Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Well I thought I would give you another pregnancy picture since bedrest seemed to make me pop.

22 weeks:

Last week when I did some spring cleaning in the closets, I came across some books that I had totally forgotten I had, but really liked. So I have started reading them again, and I thought I'd share with you why I like them.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
I grabbed this book because a blog friend of mine recommended it, and I have loved it. I dislike reading books that are stories, I like the self help books because I would rather get something productive out of reading rather than a story. This book is pretty awesome. I got this book not because we needed marriage help, but because I wanted to know every little thing I could be doing to make our marriage even better. This book talks about the different ways people solve problems, communicate, and it gives you ways to correct bad form. I recommend it for people who need marriage help, but also people who were like me and just wanted to make it that much better.
15 Secrets to Happy Home
OMG, this is by far my all time favorite improve your life book. If you only read one self help type book, please let it be this one. I picked this book up after just browsing around in Deseret Book for an hour and it caught my eye. I really hate the title of this book, because although these secrets do make your home happy, this book is way more about making YOU a happy you. Ever since reading this book I have learned and applied so many principles and ideas that have helped me deal with immature relatives, rude co-workers, negative friends etc. I admit I used to somewhat of an angry person in general, and ever since reading this book I have learned how to naturally be happy every single day. This book truly helps you gain a new sense of contentment and happiness. It helps you cope with situations you can't control, and to really make the best of every situation. I really can't say enough good things about this book. It was written by an LDS author, but its not an LDSie book for those of you who aren't members. Also I love it because its an easy read type book, its the bigger font which is just easier to read lets face it. I even keep this book in my scriptures and on Sundays during Sacrament Meeting when I am bored, lol, I read it. GET IT.

Change It Up
This book is along the same type of book as the previous, its just a bit more personal with the author. She tells a lot of her own examples, but the basis of the book is learning to deal with change, any kind of change. Because change in life is what upsets us, death, losing jobs, divorce, moving, etc. Change is going to happen, so you might as well learn to cope and make the most of it. I like, its not as applicable as the previous book, but it definitely has a lot of good points, thought provoking messages, and points out flaws you might not know you have.
I haven't finished this book yet, I just like it so far. lol. I have already done a post on this book, so go here if you want to know my thoughts.

I have actually gotten more into reading now that I am expecting, because I want to get as much knowledge as possible. I have a second cousin, who married an awesome lady, and together they adopted the CUTEST baby girl, their blog is here, and she has just done such an amazing job with Hazel that I wanted to know her secrets. So I asked her what her favorite books were and now I have a new list of books to buy and read! They are:

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Secrets of the Baby Whisperer (& for toddlers)

I need to go out and get them, but I want to at least finish Babywise first.
I don't intend on birthing my son, and then just winging it from there. I think that will be disastrous. I think you should learn everything you can, before the baby comes, and have a plan to execute when they arrive. I realize things change, things may not work and you have to tweak things, but its better than just bringing baby home from the hospital and being like"ok now what?" I just refuse to do that. I think thats when the first child becomes the practice child, and I won't do that. I say do it right the first time. Take the time, read, learn, ask around, observe, talk about it, and know how you want to parent from the beginning. I especially think you and your spouse should be on the same page before baby arrives, because once you meet baby, and you fall in love with their personality, your judgement might get clouded and you just wanna do whatever to make baby smile or laugh, which may not be whats best for their long term development. ya know?


bequi said...

Another long comment for you.

The only time I've ever wanted to just do what it takes to make Sarah laugh was when that's all she could do. Now it's about teaching her to be a nice person. I still want to make her laugh and smile, but more than that I want her to say "please" and "thank you." I don't think you can do something in the first year that could be damaging long-term (besides abuse/neglect of course), unless it's getting in a habit of giving your kids what they want ALL THE TIME. But the point of that first year IS to nurture your baby, and that DOES mean lots of snuggling and kisses and playing. I mean, as much of that as you can fit in a day.

My brother-in-law made a good point. In the real world, no one really cares how smart or funny you are, or how much money you make. What they care about is if you're a nice person. So my first goal in rasing kids is to teach them to be nice.

I read somewhere that kids can't understand sharing until they're 3 or 4. That's bull crap. Sarah's been sharing since she had the coordination necessary to hand a toy to someone.

Jenny said...


If you enter the promo code "WTE" you get the carrier for free and just have to pay shipping. I don't need another one but I'm sending it out to the prego girls I know so you guys can get one if you want. :)

Chelsey Paige said...

I think it is absolutely insane that parenting classes aren't a requirement in high school. Same with finances!

Whit said...

That seven principles marriage book is really good it was actually my text book for a marriage a family class I took in college and I loved it and kept it

Sara said...

i can't wait to hear what you think of those books! (p.s. you are so nice!)