Monday, August 23, 2010

tired of it yet?

The pregnancy talk that is. If you are, just scroll half way down for the "normal" stuff.
I swear, I will try to find none-pregnancy things to talk about, soon.
But for now I need assurance.
assurance that a lot of women have nausiousness like this.
I am not complaining, because I love being pregnant, for what it means, I just don't understand it.
I don't really understand the changes my body is going through. So I don't know how to handle it. I am sure I have not been handling it the right way, but time will tell I guess.

Now, back to my question.
Well first let me explain how my nausiousness is.
its not in the morning.
its mid-eating to post-eating.
Its like, I can think of a meal, and how delicious that meal is, start eating it, and then half way through, each bite makes me more and more sick until I have to stop eating. Then for a couple days after, the thought of that meal brings on nausia.
Is that normal?
And if it is, any secrets to keeping it under control?

The weirdest thing so far, I can't feel the baby yet obviously, but I can totally feel my enlarged uterus! lol. If I push on my lower stomach its hard and like right up against my skin. Thats weird.

Non-pregnancy topics:

My kitties are lovely. They have adjusted nicely to each other, it only took about a month! They do have this weird fascination with bees, so everytime they get to go outside, they hunt bees. I quite like the set up we have with them. I always felt bad at the idea of having just indoor cats, like it was depriving them of fresh air, but I didnt want neighborhood wondering cats either. Our yard is completely fenced in, with vinyl, and we have a "dog door" which we now call the cat door. We open the cat door and let them out for a couple hours a day, and they just play in the backyard and have no interest so far in trying to escape. I think it works for everyone.
Our laptop died the other night. Its in the "Shop" being fixed, so until then I can't upload any pictures. We are borrowing one of my parents laptops so at least I can blog. :)
I am going to plan that dinner party! yay! Although I am not sure how to plan it, other than to prepare a meal lol. I can't decide if I want a theme dinner, or games or what. Whatever I decide, it will be fun because of the company that is coming. I just have to pick a date that works for everybody, because their attendance is key. :)
On a random side note, I am totally about to make chocolate cake for breakfast. :D

1 comment:

bequi said...

So the having trouble eating thing is normal. I usually start feeling sick about 4 bites from the end. I handle it (And I think you've made fun of me for this) by eating meals with multiple items. Like soup and sandwich or whatever. Take a couple bites of one, then alternate to the other. And for crap's sake, when it starts to make you feel sick, don't eat any more!