Thursday, January 20, 2011

funny and breastfeeding

Want a funny update about my pregnancy?
Well I don't care, you are going to get it anyway.

Boobs. haha. yeeeeah.
I knew they got bigger, and I was totally prepared, but I didn't realize HOW they get bigger. I just figure I go up a size or two. I figure they just stick out further. I did not know, they your whole frontside becomes belly, and boob. I have boob in my armpit, I have boob on my collar bone, and I have boob all the way down to when my belly starts. Its madness! there is boob everywhere!!! I realized how funny this was when I was bathing the other day, and I had to LIFT my boobs off my belly to wash under them! ahha!!

a few of you asked me why I don't plan on breastfeeding for very long, only a month.
I will tell you, and I best not get no judgmental comments or I will busta cap.... (said in a gansta voice...)
Ok. Well first I think its gross. I want to be a mom, but I have never had that desire to be THAT close to a person. I only prefer one person to get that close to my boobs, and he is 25. I realize it may change blah blah blah, but for now I think its gross.
second, its true that babies that are breastfed sleep less. Before you send me all your comments saying,"my baby sleeps great and I breastfeed!" I understand there are some where this isn't the case, but the studies prove it, breastfed babies sleep for shorter periods of time, and they usually don't sleep through the night. Sorry, I am selfish, I need to sleep through the night eventually.
third, yes, I understand breastmilk is BETTER for baby, but that doesn't mean formula isn't great for baby also. Breastmilk is ONLY better for baby, depending on moms diet. If mom is eating bad stuff, baby eats bad stuff. Sure there are nutrients your body is creating that they get, but I don't feel that outweighs the lack of basic nutrition he may not get should I have a bad food day. Formula is made specifically for babies, people. Its got great nutrients, its very filling, and I don't mind formula poop. poop is poop.
fourth, I want NOTHING to do with pumping. NOTHING. If you aren't feeding baby, you are pumping for baby and I am sorry, but I just won't be strapped to my house because of my choice method for feeding.
fifth, since I am not pumping, I want Jason to be able to feed and bond with him. There is all this hype about mother child bonding, but I want Jason to bond, too, especially since he won't spend nearly as much time with baby as I will. we will breastfeed and do formula from the beginning, but breastfeeding will end after a month.
sixth, the only reason I am breastfeeding for even a month, is the weight loss benefits. Call me selfish, but its my only interest.
seventh, people have been going without breastmilk for generations, adopted kids, babies who were allergic to moms milk, babies whose moms milk never came in, it hurt too much, etc. Studies say that only 56% of babies are actually breastfed. so really it doesnt seem life or death to me.
eighth, I know its easier to breastfeed, milk is there, perfect temp, etc., but I am ok with preparing a bottle and putting a little effort into it. and I am sooo uncomfortable with people breastfeeding in public, and so I want nothing to do with it.
ninth, I plan on working out as soon as possible, hard core, and that doesn't support a healthy supply of breastmilk, so I am assuming I will lose my milk around 1-2 months anyway.
tenth, my sisters and I were only breastfed for 1 month, and none of Jason's siblings including Jason were breastfed, and I think we turned out all right.


One of my friends is having her baby, right now. It makes me a little ansy to have mine, not in the sense that I want to go into labor right now, but I want to be prepared to go into labor right now. I am currently typing up a hospital plan, I am dying to pack a hospital bag, and put the carseat in the car. lol Its pathetic.


The Viewer said...

I WILL never ever ever judge someone for not breast feeding. I can't do it and I know my child is perfect!! The fact she was never breast fed doesn't ruin her one bit! It's very convenient to bottle feed (even though BF is way cheaper) but the hubby actually gets to help out! Anyway- do what is best for you. I think some people have too many opinions and think they know it all. What ever you want/think is what matters.

valerie said...

Don't let anyone tell you that you are wrong for not breastfeeding. I never did breastfeed and my sister in law didn't either. A lot of babies in the NICU are not brestfed. I loved the fact that I can sleep a full night every other night because my husband can help feed and he enjoys the time he gets to spend with her. Also Target brand is cheap and is just the same as the others, my babies doctor even recommended it.

Whit said...

I breastfeed Maddux but that is because it is a personal decision which is just that..personal. No body should judge whether you do or you don't breastfeed. It was nice for me but I know it is not for everyone or every baby. My only thing is that I don't like being judged for breastfeeding because again it is what is good for me and my baby. I don't just whip out my boob in public but every once and a while I gotta feed him when I am out and I just cover up. He also does take bottles/formula if I need him too like if I am gone then Ty can feed him. Also I didn't pump because it just didn't work for me I couldn't get a let down. My body did not react to the machine very well so it is either baby is eating or if I'm not around he gets a bottle. I also was one of the lucky ones that Maddux sleeps through the night and has been since 6 weeks and I still breastfeed him and he takes wonderful naps but I think that is just because me and Ty like to sleep and he inherited our sleeping patterns. Anyway I think you should do whatever you feel you should do. It is yours and your hubby and babies business nobody elses. You are going to be a fantastic mom and I am excited for him to get here.

Angela said...

Kati... you make me laugh! I love how the only person you want close to your boobs is 25. Oh - I needed that laugh. But in all seriousness, you do what you need to do just as all mothers should. It is what is best for you, the baby, and your family. And to end, you make me excited to have my own family! I have to say that all of your blogs have me excited for the whole pregnancy experience. Odd, I know, but true! :)

Beki Jo said...

I was never breast fed!

Caitlin said...

Kati- your post was so funny! hahah. and I totally agree hahah... i think its gross too! lol. and i agree that maybe i will change my mind later on when i do have a baby, but for now...EW. hahah. Don't worry about what others say because, like you said, i really don't think that in this day and age its a life or death kinda thing, and really just what works best! and it being to help with the baby weight?! Genius! LOL. honestly, after all that pregnancy puts you through, having one little push to get rid of the weight-go for it!!! :D

Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

Kati... My mother in law and sister in law both GAINED weight when they nursed... doesn't always work out to loose the weight.

bequi said...

I hope you don't feel like I was judging you. I love you. This is just one of those things my mom taught me to feel strongly about, you know. I know it's not for everyone. I just wish every mom would give it a try. I know lots of people who tried for a month or so and then switched to bottles. But I also know lots of people (like myself) who thought it would be awful and gross, and then found out it was really nice.

In conclusion, I'm glad you're trying it, even if it's only for a month.

It's said...

The sleep all depends on you. I didn't feed Oliver at night. So, he slept through from two weeks on. (the two weeks is because you are supposed to feed them when they wake up formula or not) Oh and be forewarned breastfeeding kept weight on me. I know many many women who keep weight on till they stop nursing. ha ha for instance I kept 30 extra pounds on and couldn't get passed those to save my life. I also think it's gross, I just didn't think about it. :) But who cares what people say you need to do what makes you comfortable