Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the worst and best week ever.

This week/weekend has been the longest I can remember.
Jason woke up with kidney stones on Friday morning, and the pains did not go away until Wednesday.
Tuesday night at 12:32 am, Jason woke me to ask to go to the ER.
I of course took him.
an hour before, I took some sleeping pills, since I have trouble sleeping with pregnancy.
So the whole time I was so so so tired.
I know obviously, poor Jason has it worse, but it just ended the ordeal with a dramatic realization of how bad the last 5 days had been.
I, as I am sure he, was emotionally, physically drained.
At one point at the ER, somewhere around 2:15 am, I just broke down in tears with the stress, and heartache that I had been feeling for my husband the whole week.
to top it off, I saw a Physical Therapist on Monday, who confirmed that I had a herniated disc, and an injured SI joint, causing extreme pain in my lower back. This all from the car accident. to top off that, there is absolutely nothing anyone can or will do, until I have the baby. No MRI's, no XRays, meaning no treatment or cure, other than weekly physical therapy.
oh this week has been horrid.
at 3:17 am Wednesday morning, after Jason and I had arrived home from the ER, I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in my bed, with my husband. It wasn't that I was so tired and I wanted to sleep, or even that my body was already shutting down on the way up the stairs, but I wanted to retreat, relax, and rest with my husband. I wanted to be with him, and just be near him. I know this seems weird that I would put so much focus on that so obvious desire, of course people want to go to sleep with their spouse, but it just put the whole week into perspective. It didn't matter how bad the week was, it didn't matter how much sleep I lost, it just mattered that I was with Jason.
Wednesday, after a final dose of medication, Jason felt better. I went to work like I had been doing all week, and expected him to rest, maybe work from home, and sleep.
I came home, and just say by him until he was ready to leave to eat dinner. I usually go change, get a drink, but I didn't for some reason.
We left, ate dinner, wound down, and drove home.
Even when we got home I went straight to the couch ready to watch survivor.
around 7 pm I finally went upstairs where I realized, my sweet husband had cleaned the whole house, and had done the laundry.
oh, I could not have been more excited, or felt more loved.
Jason knows how much I love a clean house, how happy I feel, and also how hards its been for me to keep up with it, and work, and be pregnant.
he also revealed his secret plan to install a ceiling fan in our downstairs living room, that gets really hot.
My husband is truly wonderful.
They were sincere, thoughtful and much needed tokens of love, that costs little to nothing.
This week for me, just solidified (not that I needed it) how much I adore, love, admire and need Jason.
I am not sure I deserve him, but so grateful I have him.
Thank you, Jason, for making this the best worst week ever.

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