Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I got spoiled this year!! I had a very good christmas, busy and hectic but very good. Jason and I woke up around 730, we only took one picture the whole day and it was when we woke up. lol eh oh well.

we had to wake up that early to be able to go to all the places we were expected to attend. we will talk about that later.

so we woke up and headed to the living room! our stockings were waiting for us on the couch, in Jasons stocking was cinnamon almonds, A utah easy day hiking trails book, milky ways, a fossil brand wallet and a sees candy bar. I did the stockings so i didnt put much in mine, sees chocolate candy coins(my favorite) and some snickers. on to the tree!!! so we sorted our presents and started to open them! man did i get spoiled! these are the major things i got this year, from Jason and also our parents!

These are shoes that I picked out from Journeys, I absolutely love them! they are my first pair of nice shoes that are so comfortable!! usually i just get the 20$ pairs of shoes so i can have a lot! but i love these!!

This is my new sewing machine! my mom got this martha stewart singer sewing machine for me. I am excited! we need curtains in our living room and bedroom and now i can have them however i want cause i can make them! so so so excited. she also got me a cute coat i picked out.

my mother in law lanette got me a new pair of scriptures. my old ones werent too badly worn, but i wanted a quad, my favorite part about them, the picture isnt the exact pair, they have a button snap!! YAY!

she also got us a set of 4 dining room chairs. now we just need a table!

This is my new Mp3 player! my old one got stolen and I hate running without music. :-( Jason found the exact brand and model that i love and got it for me! I am so excited about it! I already uploaded all my music to it and i am so ready to get running again!

along with the mp3 player to work out with he also got me a very nice expensive yoga mat, which i needed! do pilates on the carpet just isnt very pleasant. Jason did very good! i got a lot of other stuff too but thats enough for now. :-)

OH! and Jason and I got ourselves this 42" LCD TV!! we are happy to be watching sports in HD finally. lol. before we had this little 20" TV i got when i was 16. oh it was good times.

alright so after we had opened all of us presents our tree was looking very empty without any presents. :-( this made me very sad. not that i am selfish and wanted more, but because it meant christmas was here which means it was going to be over. so Jason got under the tree and pretended to be another present!! lol he is just the cutest thing I have ever seen. He is so sweet.
so we got done with our own little christmas and we headed to my moms house in Layton. Jason got a new putter from my mom, i got my sewing machine and coat. we enjoyed our time there and had a lot of fun just hanging out together. we left there about 11ish to go to Jasons parents house. we got there and they were putting papa murphys pizzas into the oven. yum! we ate lunch, then opened gifts. we left there around 3 to go to my grandmas house all the way in ogden. we got there AFTER everyone had opened gifts and was basically leaving. I decided that from now on we arent going to either grandmas house on christmas. its too much driving and our schedule doesnt work with anyone elses anyway so from now on we will see the grandmas on christmas eve and we will just go to the parents houses on christmas. at the end of the day our first christmas married was perfect! Jason and I are really loving being married and I couldnt imagine life without him. I dont know how I did it before. I love him so stinking much and i am so proud of all that he has done. MMUUWAAHH!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Is it just me???

alright answer this for me ladies. is it just me or as soon as you get married your maternal instinct kicks in and you all of a sudden want to get pregnant? I was always one of those chicks who said she wanted to be married for at least 5 years before having kids and now i feel like that is the most important thing right now is to get pregnant! at the very least i want to wait a year but every time i see baby clothes, or baby blankets or other peoples babies I WANT ONE!!! garsh. Obviously we arent going to try, I am on birth control and its just not the right time but why do i feel this way?! did everyone feel this way after they got married??

and for my latest cooking adventure!!!
So i wanted to learn to make caramels this christmas and possibly attempt to give them to friends and neighbors. so Jasons friends mom makes DELICIOUS caramels! so i got the recipe. its complicated, at least for me. you have to boil stuff to the precise temp and blah blah blah. so anyway, i tried them about 2 weeks ago, when i went to go get the pan off the heat and forgot hot pads so the caramel ended up over cooking and was rock hard, i just barely got the remains out of the pan yesterday. so attempt 2. today. 30 mins ago. went better!! I got creme all over the place, plastic got lodged in the caramels and the stove caught on fire but i think the caramels are gonna be really good!!! lol ha! i went to go use our new hot pads we just got and when i ripped them apart the plastic thing that holds them together at the store flew right into the pot. ha. and then out of no where something on the top of the stove caught fire. dont worry cause i had a cup of water right now to the stove so it all worked out. any one wanna try some?

