Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 5

End of Week 5. (in 1 day anyway)
(yes I will be documenting each week, deal. )
Week 5 brought tender breasts, water retaining, lots of peeing, funky "cravings", total exhaustion, and lots of happiness.
Its weird to me to think that I have 2 hearts beating inside me.
a body within a body.
and I love it.
I love that I carry around this little fetus with me everywhere I go. I pathetically have started touching my stomach when thinking about the baby. Jason does, too. :)

Really the biggest different or symptom has been the exhaustion. the Dr. says I will be really tired the first little while as my metabolism adjusts to the changes, but man alive I am tired!! I came home the other day, laid on the couch and said to myself," don't fall asleep because you have to fix dinner before Jason gets home from work." The very next thing I know Jason is sitting next to me on the couch changing the channel. I had no recollection of falling asleep, or dreaming.

On the flip side, the other big symptom has been NOT being able to fall asleep. ?. I know. I am tired all day, which I love being tired because I love getting the sleep that comes with it, but at 10 pm when its time for bed, I can not fall asleep. lol I sit there and just laugh at how tired I am, but when my head hits the pillow, nothing. My Dr told me I could take Tylenol PM for that, which has been my miracle drug.

The cravings are funny. I am not convinced yet, that pregnant women CRAVE things. I think pregnant women are naturally hungry, but start thinking of weird things to eat, and then just get it stuck in their head. This week I wanted Fried Bananas. Just once, and once I had them, I was good. But boy did my mouth water until I got them. Another favorite was Hamburger
helper. :D

Another thing week 5 brought was reading! I have been reading this book, by suggestion and love it. I can't put into words while doing it justice what this book is about but I shall try. Its about learning to go through pregnancy naturally, how to be IN your pregnancy and not a victim of it, how to be in tune with your baby and body, and how to enjoy and control labor. I will admit, its a little extreme on the hippy al naturale side, but I love it none the less. It has your express your feelings through art, however terrible your art skills are. I was surprised when I did my first drawing, what I was feeling and what I drew that I was worried about.

Week 5 also included getting our car seat and stroller set! Obviously not knowing what the gender will be, we got a unisex set, but I wanted it to still be super cute. My hubby spotted this one on a SWEEEEEET deal, so we snatched it. I think its pretty unisex, its got red dots, pink dots, green dots blue dots and yellow dots. We wanted unisex anyway so that we can use it with the next baby.

It is still sooo weird to me that I am pregnant. I keep waiting for my period to come, and it never does. That is one thing I am sure I will not miss. :)

Yes, Week 5 has brought a lot, but most of all the end of Week 5, has brought Week 6. :)


The Viewer said...

I'm totally so excited for you. I love hearing ALL the details!! I don't know what it's like so hearing it all really helps me get an idea :) thanks

.. said...

I hear ya on being tired! I hated that symptom, I would get home from work and just crash on the couch. I would sleep up until bed, too tired to do anything. I then could not sleep at night and would wake up several times, very hungry! For me, everything was wacky up until about month four, then I felt great and was starting to show. Good luck! I am so excited for you!

Hailey said...

I haven't had any real cravings. Some women really just don't. I think part of why women go for odd foods is our change in senses. Things start to smell and taste a little different. My sister-in-law hates chocolate, but craved it all the time. I usually love olives, but I just haven't liked them for the last 6 months.

bequi said...

My craving lately is Smarties and pistachios. I've gone through 2 pounds of pistachios this month. Also, peaches. Mmmmm peaches.

For the tired, take some B12, and make sure they test you for anemia.