Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Its a.....!!!!!

The ultra sound appointment to determine gender was this morning, in sunny San Francisco. It was so perfect. we woke up, got ready, ate breakfast together and headed over to the place. Can I just say, that if anyone is in the area and wants a 3D u/s, this place was so awesome. It was so warm, inviting, cozy and friendly. So much better than a sterile white Dr's office.

our wee one is a wee little boy!! I am really excited, but Jason is so excited to have a little boy to do boy things with. We just can't wait for him to get here, it seems like everyone is having boys so he will have lots of friends to play with! Little Henry David Powell is doing great, and already so loved and adored.
It is a lot more fun being pregnant and knowing the gender.
I feel like a huge mystery has been solved and the world can continue to revolve.

This is the money shot, with baby Powell proudly showing his goods.

Then we got a bunch of 3D shots, which because he is my child I think they are super cute, but I also realize they look super creepy. lol
He kinda looks like a baby panda.
Well little Henry is already super loved, my parents are so excited for him to come since he is their first grandchild, and my sisters are oober excited also.
We already bought him some way stylish outfits along with some sweet nike kicks. :)

So everyone can relax and go about their lives again!


Unknown said...

SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! I totally thought you were going to have a girl for sure but I can't even tell you how much fun boys are too! Congrats :D

Heather said...

Oh that's so exciting! Congratulations!

Ben & Kelsey said...

Congrats, sorry I guessed wrong, but I boy will be so much fun. I am so excited for you guys. Congrats again.