Friday, December 3, 2010

boring update.

so I am little pissed and frustrated. Nice way to start a post don't you think?
Here is my reasoning.
I am healthy 90% of the time. I eat well, I exercise, and I enjoy a daily treat. I do pilates. I stretch. I take care of myself, more than I think most women do.
I am pissed because despite all of that, the car accident has made this pregnancy that much harder. I am convinced if it wasn't for the blasted car accident, my back wouldn't hurt yet, my buldging disc wouldn't have herniated causing insane numbness and pain in my leg, and my SI Joint would not be injured causing that much more pain.
So its frustrating, that I can take such good care of myself, IN PREPERATION for pregnancy, and yet it is useless. It makes me think I should have just milked it like a lot of other woman and just sat lazily by getting fat and depressed. I mean, that would have been easier.
Really I shouldn't complain. In the spectrum of pregnancies it hasn't been that bad. I haven't thrown up, I am not huge, my face hasn't gotten fat, and I don't milk the craving thing.
But recently, its gotten to the uncomfortable stage. It feels weird to bend over for something, or tie my shoe, it takes way more effort to get up from the couch or bed, and my belly is not submerged at all during bath time. Which is weird because my center of gravity hasn't shifted all that much, yes I have a bump/belly, but I can still see my toes, and it doesn't stick out that far, but yet my balance is all sorts of off.
Baby bump/belly thus far:
23 weeks

Its weird to think that technically my baby could be born right now, and survive. Obviously that is not ideal, and I am sure he would have a lot of issues, but its still weird to think. There are 17 weeks left in this little journey of mine, and I CAN NOT wait for it to be over, but at the same time I can, because I don't feel ready for a baby quite yet, but I feel so ready to be done being pregnant. ya know?!
I have to brag for a minute. A while ago I asked my hubby if I could have a certain amount of money after I lost the baby weight to buy a new wardrobe, and yesterday he told me he has decided to over DOUBLE that budget for me! He said he thinks I deserve it since this pregnancy has been so painful with the car accident problems. :) What a freaking sweetie I have.
Pregnancy Tidbits:
Its hilarious to me how much my belly shrinks after I go pee.
baby is SO active at night when I am trying to sleep. luckily I have learned to ignore him.
If I stretch really far, I can feel him being squished.
I looove my one pair of maternity jeans. the only pair I have found that I love.
the hormones are crazy. 1 minute I am happy, and the next I feel totally depressed.
I love wearing skirts and heels. looove it.
his movement and kicks still feel like heartbeats.
I have a nice collection of maternity tops, that i love.
I looove fresh food. tomatoes, fruits, etc. I love it. gives me so much energy.
Christmas is coming up so much faster, when its not what my countdown is for.
There is a human residing in me. That is still SO weird.


Unknown said...

It does all seem really unfair :/ On a brighter note - just think of how much worse it might feel it you hadn't have taken such good care of yourself prior to the car accident! I'm sorry that someone being a careless driver caused things to go less well than you'd prepared for. You look beautiful and happy though! Jason sounds like a great and very thoughtful husband.

Hailey said...

I agree with Caroline. You'd probably have an even harder time if you weren't so healthy. When you get frustrated just remind yourself that while you're hurting your baby is still benefiting from your good choices.

bequi said...

Believe me, it would be a million times worse if you weren't taking care of yourself.