Friday, December 17, 2010

Broken Record

I am sorry, I know I have talked about this before, but its what is on my mind, all the time. And I would like to know if I am alone in this.

I feel fat.

I know, I know, I am pregnant, there is a baby in there, "its beautiful", yada yada.
Trust me, I have heard it all, and I KNOW IT ALL!
I just can not for the life of me, get my mind to make the connection when I look in the mirror.
I don't see a baby bump, I see a beer belly.
Its really messing me up I think. Everyone said just wait until you pop and then you will feel pregnant instead of fat, and I have popped, and they lied. LIARS!! ;)
Maybe I haven't "connected" to my pregnancy in the way that gives you that feeling, or maybe with my weight history I will just never be able to pack on pounds and be ok with it, whatever the reason, its a problem.
The only comfort I take from it, is knowing that there is no way after the baby is born that I will not be in the gym as fast as possible.
The EXTREMELY annoying this is, when I talk to other moms about this, and I tell them the only comfort I have is knowing I will go back to the gym, they have the nerve to tell me that when the baby comes I won't want to go to the gym! ?! Excuse me? Here I am telling you how miserable being fat makes me and there is one thing that makes me feel better and you have the nerve to try and tell me it won't happen? Have you met me? I am sorry, I love my child, I adore him already, but I know that in order for me to be the best mom, I need to be the best me, which means I need to feel good about myself. My husband is 110% supportive of me getting right back in the gym, this is my moms first grandchild so she will be oober obsessed with babysitting, plus you can workout, eat healthy and get in shape with your child there! Its not like I plan on abandoning my child for 6 hours a day to work out, but I have no issues with taking time for myself. Try and tell me different and you will not be on my Christmas list. :D

(Don't you just hate it when you are talking to someone about your thoughts and opinions and the only thing they wanna do is tell you why you're wrong cause "they've been there"?)


Angela said...

I think with all the knowledge you have, there is nothing wrong with how you are feeling and/or thinking. The most important part is your relationship with Jason and Henry. And of course, throw in Heavenly Father and it makes it that much better. :)

You are not handling the weight gain very well, and I wish I could say I was pregnant instead of just gaining weight. *sigh*

Megan said...

The fact is that people make time for the things that are most important to them. Losing this baby weight is VERY important to you so you will make time to get to the gym. Will it be harder to get there once you have a baby. Sure it will. Does that mean it won't happen? No, it doesn't. If it is at the top of your priority list, it will get done.

bequi said...

I won't say you won't want to. As soon as I gave birth, the only thing I wanted to do was ride my bike. But my doctor wouldn't let me til 6 weeks after the baby came. So keep that in mind that doctor's orders might keep you from working out for a few weeks. But you can take the baby for walks and stuff.

And I felt fat for my whole first pregnancy, and the second one I didn't care as much, because I knew it would go away so fast after the baby came.