Friday, January 21, 2011


Is it just me, or has photography gotten a little too pricey?
there are so many photographers whose work I looove and would love to enlist them to document this pregnancy, but I just can't fathom spending hundreds of dollar on such a simple session.
ESPECIALLY when it seems like everyone is a photographer these days.
Shouldn't that make the price go down?
I mean, don't get me wrong, really, I understand its an art, and its how some people make a living. So really, I am not trying to offend any of my photographer friends, I know its hard work and everyone puts their heart and soul into it. So don't take me the wrong way. :)
But it seems like for most, its a hobby, so wouldn't it be more effective to lower the price, to get more clients?
I mean, I would loooove nothing more than to randomly do photo sessions to document the growth of my family, or a party, birth, etc. but I can't do that with each session(or getting the CD) costing hundreds of dollars.
Maybe the problem I am having is that a lot of the photographers I love do a lot of family/kids sessions, which I get, are a lot harder than me and my baby bump will be, so thats probably why they charge so much, but I am easy!!! lol
I also get, that its the editing you are paying for also, but I still just think its a lot. I mean lets break it down.
Lets say a photographer charges 300$ for a session with 25 edited prints on CD.
1 hour session
3 hours editing(all together, cause I know some photogs do it over a couple days)
thats 4 hours
do you realize that person is making 75$ an hour? Shrinks don't even make that much an hour.
So maybe I am just bitter that my husband has warped my carefree capture the moment mind into a finance one, which agreed is for the better, but I still think the photography industry is getting a little crazy.
I am doing maternity pictures soon, I have a backup place to do them if I can't find a reasonably priced photographer before then.
Its 79$, which is the sitting fee, and includes a CD of ALL the images you select, edited.
THATS what I am talking about people.
and its a reeeally cute place, their studio is setup to look just like popular photog places, with brick walls, graffiti, vintage furniture, etc. and to me it doesn't look all studio stuffy. Check it out sometime. :)
Anyway, I am getting them done sometime in the next couple weeks, so I will let you know if I found a photographer or if fotofly it is!

On a side note, I loooved going private and seeing how many people actually read my blog. All my blogstalkers, don't be afraid to comment! It will be a lovely blog relationship.
I may eventually share the reason for going private, but right now its still a little hurtful to think about, so just know its because I don't think the whole world needs to have access into my life if they don't actually care about me. :)
Also, I only invited those to my fitness blog that specifically requested it, so if you want to see that one too, let me know. :)


Lisa Niederhauser said...

Oh, NO! I want your fitness blog, too :)

Crandalls said...

me too:)

Robins Family said...

I want your fitness blog as well! Pretty Please!

Robins Family said...

Also I think the same thing, photographers charge a lot, however, it really does take a lot of time to edit photos. It really seems like it should and would be a simple task but its very time consuming. You also have to think about most expensive photographers have really high end cameras and lens. The lens I have added to my wish list is $2000 dollars, its a simple portrait lens. The camera I also have added to my wish list is $5000. So you have to think if they have invested a lot into their business. Thats just how I have to think about it.

bequi said...

It appears my invitation from the first time you went private is still in affect. Wahoo!

Shalamar said...

Thanks for the website. You're totally right about photographers. However, I am a little spoiled though, my mother in law is a photographer so I get everything free but it's nice to go other places for a different look so this place is perfect. Totally worth the drive. Can't wait to see your maternity shots. One word of advice, get them done sooner than later. I scheduled a date to get my maternity pics done and had Olivia 3 days before I was supposed to go (she was 3 weeks early). I was bummed but I'm going to do them for sure with our next one.

Chelsey Paige said...

Just want to say I TOTALLY agree with you on the photography thing. So many people try to make a business right off the bat. I have volunteered and ton and slowly build a reputation. So many out there are WAY over priced. I call them "designer photographers". I try to be half the price of designers. And since I HATE to see people waste money on Target/ Kiddy Candid pictures just because they are cheaper, I will offer to match that price:) And not only do I edit pictures and give you the CD, I also include ALL the pics on the CD! (not just edited)