Monday, November 15, 2010

Pregnancy & life update

20 weeks pregnant.

20 weeks is the half way point, and I really don't feel half way. Maybe thats because we didn't find out we were pregnant until the 5th week, so I have only known for 15 weeks, so 20 still isn't even how long I feel like I have been pregnant. You know?

Fun pregnancy facts
-weeks left: 20
-most number of times going to the bathroom in a day: 10
-weekly belly shots: 12
- number of ultrasounds: 6
most naps taken in one day: 3
-worst symptom(so far): nausea without throwing up. I hate that
-number of chocolate oranges eaten(so far): 6\
-Henry moves a lot. At least every hour I can feel him moved, and every time he does I know its something I could feel on the outside if I just had my hand then. Of course when I put it there he does not move.
-Henry is stretching out in me. He is standing up straight, his head is by my ribs, and his feet and way low in my uterus.
-number of books read on pregnancy or raising kids: 2
-I already feel like there is a bowling ball attached to my stomach and its most obvious when I need to get up from a chair or bed. So Jason has to help hoist me up. It actually feels more like a big water balloon, so when I bend forward like to tie my shoes, I feel this balloon flatten lol.
-I have a good supply of maternity tops, and only 2 pairs of bottoms, black yoga pants and 1 pair of maternity jeans that I like.
-we have registered at babies r us and target and let me tell you I found that process almost pointless for us. Here is why. I loved registering for our wedding, because I already knew what we needed, I had used it all before anyway yada yada. Well for baby, I have no idea what to get!! there was a whole wall of bottle nipples and Jason and I were perplexed at which to register for. It was pretty much like that for 80% of the things we registered for, the other stuff you were supposed to register for was nursery stuff, which obviously I am doing myself to avoid the cheesy cuteness that is at babies r us with their animal prints and trains.
-fetal movement at the beginning felt like flutters, like little butterflies in my stomach. Now fetal movements have turned into kicks, and they feel like a heartbeat in your stomach.
-I don't poke out, I just don't. I am sorry. Hate me if you want, BUT I HAVE gained weight. So don't think I am starving myself or something. The Dr said my weight gain right now is just fine, and not to worry about the shape of my stomach. So I won't :)

Well so far this pregnancy has been on a scale of 1 to 10, I would say a 5. In the beginning of the first trimester it was really hard to figure out how to function being pregnant and injured from the car accident, but now that I have, its pretty easy. Also in the first trimester you are so paranoid about the high chances of miscarriage its hard to even try to enjoy it. The first trimester was filled with tiredness and nausea, that has dramatically changed in the second trimester. I only get tired at bed time, and I get nausea about once a week.
My Dr has already started talking to me about the birthing plan, because he knows I want to go natural without meds, and that takes a while to prepare for. classes are 12 weeks long, and you want to be done with at least a month left so that means within a month we need to start classes. I do want to go natural, without meds, but I am not naive to think it will be easy, or that I will even make it. I am well aware of the fact that I hate pain, and that I could very easily cave. But I want to try.

well with 20 weeks down and 20 weeks to go, we are half way. actually today I am 19w 6d so tomorrow I am officially 20 weeks, and Jason and I are going out to celebrate hump day!

Here is what the next 20 weeks SHOULD have in store for us.

-third and FINAL trimester starts in 8 weeks.
-finishing the nursery. There is a LOT to do
-showers! my family ones need to be done before my lil sis goes on a mission on Jan 12.
-stocking the nursery with everything not received from the showers.
-birthing classes
-more frequent dr's appointments
-finishing Babywise and deciding on a parenting book to read.
-getting into a family home evening night habit, eeks
-quitting my job to get ready for baby
-taking a tour of the hospital we are delivering at
-getting the REST of our house ready, the office, basement, laundry room etc.
-packing our hospital bags
-teaching Jason how to change a diaper
-Celebrating our last Christmas and Thanksgiving as just a couple

In other random news...

Jason is still loving his job at Goldman Sach's. He has been there for almost 3 years now and is really excited about it still. His job "makes" him travel a lot, and he is working on getting his passport right now so he can go travel with them to places other than New York. He works about 50-60 hours a week, but its doing what he loves so it evens out right?

I am still working at 24 Hour Fitness as a Personal Trainer and I loooove my job. I love my clients, and I love what I do. I love that I don't really answer to anyone, and I don't really have co-workers I have to work with. Its just me and my clients. It has gotten a lot harder to do since being pregnant and broken, but my awesome clients make it easier. I will certainly miss them when its time to go. :(

We are excited for a lot of things, non baby related that will be coming up, and I will post more about those when they happen. :)


Angela said...

Oh the teasing of what's to come... not nice at all! :)

Glad that things are going so well with the pregnancy so far! Sounds like things are just amazing, and props on wanting to go natural! I had a friend of mine do that with her second child (unplanned natural), and she was totally good. Part of it was because she was walking a lot, and just doing as much as she could health wise before the birth.

So from what I've read... I'm guessing you are going to be a stay-at-home mom?

Whit said...

I didn't find out until I was 8 weeks along and I still felt like the first half dragged on and the last half flew by. Weird I know. Most people are opposite.

bequi said...

Don't register for clothes, because people will just buy what they like. As for nipples and pacifiers and all that, don't stress it. The thing about nipples is they have a different number of holes for each stage of development. So 0-3 months has 1 or 2 holes, etc. People will also buy a million blankets, and we got towels from 3 people. Turns out regular towels are easier to use than hooded ones.

Register for diapers and wipes. Don't forget things like shampoo and nail clippers. Ask for extra nose suckers at the hospital, because you can't find any that nice at stores.

If Jason wants prctice with baby stuff (diapers, baths, etc.) Let me know. He can practice on Andrea all he wants.