Monday, January 31, 2011

32nd week of pregnancy

mommy is this big.
baby is this big.
31 weeks pregnant cross section

Things are going good, the nursery is done, everything is purchased, washed, hung, and ready. The house is ready for Henry. :) Exactly what I wanted. I wanted everything ready by Feb 15th, so I am way pleased that it was finished by January.
The tiredness from the first trimester has crept back into my life, making me regret that I didn't take advantage of my energy in my second trimester. Its ok though, lucky for me I have nothing to do during the days really so I can rest and nap as needed.
**Vent time**
There is one thing I hope I never hear again, and when I do hear it I usually stop listening 2 seconds later:
"just wait"
What is everyones problem in that they can't let you enjoy the moment? You say you feel well rested and they say: Just wait until the baby comes and keeps you up all night.
You say you like your in laws and they say: oh just wait until the baby comes and they get annoying.
You say your marriage is fantastic and they say: just wait until the baby comes and it all changes.
You say you can't wait to get back into the gym and they say: just wait until the baby comes, you wont want to.
You say you can't wait for baby to come and they say: just wait until he does, you will wish you had more time.
Can we just eliminate that phrase from our vocab? I know people say it and tell you those things to I guess try and be helpful, but its rude. Its just plain rude. Its like they are bitter with how their experience was, or how they chose to parent, that they just want to bring you down in the few moments of contentment you have during your pregnancy. Its like they think you are going to say: Oh, my gosh, you are so right, I should just stop being pregnant right now and change my mind. ??????? So please, if you find yourself giving a prego advice, AT LEAST don't start with the phrase "just wait" because trust me, she stops listening.

ok, I feel better now. :)
**Vent time over**

What else, I, unfortunately, am one of those women who during pregnancy get larger EVERYWHERE, and not just my belly, giving the illusion that my belly isnt very big. Allow me to go into detail (as if you could stop me). When I lost 53 lbs(exact number ;)) I guess the memory of the weight still remained, so when I started gaining weight during pregnancy, my body dispersed that weight into the places it knew weight used to be. Make sense? So basically I am back to my weight and size that I was 3 years ago, plus a beer belly. At first I was really depressed about it, and upset, but then I realize I am lucky. I know EXACTLY how to lose the weight, my stomach isnt being all stretched out, no stretch marks on my stomach, etc. So while I hate the size I am now, I know its totally doable to get back down to my tiny self.

the other part about getting ready that I didn't really think about was clothes for Henry. I know babies don't need much, but they need some. We got a lot from friends, family, showers, etc. But there were still some holes in his wardrobe. He needed PJ's, shorts, and some church clothes, so I was SUPER excited to go get them, and shockingly found some waaay cute stuff. Henry now has a great supply of plaid shorts like his dad, basketball shorts and warm up pants, and a sweet argyle vest for church. I also bought his blessing outfit, he better not be too big for it when he comes out! To be honest I haven't ever really liked baby boy blessing outfits, and I dislike how useless they are after the blessing, so I got him a more practical outfit that I just think is pimp(yes I just said pimp). see below:
I think its just freaking awesome. :) Its a newborn size, cause I figured that makes sense, but I need to hurry and decide if I should exchange it for a 0-3 size, I mean, it depends on when he will be blessed, how much he will weigh, etc. But by the time he is born they will probably be out so I should get on that.

The thing about being pregnant at this point, is I have been pregnant for so long, that I forgot what its like to not be pregnant, and it feels like the countdown will never end. It will be surreal and weird when I actually do go into labor and have this little guy, right now that day seems soooo far away.

64 days!


Jenny said...

"Just wait" is the worst! I haven't experienced it during pregnancy obviously, but I hated when people would say it when we got married. At one of my bridal showers, after I opened gifts, almost everyone started telling me that I should "just wait" because I wouldn't think Danny was all that awesome after I'd been married for 10 years. They were experts because they weren't happy 10 years later. I left feeling so annoyed and I couldn't understand why there are people who can't just let other people be happy and must instead try to make other people feel bad because they're unhappy in their own lives. Obviously this causes me to vent quite a bit too :) Kudos to you for not even listening to it. You're awesome!

Laci said...

I SO hope I'm not one of those who says "just wait." I almost want to go back and read some of my "advice" comments LOL :) So I officially want to apologize if I ever have!! Because I totally agree... I was *this* close to doing a post on how I feel like parenthood is such a competition to some people. I felt that way with Elle and I feel that way now. Its like, the more kids you have, the more you know and the "cooler" you are. RRRRRRRR >:( Drives me NUTS!!! Its like get over it!! just because you have 3 or 4 kids does not mean YOUR way is the best, or that YOU know everything. Bugs.

Anyway, LOL :)

And I LOVE the blessing outfit.. SO SWEET!!!!! You might want to switch it to0-3 mo. just so he can wear it to church or whatever later. If you only want it for the blessing, then I say you are probably fine with NB.

Anyway, I also know how you feel about forgetting what its like to not be pregnant.. feels like forever. But we are both so close!!! Kinda nervous!!
And btw.. you look SUPER cute pregnant!! Love the picture!

Unknown said...

That blessing outfit is ridiculously cute!!

:) So, I forgot that you set your blog to private, and that private blogs don't show up in my feed... and then it occurred to me that I hadn't read anything of yours in a number of days and I got a little worried... then right when I typed in your blog to make sure everything is okay and I saw that you actually have posted in the last week or so, it all made sense.

I have a hard time accepting uninvited advice period, I can't even imagine going through pregnancy where everyone not only wants to give you their input all the time, but thinks that their way is the only way. And that's not even touching the "just wait" aspect of it! Ah well, I guess over the course of 9+ months you get used to brushing off negative comments like that.

Angela said...

I'll say it again as I've said it many times... you are so cute pregnant! I love the blessing outfit, and agree with others... if you want Henry to wear it more, you may want to go up the size.

I think it's wonderful that you have so many positive things in your life, and that you love your in-laws and even your husband. :) The only reason why any of those relationships would change is if you let go of the things that are important.

My dad had a hard time with the transition after my brother was born (him and I believe 17 1/2 months apart) because my parents had been married for 6 years before I even came along. My dad was my mom's only focus, and then that started to change over the next couple years. My mom didn't realize it until my dad came home after a business trip, and told her that he had thought about divorce. They are obviously still happily married after 33 years, and counting! Keep communication open, and don't forget your hubby.

molly said...

I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to hear "just wait"! It's as if you can't foresee what will give you joy - only they know. It's disrespectful to you and your character.
Also, I love your positive spin on the weight gain. It's great to know you know just how to take it off. I've never lost significant weight so would/will be totally overwhelmed by pregnancy weight.
You're cute pregnant!