this is the cream all over the floor and counter

this is the stove top


oh and i thought i would post my tree since everyone else did. lol

Oh and this is my favorite decoration so far in our place. the blocks not the coke bottles, although i am going to do something with them, Jason wanted to keep them but i think they are ugly so we are keeping them but i am painted the outside of them brown blue and cream and then putting a single flower or something in each one. i will post pics when its complete!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Also as soon as I find all the blogs of people I want to I am going to make my blog Private!!! ya know how it is, so send me your email addresses so I can add you. you can send it to my Regular email if you want or just leave a comment!!!! THANKS!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Some Pictures of people!

This are all my best friends!!

My new brothers!

My sisters!

and My parents!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

this weekend

This weekend was our brothers wedding! Sad huh? cause it snowed like crazy!! it was so cold and wet it was pretty much miserable. all we did was pictures on the steps, I dont think even the bride and groom did pictures anywhere else. sad huh? I think they are going to go back on a better day but its just not the same. after the temple the rest of us went to an italian place and had a thing called pizza benders? they were quite tasty. its like a little pizza folded in half... after lunch we went to the reception center, which was a little hard to find but not too bad. the girl he married is kind of a hippie so for their flowers they chose bamboo and it looked pretty cool. i wish i would have taken a picture but i forgot. sorry! the reception lasted probably around 2 hours. the weather made the attendance a little less and also Justins family ward was having their christmas party that same night and time so that didnt help any. all in all it went really well and i am very happy for them. they have been dating for 8 years! crazy right?

After all the wedding hype was finished we went to a movie with Curtis and Monica(brother and sister-in-law). we saw Twilight. I enjoyed it more the second time around cause i understood more about what they were thinking and what would happen. like when the are in the science class and bella steps in front of the fan, first time i had no idea why edward wanted to barf. now i do, and also the baseball scene i had no idea why they could only play during a storm and the second time i realized they were hitting the ball hard enough that the sound was as loud as thunder. it was fun and i love popcorn!!

There are only like 11 more days till christmas! now that the wedding is over we can focus on christmas! i am very excited, as i have written several times already. as much as i hate driving in snow, i hope its a white christmas. my first married christmas i am sure will be a bit weird, going to the in-laws house also will be obviously not normal but its still very exciting.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Story time

Ok so its time for a funny kati blonde moment story. so, I went to the store in search of new shampoo, my hair was getting used to my current shmapoo so it was time for a new one. at this time my hair has blonde and brown pieces in it so you can imagine my confusion when there was shampoo for blondes and shampoo for brunettes. i wanted a color treated shampoo that way my color wouldnt fade, so which one do i pick? well i kept looking and found one that said for colored hair. not blonde, and not brunette just colored. PERFECT! so i bought it and went home. when i used it the next day i was rinsing it off, and it just wouldnt all rinse. My hair still felt all slimy and like conditioner was still on it. imust have spent at least 20 mins trying to rinse it. so I look at the bottle again and realize when they said colored hair, they meant for a BLACK PERSONS HAIR!!! AH!!! so for 2 days my hair looked oily and gross. total blonde moment. enjoy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Weekend!

The weekend was great! We did a lot of christmas shopping on saturday morning, which was tricky because we were with each other so I had to go back without him to buy stuff he said he liked. tricky business. we also went to lunch which was the first time we went to lunch by ourselves in a very long time, usually we go with his parents or someone. we went to noodles and company! we got the mac and cheese bowl and the guy looked at us really weird when we told him we were going to share. the bowls are so huge why wouldnt you share?! we got our food and STILL didnt finish the whole thing cause it was too big for the 2 of us. I also finished my water! yay! lol I never finish water. I was proud.

