague on those who watch idly by as they slide shut in someone’s face.

    6.However, thou shalt not hold the door indefinitely and delay travel for other passengers. In a busy building, one could potentially hold the door for several minutes waiting for the carriage to fill. Unless someone is clearly attempting to catch that particular elevator, adopt the adage “thy snoozes, thy loses.”

    7.Thou shall wait for empty carriage if thou is sick. If that proves impossible, thou shall refrain from coughing/sneezing/etc. for duration of ride, even if this means thou’s face turns bright red and thou feels like dying.

    8.Thou shall give others their personal space in an uncrowded elevator.

    9.Thou shalt not call out their floor to the person standing nearest the buttons as if that person is the lift operator. If there is space to do so, thou shalt press button thyself.

    10.Thou shalt not carry on personal conversations, be they person-to-person or via cellular phone. Thine elevator is not thine phone booth.


    now that thats over, lets talk about Wal-Mart etiquette.


    lets not be stupid here.

    If the door is CLEARLY labeled, entrance and exit, WTF? why are you going out the entrance and in the exit? I surely don't see you entering the freeway on the exit ramp, same concepts apply. Its there to create order.

    follow it.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, maybe 11 or even 12.
    but if you have 35 items, get your butt out of the 10 items or less line. I can not tell you how annoying it is to get the fast lane with my bag of shredded cheese and have to wait for someone to check out who has a cart full of crap.

    get out of my way, now.

    Side not, I ALWAYS comment to those people telling them to count. always.

    now, please treat the isles as though they were roads. Stay to the right. do not block the whole isle by leaving your cart in the middle.

    If you are coming out of some random A isle like greeting cards or plumbing, DO NOT just burst out into the main isle like you have right of way. Right turners yield to traffice and left turners wait your dang turn.

    DO NOT go to self checkout if you have 50 items and 20 of them are fruit that needs to be weighed. YOU ARE NOT FASTER THEN A CASHIER and you are simply wasting everyones time. go to the regular lanes, pick up an US! magazine and read the latest on Jon and Kate plus 8.

    Sunday, November 22, 2009

    Saturday is a special day...wait sunday is....

    Today was glorious.

    We go to the Marriage and Family Relations Sunday school class in our ward, and I for one, love it.
    basically its all the newlyweds in the ward talking about marriage and how to have a better marriage. Its way nice to know that other newlyweds have had to learn the same stuff we have.

    Then we came home from church and did the best thing ever.

    We cleaned.


    and my sweet dear husband agree'd to clean like this.

    Oh it was soooo nice. We cleaned every tiny square inch of our place, we moved the couch pieces, 409'd and vacuumed under it(yes I 409 my couch), seriously just spick and span cleaned every little nook and crannie.

    and it feels gooooood.

    Then my sweet husband let me assemble our Christmas tree!!!

    Then it started snowing!!!!!!

    I know its not Thanksgiving yet, but if the mall can put up their decorations, so can I.

    For dinner my husband made my favorite Mothers home cooked meal, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, with rolls. Fried chicken with olive oil, and wheat bread crumbs mind you.

    We rearranged our couch pieces also and I think its better this way. It closes off our living room now and makes social events more comfortable.

    I know you are supposed to clean and get ready for Sunday, on Saturday, but today, for my husband and I, it really brought us closer together. :-)

    After our Sunday School lesson that inspired us to have a better marriage, this was just what we needed. to work hard, to clean the place we worked so little to mess up.


    I love that my husband pulls his weight with the house chores. With us it really is shared equally.

    100% + 100% in a marriage = 100%

    We don't each give 50% to get 100%, we both give 100% and oh its so great.

    Today I am so grateful for my husband and the marriage we have worked so hard to make so great.

    Sunday, November 15, 2009


    Do you ever feel like your life is paused for a moment?
    Like you have all these great ideas and goals, but there is nothing you can do about it right now?
    You have a plan, you have goals, everything is set but now you just have to wait.






    Jason and I are at a point where we have big decisions to make but are just having a hard time with it. We will make a decision one week, and then the next week choose an entirely different one and its usually based on our moods.

    Which is not what you should base decisions on.

    I think a part of me is just really scared to choose one or the other.

    what if what I prefer isn't what he prefers so then he isn't happy with the choice, or vice versa.

    I know I am an impatient person, but I am just getting really impatient.

    with alot of things, but mostly I am impatient with myself for not being more patient.

    and thats a hard thing to get over.

    I think I am also becoming a different type of person than I used to be, and I don't know if its a good thing.

    I used to tell people exactly what I thought, all the time, because I thought honesty was the best policy, always. But now I find myself afraid to tell certain people things because I don't want to cause problems, or hurt feelings.

    At first it was fine because it wasnt a big deal, but I think I may feel like now I am not able to express myself, my concerns or my feelings because I don't know how others may take it.

    I feel in a funk.

    I need some sort of change, or something different to happen. I just don't know what.

    so for now, I wait.

    Tuesday, November 10, 2009


    Sometimes a picture just says it so much better.

    and dare I say it, my husband still gets me all twitter-patted.

    heres to my perfectly priceless adorable marriage. :-)

    Monday, November 9, 2009

    my girls.

    Want to know who I love?

    With all my tiny little heart?

    (Besides my ooper duper cute husband)

    I love, adore, admire and look up to my young women.

    Each of them.

    I share in their joys, am humbled by their sweet testimonies, cry with their pain and laugh with their outrageous sense of humor.

    I am so overprotective of each of them, I feel enraged whenever they aren't being treat as the beautiful, radiant and delicate daughters of God that they are.

    I want so much to share every detail of my young adult life with them in hopes it will keep them from making wrong decisions, but know that each of them need to learn for themselves, by their own mistakes, just as I did.

    Young Womens has become such an important, meaningful spiritual part in my life.

    One I will not ever give up easily.

    oh how I love them.
    Oh how their heavenly father loves them.

    Oh if they only knew.