Monday, December 13, 2010

Feeling ready.

So far in this pregnancy I haven't felt ready for baby to come yet. I just haven't felt like I was completely prepared, and not that you ever can be, but as much as I could be.
I now feel ready for him to come.
I don't have everything figured out.
His nursery isn't done.
the house isn't baby proofed.
I have no idea what diapers to buy.
I don't know how I will even touch the umbilical cord belly button. (gross)
I am scared spitless of bathing him.
I haven't finished reading all my books.
But I feel ready.
I feel comforted in knowing what my role will be, and I feel a sense of confidence in knowing that I will know what to do, or who to turn to if I don't. I can't explain it, although I am sure all you mothers out there know the feeling, I just feel an overwhelming peace about it.
I have about 15 weeks left until he comes. (cause he better come early) ;).
Its funny how full circle pregnancy goes. In the beginning I could not wait to get in the double digit weeks, and now I can't wait to get into the single digits for weeks left.
Pregnancy for the last month at least has been easy, aside from having some sort of cold bug, and the ever annoying back problems that is. I don't feel tired, sick, etc.

1 comment:

gail said...

so cute baby belly!