Saturday, June 23, 2012

I hate dogs

I have never been a dog person. Since I was little. Probably has something to do with what I consider to be a few traumatic incidents involving dog bites, but still. never have been. 
I am the mother of boys. It seems there is some natural maternal want that develops when you have boys, you want them to have a dog. 
despite what you want. 
Henry generally takes a while to warm up to dogs, BUT, he is such an active kid and runs around all the time, I have no doubt that he would love and adore HIS dog. 
So Jason and I have been throwing around the idea, very lightly, and where we are at now is Jason doesnt want a dog until the boys are old enough to help. 
Which means not for another 3ish years. 
but I want so badly for Henry to have a puppy. I know he would love it. 
oh and when we do get a puppy, it will be a beagle
Arent they ADORABLE?>!
after 5 minutes of research we have determined that society says this breed is the best with kids, and introduced early enough, fine with cats. 
cause if you remember we have 2 cats. 
I can't wait. I am excited. Even though I am nothing of a dog person, I want my boys to be dog people. 


Robin said...

I read your blog as a follower of Debby Erickson's blog and I have to comment on your choice of dogs. I had a beagle for 10 years. His name was JAC (my son's initials), and he was the most incredibly wonderful dog. The perfect dog......all but one minor/major thing......BARKING. Beagles are hunter/hound dogs, and all hound dogs bark as they run after their prey so to alert the hunter. They are barkers, and when left alone they will annoy the neighbors. We had a couple notices on our door from the dog pound warning us of a citation if we didn't silence our dog. This was only a problem if we left him in the yard when we were gone. He didn't bark if he was in the house. So I encourage you to get a beagle because you will LOVE LOVE LOVE it. They are the BEST family dogs. They just have a voice and want it to be heard. :0)

Angela said...

There are so many wonderful dogs out there, and especially ones that are great with children. Just be 100% sure you want to invest as they are very much a part of the family. I have LOVED having my Lhasa Apso for the past almost 6 years; however, she does make it hard to go on vacations. But I wouldn't trade the companionship for anything! Also, when y'all do decide to choose a dog, let the dog choose you too. AND, don't feed them cheap dog food or canned food. Okay - if you want to know more, you can ask. :) But I have also thought about when I have children and they are old enough (whatever age is decided upon) that they can choose whatever animal they want... only if THEY take care of it and it goes with them where ever they go.