Tuesday, October 12, 2010

cant wait for the holidays

I am really, really sorry that I am so excited for the holidays.

I know, I know, that Halloween and Thanksgiving should get their moments of glory and celebration, but I just can not wait for Christmas.

I am excited for Halloween, because Halloween is the start of the holiday season.

I even really like Thanksgiving because its a family time, no gifts, no obligations, just family and food.

This year my little sister, Hollie, is doing a study abroad in Austria, and she won't be home for Thanksgiving, but she WILL be home for Christmas.

I get so excited to think about:

Hanging lights on my own house
Putting our christmas tree in the front window
training our cats to leave the tree alone
wrapping gifts
hanging stockings
turning on the heater
buying winter coats
cuddling in a warm house watching snow fall
singing Christmas hymns in church
starting our own family traditions
Hollie being home

Remember back from here, when I made mine and Jason's stockings, which I still looove. Well this year I need to make 3 more! Yes, I am going to make one for each of our cats. lol. They really are part of the family. Of course I can't make the babys yet until I find out the gender. Well I can probably make it, just not put a name on it.

but I will try and give each Holiday its time.

So for Halloween I am excited for:

deciding what our costumes will be
fall leaves
scarecrow decorations
mounds and mounds of candy at the store
carmel apples
candy corn
wondering what time trick or treaters will start coming
a night of hanging out with family

and for Thanksgiving I am excited for:
planning the menu with my mom
cooking my assigned food all morning
the smells
the family time
the stuffing
the gravy
the laziness of the day
the shopping the next day
the parade
the feeling of gratitude everywhere
starting to play Christmas music

So you see, I love all holidays, but Christmas is just the king of holidays.
so I am excited for the king.

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