Saturday was also my sister in laws endowment day. She chose the bountiful temple because the Jordan river temple was closed. it was a cool experience, it reminded me of when I got my endowments out 2 months ago almost to the day. I realized how much I had learned about the temple in the short 2 months I have gone. so amazing! love it!

have I mentioned how excited I am about Christmas?! Jason and I have mapped out our christmas day plan, I hope. both of our families do a lot on christmas and they are around the same times too. its proving to be difficult. I am excited to wake up christmas morning with Jason though. we are going to have our own little christmas at our place, then go to my parents house for christmas presents there till around 11am, then go to his parents house, then to his grandmas gouse, then to my grandmas house around 4pm. hopefully it will work that way and no one will change their plans!

Friday, December 5, 2008

This is one of my favorite pictures that Jason and I had taken during our engagement and I love it! Yeah, it doesnt show our faces but so much can be said without showing your face! we got a few like this but this one I just love! yesterday when I got home from work I went straight to our bed and took a nap. When I woke up Jason was laying next to me just looking at me and I was so excited to see him! he snuck in quietly cause he knew I was napping and laid in bed with me. Married life is so fantastic!! I am so stinking happy. one of my favorite parts is when we clean out apartment, its so wonderful! cause we have really nice stuff but it gets dirty fast with dishes and clothes and such. I love to clean it, open the windows and light a yummy smelling candle. ah! i love it.

tomorrow Jason and I are going christmas shopping for each other. we are splitting up and gonna try to finish up our christmas shopping in secret so we are actually suprised on christmas day. we will see how it goes.

Jason and I go to the gym together during half time in Jazz games and there is one tonight so I am super excited! it works out perfect, he watches the first half of the Jazz game while I sleep on his lap, we go to the gym for 30 mins to 45mins, come back and press play on our tivo and finish the rest of the game! I ordered the winsor pilates workout videos again, I used to have some and I lost them, but i really really liked them and they worked so I bit the bullet and ordered them again. I did it ebay style though so it was only 18 dollars! thats a 60$ value! lol. I love the 20 min work out, and especially the advanced workout but it takes an hour to do. I really do love them. its just as good as a cardio workout but without being hard on your knees. if anyone wants to come do it with me just let me know! :-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So yesterday I had what you would call a crummy day at work. So when Jason got home from work he said we were going somewhere after we ate dinner and he wouldnt tell me where! YAY I love his suprises! so we ate eggs bacon and toast and then off we went! we drove downtown and went to temple square to see the lights. It was so nice to be there not because of the lights but because we hadnt been there since we got married there! I loved remembering our wedding day and remembering all the different spots we took pictures or my thoughts as we walked to our car. I loved my wedding day and I hope I always remember it as vividly. pictures will come later today.

So my in-laws I think are about to go through a weird phase in their life. Their last child is getting married in a week and they will be in their house all alone. thats gotta be weird after 32 of being parents, going back to just being a couple. in 32 years people change a lot and become different so its like they have to get to know each other all over again! it will be like they are dating! it should be interesting. they are great people so I am sure they will do well.

on the christmas side of things!- I pretty much know a lot of what I am getting for christmas but i am still excited about it all! I am more excited about what i am giving, I think I nailed Jasons christmas presents perfectly. I know everything I am getting him he as at one point said he wanted and I got them at good deals! YA AMAZON! I am so excited to be married this christmas! waking up next to my husband and hopefully there will be snow.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

dont read if you dont want too much info. I HATE the otho evra patches! Just thought I would give a friendly warning to you girls that are trying different birth controls. I know they affect different women different ways but gosh I hate it. It makes me feel pregnant, angry, tired and nausious, and it hurts when you take it off! lol just thought you might like to know.
I havent done any thank you cards from my reception. :-( I have a lot to do, grr. its been a month and a half, whats the exceptable amount of time to wait before mailing them out? I heard once it was a year but that came from my husband so it probably has no merrit.

