Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wrong era

I feel as though I was totally born in the wrong fashion era. You see the current trend of sequins, boots tucked into too tight of jeans or leggings, oversized sweaters with long sleeve shirts underneath, hooker knee high boots, and hippie attire is just not my cup of tea. None of its flattering. What Not To Wear would have a fit. Unless you are a size 2, jeggings DO NOT look good on you. Unless you have something to hide, why are you wearing an oversized grandma sweater with big armpits?
I don't mean to offend those bootwearing friends of mine, which I am sure is almost all of you, but let me try to enlighten you on the way I see things, and maybe you will agree.
(though probably not enough to ditch the skinny jeans) ;)
I loooove the 50's. They had it right. They had it all soooo right, in many different aspects of life, but particularly fashion. see below.

There is something to be said for a properly fitting outfit, with nice shape, perfect amount of movement, and a flattering color.
I understand that fashion is fun, I love shopping, but why do we feel this need that fashion needs to continue to evolve? Evolving is improving upon something, but fashion when it "evolves" just changes, yearly, and in my opinion not so good ways.
Why can't we be happy with a style, and build our wardrobes? Instead of spending money every year to keep with the trends, spend it on establishing a good quality wardrobe that we love.
I had a math teacher in Jr. High, perhaps some of you Central Davis Jr High friends had her too, who had a different outfit, for literally every day of the year. I mean, some were some pretty crazy outfits. People tried to catch her wearing the same outfit twice and it never happened. As a teenager I thought it was funny, this crazy lady keeps her clothes way too long sort of a thing, but I now realize she is brilliant! She has a years worth of clothes that she loves, that she feels comfortable in, and saves money for others things instead of buy new outfits. I love it. I hope to do that, maybe in a more neutral way though lol. I want to try to keep it timeless, simple, classic and modern. Jeans and a nice blouse will never be uncool, sure they may not always be trendy, but I don't like being trendy anyway.
I watch Good Things Utah in the mornings, and I usually only watch the first part where they have discussions, but let me tell you, I HATE all their outfits. Of course since they are on TV they have some fashion person picking their clothes out, and I just want to puke most of the time with their sequin leggings, cowboyish jackets, boots with buckles and flaps, and don't even get me start on the leg warmers.
Is it just me?
am I the only one who wishes fashion just stay the same?
am I the only one who pines for the 50's era?


Hailey said...

Are you talking about Ms. Read? (Sp?) She had the most rad dresses!!! I totally agree with you. I love the 50's! And the 60's!!!! Best era ever :)

Beki Jo said...

I'm pretty sure I need work out blog access too. :)

Angela said...

So I love those style of dresses a whole heck of a lot, but also, I love the jeggings! :) Yes, I own a pair and wear them tucked into my black or brown boots, and I think I look fabulous. :)

It would be nice for things to not change so much... especially with all the different colors each season, and them not staying the same, but I have to admit that I love seeing what is new and what is happening. Not all of it is great, but there are many happy things. :) But this is what you get from a girl who works in fashion.

PS - Workout blog access is needed!! :) And you should just be my trainer from way out there too until I hopefully get moved to Utah

jaralai said...

i do love all those dresses you posted. when it comes to dresses i like the 50's look a lot...however i do still love my jeggings...and eddie thinks they look good ;-) i am not a boot owner...i've thought about getting a pair, but i always feel like they're not "me"