Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 6

Week 6 came and went!

It went by so fast, because we spent the whole week camping.

Week 6 brought with it, 6 pregnancy tests. lol. I really for some reason just couldn't help myself. I had a ton of the dollar store pregnancy tests, which by the way work fabulously, and so I just keep taking them because its so fun to see a positive test. You go months and months reading negative test after negative test, it is just nice and fun to see a bunch of positive ones. Haven't had one false negative with them so, so far they are 100% accurate! lol. Its a fairly inexpensive guilty pleasure. :)

Week 6 also included our first ultra sound! The Dr wanted to do an ultra sound so early to make sure the embryo implanted in the uterus probably, and it is! It is the dark circle right in the middle of the picture. Couldn't hear the heart beat, but man it was just cool to see it.
SKMBT_C45010080512400.jpg picture by katipowell801

The black circle is just the sac, you can't see the baby yet, but it looks a little like this...

Since we were camping for all of Week 6 there wasn't any shopping done, or anything normal. There was a lot of reading, reflecting, name choosing, planning etc. All the things you can only do, with nothing lol.

Symptoms of week 6 are pretty much the same as the symptoms of week 5. Shocking, I know.The lovely ladies keep getting bigger, if you know what I mean. ;) Thats not all that fun, its impossible to find a comfortable position on my stomach, so I am learning to like sleeping on my side. :D The amount of peeing is insane!!! I mean, I used to use the bathroom like 3 times a day. Now, its like every hour I have to pee.

Pregnancy talk- This may be just for those of your who are or have been pregnant, cause I didn't understand til they explained it to me. My HCG levels have doubled consistently, and as of my last check up were 2240. My Progesterone levels however, were low. So the Dr is starting me on progesterone shots, I have to get one a week until 10 weeks, or until my levels stay high on their own.


.. said...

If your due date is April 7th, shouldn't you have just finished your 5th week? I am so confused. Do you have names picked out yet?
Good luck with the pregnancy!

bequi said...

I used to sleep on my stomach. I miss it. If you ever just NEED to lay on your stomach, I lay on the couch with whatever is sticking out too far in the crack between cushions. It gives you just enough room that you don't feel like you're suffocating.