Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I had a boost of energy and attitude, so I took the chance to clean, put Christmas stuff away, and do some Valentine's day decor. :)

I love making my own decor, because I love knowing no one else has it, but I have started to not be so into "crafts." I don't know, and maybe its just me, but I feel like crafts have gotten too crafty, and it sometimes turns out like a 5 year old made it. So I no longer craft, I call it "DIY Decor." lol weird maybe, but I want to make my house and decor more classy than crafty. It started with the nursery, and now its on to the holidays!

So behold, my first DIY decor, lol Valentine's day. :)

I made the image myself, printed in on 11x14, used a frame I bought at the DI a long time ago for 2$, painted it white, got a mat and there ya go! I am super excited with this frame, I already have images made for St Pattys day, and Easter. I think this frame will always reflect the holiday/season we are in. I think its fun.

I just threw this up last minute, its Valentinsie right?
So now my house feels more lovey. :) I super love Valentine's day. its probably my favorite holiday for decor as far as actual decor and not just the fun of the decor, like Christmas.

So Happy Valentine's day to all, real soon.

And THANK YOU for all your comments on the last post, it really helped me figure things out. :)
I have the best blogger friends.

1 comment:

Kourtney said...

Cute stuff! I don't think I've ever decorated for Valentine's Day.

p.s. I love that you have like 5 tickers at the bottom of your blog ;)