Tuesday, January 11, 2011

29th week

** I will no longer bore this blog with my weight talk, thats now going to be on my other blog. You can all cheer now. :) **

29th week of pregnancy.

tid bits:
I can still see my feet, and tie my shoes
my maternity clothes still fit
Henry moves all the time, seriously almost all day
His nursery is 90% complete
My Dr's appointments are now every other week
my belly is still measuring smaller
maternity pictures in a few weeks
I am terrible at taking pre-natal vitamins
I am overwhelmed at all the REAL baby stuff we need, bottles, binkies, etc.
84 days left
I am still comfortable, not yet into the seriously uncomfortable stage
our younger kitten loves to sit on my belly.
if there is such a thing as cravings, mine is fruit
we can see Henry move
sleeping at night is PAINFUL
I love my baths
my acid reflux is HORRIBLE
I love feeling him move, really, I do
I can cry at the drop of a hat
so yeah. my dr's appointments are every other week now, I can tell you that although that means the end is near, I am not looking forward to having to go in that often for a 5 minute visit. My Dr. is pretty much awesome though, so the visits are always fun and educational. My acid reflux is TERRIBLE. I burp at least every 95 seconds. no joke. its disgusting. Well we are almost there people! 3/4 of the way there! Jason and I are just enjoying the little time we have left just the two of us.

1 comment:

bequi said...

I hated the weekly appointments. When they started, my doctor did one cervix check for a base measurement, and then left it up to me about whether she'd check again each week. I never had her check it til the appointment before my induction. My point is, if you don't want your cervix checked, you don't have to!!!