Friday, November 19, 2010

want a baby? Get a kitten.

I really think that all soon to be parents should get a Kitten.
Here are my top 10 reasons why.

Top 10 Reasons to get a cat if you want a kid

1. There are sooo many Kittens that need a good home that you really just can't go wrong, unless you are a cruel to animals. :(

2. Cats, Kittens really teach you patience. You don't just get them home and thats that. You have to be patient as they learn where to use the bathroom, not to knock over the Christmas tree, and not to bring crickets inside.

3. They teach you to control your negative emotion. Cats obviously can't talk and express their reasons for doing things, so I feel bad if I get upset at our cats, like I have hurt their feelings and they can't tell me. I never yell at them, I never swat them, and I give them lots of love.

4. They teach you to find more effective ways of disciplining. You can't just yell at a cat and expect they get it, just like I don't believe you should just yell at a child and expect they get it. You have to make sure they make a connection between the action and consequence.

5. They make you aware of others. They are so tiny, and they run all over and sometimes get under your feet, so it teaches you to be aware of who is around, and to be careful.

6. They teach responsibility. If you don't clean their liter, they poop on the carpet and that is your fault. So you have to be diligent in making sure you are taking care of them.

7. They help you understand how to understand the needs of others. When they meow, I can now tell which type of meow it is. They have a needy pet me meow, a whiny feed me meow, and a I really want that fly meow. I can tell when one of them is upset, annoyed, hungry and tired.

8. Most of all they teach you that although they aren't perfect, and they get into things and frustrate you, the love you have for your little one and the joy they bring far outweighs those little things.

9. If the reason you want a baby is because you want to love someone and have someone love you, Kittens are soooo perfect for that. They just snuggle and purr and love you and its so adorable.

10. They are just so cute. :)

Obviously my child has not yet arrived, but I know all these things will come in handy and have prepared me to be able to be the mother I want to be.

So get a cat.


Chelsey Paige said...

LOVE IT! And being a total cat lover, I couldn't agree more! Either my cats are way good at communicating with me, or I am really good at sensing what they need. I love them soooo sooooooo much, but still want a baby:)

Shalamar said...

I'm changing cat to dog and I totally agree. I'm allergic to cats so we can't have any. I want another baby but life is a little too crazy right now so maybe we'll get a dog. Thanks for the insight.

Whit said...

Ty would have never agreed to getting a cat before but he does want a dog

Anonymous said...

Anthony's allergic, or we would have gotten one. I want to add one more reason. If you're a newly-wed getting the baby itch, but you had planned on waiting a while for kids, get a pet. They fill the void for a little while since you have something small and warm to snuggle. As much as I teased you to hurry up and get pregnant, I really believe everyone should wait at least a year to get pregnant. Anthony and I were able to get so close during the 3 years before Sarah arrived, and it wouldn't have been possible if we had a kid right away. But you can totally go on vacations and trips without a dog or cat! And if the dog's crying is waking you up at night, you can just stick it outside or in its kennel. And you don't have to pay a babysitter for date nights.