Thursday, January 6, 2011

27 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy week 27

questions I am sick of:

"How are you feeling?"
"When are you due?"
"Are you excited?"

I know people ask their questions cause they care, or they don't know what else to say, but after being asked the same question 100 times, you just get tired of it.

This last week I have felt like I am finally having the pregnancy I was meant to. Nothing hurts, no annoying symptoms, exercising regularly, I almost feel normal. Almost. ;)

I am beginning to feel the start of the uncomfortable phase kicking in, though I am doing everything to combat that. I have kicked up my exercises, changed my diet to a more energizing source, and try to stay active as much as I can. I have found all of these to be helpful when I start to feel that sluggish slump set it.

There are no more huge mile markers to pass until baby comes. Now its just a daily countdown. :) No more holidays, birthdays, events etc.

I have noticed on days I exercise and eat right, my mind is better able to make the connection that I am not fat, theres just a baby. It must be because my mind knows I am doing everything I can to not be fat, so there must be another reason for this beer belly.

I had the thought tonight that I think Henry will arrive after his due date. I know I am impatient, but I have no interest in inducing labor, even if he isn't here by his due date. I had the thought enter my mind tonight, that I may need one more General Conference address before he comes. General Conference SHOULD be either April 2-3, or April 8-9, my due date is April 5, with an original due date of April 8. So, its gonna be hit or miss, but I am certain that unless its needed, or its been two weeks, I don't want to induce labor. I want that experience of my water breaking and calling Jason in a panic. I like the mystery of not knowing when he will come. I want him to come on his own terms, not mine or the Dr's. I don't want it to be planned, I want it to just happen. I can be patient for this. :)

I am so excited to meet him and have him be apart of our family, but I still take it I think more seriously than most. He isn't just a baby, he isn't an accessory, or something to keep me occupied throughout the day, he is a spirit given to me and Jason for guidance and help. Its a tremendous responsibility. I constantly think about how I will teach him values, morals, standards, truths, lessons, charity, etc. Its not just about having a cute baby. Its so much more than that.

1 comment:

Ben & Kelsey said...

I feel exactly like you do. I dont not want to induce labor. I want it to happen on its own as well.