Monday, December 20, 2010

26th week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy stats:

weeks pregnant: 25
number of times going to bathroom at night: 3
average length of daily naps: 2 hours
bra size changes: 2
emotional break downs about being fat: 5
trips to Taco Bell for soft tacos: 6

Some new weird little bits of info for those who are curious.
Sleeping at night has become somewhat of a frustrated laugh riot for me. I am turner, I toss and turn during my sleep, and I think its just because I like, not because of mattress problems. I turn probably 5-10 times a night. When you have a soccer ball attached to your stomach, weighing you down, it is not so easy to turn. Its quite difficult, I have to wake up, hoist myself up, pull myself around, then reposition myself on the other side, and then fall back to sleep.

The other night frustration, is the constant potty breaks. I have NEVER in my adult life had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I have always either been able to hold it til morning, or just not needed to go. I have to pee about twice a night now. usually around 2 am, and 4 am, which baffles me because I drink nothing in between the two times! When you're pregnant, you can only hold it for so long before it becomes uncomfortable to the point of painful, and it wakes you up at night.

I have no idea how much I've gained, and I don't want to know. I close my eyes at the Dr, and have put away the scales in my house. My Dr. hasn't mentioned it, and until he does I am going to try not to worry about it. I know I am gaining weight, or at least inches which is the worst part for me. My hips are wider and that makes me sad. :( I still can't get my mind to make the connection, but I did decide today, that if I lose the weight and get back in shape after Henry is born, I think the next pregnancy I won't be so worried about it. I am just paranoid I will be one of those moms who make excuses, and 2 years later still have their "baby weight."

Being 6, almost 7 months pregnant, I ALWAYS feel full. I just don't feel like there is any room for food, liquids, etc. So eating is bittersweet, because although foods may taste good, its like when you've eaten too much, and you just keep eating. And along the lines of food, I have always loved milk, but I just can not get enough milk right now. It just tastes sooo good. lol

I'm pretty much in the third trimester. Opinions vary so differently on what week the third trimester begins, but getting into the third trimester is not as exciting as getting into the second was, so I don't really care when the technical time starts.

Speaking of the first trimester, the tiredness I experienced during weeks 8-11, is back. I nap twice a day. I wake up with Jason around 645, then go back to sleep at 8, til he calls around 10-10:30, then I nap again from 1ish-3. And I am still tired by the time its bedtime! I really don't know how women work full time while being pregnant, I would be sooo cranky all the time. This is another reason I am grateful for my husband. :)

When/if you are pregnant, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look at pictures of yourself before you were pregnant. I promise you, it will just depress you. You think its a good idea, cause it will make you feel better about what you used to look like and you know you can do it again, but until there isn't a baby inside you, its pointless. Look at those pictures the week you give birth. :)

OH MY GOODNESS! K, please tell me I am not alone in this. My boobs have grown, again, and the back fat look in the back called for a new bra. so I go bra shopping, to only 2 different places mind you but many different brands. This irritates me to no end, you find the cup size you need, but the bust size is one size too small, so you go up one size in the bust size, SAME CUP size, but yet all of a sudden the cup size is too big! This was my problem the entire time, I didn't think it was possible to be in between bra sizes, but I must be because I left both store empty-handed(well not really, I bought a lot of baby clothes, but no bras). I just can't win.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Just an opinion from someone whos so recently had a baby, I wouldn't look at pictures of pre prego self until at least 3-4 weeks after the baby especially if you plan on breastfeeding. It's imposible to know before hand how your milk is going to come in but working out DEFINENTLY affects it, if you work out too soon or to hard you're milk will dip and you'll have to work harder for it (ie. nurse/pump more often/longer and could possibly loose it) Those first couple weeks will be hard because you will still look/feel like 20 weeks prego and there is no baby in there anymore. It's a total trip. But there is so much more to worry about/deal with like getting sleep and learning what the different cries mean.
And ya the bra thing is freaking annoying. Just wait till your nursing lol. My boobs freaked out, they're big they're little they don't know what they are doing! Good luck in the bra quest