Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas is here, get on board or be a grinch.

Are you one of those people who hate when people decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving?
Do you just feel that Thanksgiving should get "its time?"

If so, this post is not for you. ;)

This is the "coffee table" in our front room and I am not entirely certain I love it yet. I have a plan for the little trees, I just need one more supply. nevertheless, here it is. :

This wall in my house does not photograph well at all. But anyway, I love this wall. :) We don't have a fireplace so the stockings just got hung on the wall. what are ya gonna do?

This might be my favorite Christmas decoration thus far. I got the milk glass bowl at the DI for $1, and the ornaments at all a dollar for...$1!

I just love these ornaments. Who said all ornaments have to go on the tree?

this is kind of like my mantle if you will, since I do not have one. And I looove it.
So there you have it. My house is decked with Christmas cheer and I could not be more happy.
And here is what I have to say to all the early christmas decorating haters:

Its my house, not yours. They are my lights, not yours. They are my decorations, not yours. If I want to put my lights, tree and decorations up early I have every dang right to, and if you don't like it, close your eyes. I am tired of people on Facebook or in stores complaining that things are coming out early. Let me ask you this..WHO CARES?!?! Seriously, Christmas decorations and things are all about the Christmas spirit, which includes a feeling of gratitude, compassion, love, and a Christlike attitude, and here YOU are telling me that I am doing it too early? It is never too early to bring those feels and atmospheres out. Really, if you don't want to decorate until after Thanksgiving, thats your prerogative, but don't you try and insist that the rest of society do things your way. Thanksgiving gets plenty of love on Thanksgiving day, and even Thanksgiving week, but I consider Christmas decoration part of HOLIDAY SEASON decorations, and when people say "happy holidays" they are referring to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. so my holiday decorations can go up whenever I want.


Whit said...

Your right it is totally a personal decision. I choose to decorate the day after thanksgiving because that is a tradition but that doesnt mean that i am going to be mad at people who decorate earlier :) Your house looks beautiful and is inviting the holiday spirit for sure! Good work!

Crandalls said...

So, I wanna see pictures of the lights on your house! Honestly, mine would probably be up already if I would've had time:) Impatient little me set up Halloween so early I was sick of it by the time October 1st rolled I totally get it!

Laci said...

AMEN! and your decorations are darling btw :o)