Friday, December 24, 2010


This picture is perfection, as much as I hate it.

I am quite fond of this hideous picture, because it depicts exactly how I feel. I used to love getting my picture taken, I was somewhat of a ham, but now I just before to be behind the lens, rather than document what I call my uglyness. Jason respectfully disagrees with me, but he has to.
So in case I have failed over my million blog posts to appropriately convey to you the feelings I have about my appearance, this picture says it all.

on a plus positive note, I have noticed that the more active I am, whether it be working out, cleaning, shopping etc, the better I feel about myself. I have been cautious with activity ever since bedrest, but I have also been more disgusted with myself since then. So I am going to be as active as I can be.

On ANOTHER positive note, the day I decided to be more active and move all day long, I lost 3 lbs! I know you aren't supposed to try and lose weight while pregnant, but its ok as long as that weight is fat, and not baby stuff. Which I am 110% positive it was not baby stuff. ;)

I am a pretty positive person, in person. :) My blog is grounds for my venting and frustrations. So don't think I mope around all day saying wo is me I am fat, I only do that to my husband. ;)


Robins Family said...

To be honest with you, I think is a very pretty photo of you! And you look FAB! I know its SO hard to feel like you look sexy and cute when it feels like you are gaining weight like a flash of light. But you look really good! Just do the things that make you feel good!

bequi said...

I know how you feel. And I agree about the activity thing. The closer the the end of the pregnancy, the more projects I do. And it's not from nesting, it's cuz I feel fat and lazy.