Saturday, November 20, 2010

Work update

Well the decision on what I am going to do with my career has been a tricky one thus far.
The plan, was for me to work all the way up until delivery, and then if it felt right and I loved it I would go back sometime after the baby comes.
Here are the factors that we now had to consider

1. The 24 Hour Fitness location I work at is 30 mins away, so its a bit of a commute.

2. The car accident I was in really messed up my hips. I injured my SI Joint, and if I walk or stand for too long, it makes my leg numb and tingly.

3. The further into the pregnancy I get, the more uncomfortable I am and the more difficult it becomes to demo exercises for my clients, and set up their weights etc.

4. Its not insanely stressful, but there is a sales side to Personal Training that makes it not as fun as it could be.

5. I loooove my job. Really. I have loved a few of my jobs before, but this is my career, and I am madly in love with it.

6. I loooove my clients. Personal Training for me is really personal. I get to know my clients, they become friends, we text a lot, they bought me baby gifts, I love them and will always always help them with their goals, money involved or not.

7. I love 24 Hour Fitness. I believe in the brand, the goals, and my boss is awesome.

8. It keeps me active. Even though during this pregnancy the more active I am the more my hip hurts, I still love being active and staying somewhat in shape.

9. I have realized the last couple weeks that even though I don't work that many hours, it still affects how productive I am at home. Instead of all my tiny energy going to nesting, getting the house ready, being a good wife etc, its going to work.

The decision that Jason and I made was that I would stop working at the end of December.
Its bittersweet, but in the end we knew I wouldn't need to work when Henry gets here, so a couple months really wouldn't matter. The bottom line is it is getting too physically demanding to do Personal Training, and its not worth it.
So on Thursday I let my boss know that December would be my last month. He understood, and we agreed I would finish out my clients and then be done, which is perfect timing.
I am hoping this will help me be more productive at home, and give me time to prepare for the birth and the baby.

I may go back to Personal Training after the baby comes, like waaay after, but who knows. It really was just so much fun.
so there you have it.

on a plus note, my sweet hubby knows that I have been having a hard time with it, with the weight gain that comes with pregnancy, and feeling not so pretty. so a week ago he brought home costa vida that had a sweet love note in it. The note directed me to him, where he pulled out a nice Morgan Jewelers white box that contained the most shiney diamond earrings ever. He is so sweet, and knows when I need a pick me up. He got them for me so every time I see them I will know how pretty he thinks I am. :) I have been wearing them ever since. :)

They are soooo sparkly, and I feel very nervous wearing them with how expensive they were.
Wish me luck not losing them!! :/

1 comment:

Angela said...

1) You are absolutely beautiful, especially with the baby! There is just something so beautiful and special when a woman is pregnant with a child.
2) Never let go of the things you love! You may not go back to an official work place, but I think it's important to hold onto what you enjoy in any way possible. Plus, if I make it out that way, you can train me! :)
3) Continue to being the amazing person you are! We may have never met in person, but I know the person you married, and because of that, I know how amazing you are!