Spring semester starts soon for me and I couldn't be more excited! I am really excited about the classes I am taking and the schedule isnt too bad. my classes start at 4 and I am done at 8 with no fridays or saturdays! not too bad for 16 credits! I dont get to register till the 8th of this month so hopefully my classes wont be full or i really would be upset. it took me a good 20 mins to make this schedule. lol

My brother-in-law gets married in 10 days! he got engaged 2 days after Jason and I got married. lol. her endowments are this saturday in the bountiful temple so that should be exciting. Its also our other brothers birthday that day too so we will see how it all works out. its funny, I came from a family of 4 girls and Jason came from a family of 4 boys so when we go to each families house its like polar opposites. I love it. let me tell you about each family. my side first. My oldest sister is Corinne. she lives with my parents and is 22. my little sister Hollie is 18 almost 19 and lives in provo going to school. my other little sister Savannah is 14 and of course lives with my parents. his side. His oldest brother Brenden is 32 and lives in west valley with his wife Teresa and 3 kids Logan 8, Kylee 5, and Jayden 2. we see them EVERY sunday we go to his parents house. the 2nd oldest is Curtis and he is 28 I think. he lives in logan with his wife Monica. they are currently in the adoption process and i am excited for them! then Justin is 26 and getting married to Britnie who is also 26. they were high school sweethearts. then Jason and I! I will post pictures of them later so you can put names to the faces in case I ever write about them again. :-)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2nd blog

I have a wonderful husband!! truely the best. Last night when we got home I wasn't feeling very well(girl time) so Jason decided to make me a surpirse dinner! he went to the store and when he came back I had to go into the bedroom so I wouldnt see or smell what he was doing. It was a delicious grilled chicken dinner that he marinated in coke! it was so moist and delicious! Then we spend the night watching my shows from sunday that we TIVOed and finishing the prisonbreak season 1 till it was time to go to bed. I am so lucky that Jason and I work the exact same schedule. We wake up together and get home together. Its wonderful, the max that we spend away from each other each week is the 40 hours we are at work. I love it!

For my birthday this year Jason bought me a set of pink golf clubs! yay! I think I only went golfing like 6 times but I am so excited to use them this summer again. golfing is very frustrating for me but when you hit a good shot, it feels so good. you no longer feel like a golf retard. Its really a simple concept, get the little ball, in the little hole. how hard is that? hard. nevertheless I am still excited.

My dad comes home from Iraq in 66 days!! my Family has been really lucky this deployment to be able to see him as much as we did. Normally families only get to see them when they come hme for their 2 week leave but my mom has gotten to see him 4 times. My dad is a high Ranking officer so after the 2 month training thing in missouri he was allowed to come home for the weekend unlike all the other soliders, and then he had a flight simulator training in germany a couple months ago and my mom was allowed to fly out there and visit him for a week in germany, and then he got to come home for my wedding of course and then there is another germany training thing. So lucky for my mom. He has his own trailer out there in the desert with his own internet and telephone line so they talk all the time. those are the perks he gets for being in the army 23 years!

I am excited to read everyones blogs and see what everyone is up to and who is married and who is married with kids!! Its a little crazy to see people I went to high school with having babies. It makes me feel really old. I will say this, I am glad I waited till I waas 21 to get married. I love my Husband very much and wouldnt trade him for anything, But I am glad that I got to live the single life for a couple years, and man did i LIVE it. I had so much fun going out with the girls, dancing, dennys, dates every weekend, singles wards!!! OH HOW I MISS THOSE!! oh my gosh I miss the peace and quiet of a singles ward. we have gone to our family ward like 3 times and its so so so loud it drives me up the wall! I miss being able to hear my own thoughts during the sacrament or hearing peoples comments in relief society. The only good thing I like about it is there are a lot of younger couples in our ward. we havent branched out yet and talked to them, but they are there if we want to. lol. For now we have enough young couple to do things with lol.

Does anyone even read this blog? I feel like I am writing this to myself and no one reads it. how do i tell people I have it so they will read it and talk to me? :-(

Monday, December 1, 2008

Update on...EVERYTHING!

alright so since I am new to blogging I figure I need to write about everything everyone else has been writing about lately. so, first we will start with Twilight. First you should know, I havent read it. I went and saw the movie two days after it came out, with my sisters and mom. It was good, but for sure not as good as everyone made it out to be. I thought it was predictable and plain. I will say that I loved the baseball scene, and I thought Edward was so ridiculously attractive, but only when he plays Edward, as an average person, he is ugly. I thought the movie moved a little too fast. 5 mins after the movie started they were all of a sudden IN LOVE just by smelling each other by the lockers. really? come on. I fully understand its not that way in the book, which is why I am just talking about the movie. ;-)

Thanksgiving! this was Jason and I's 2nd holiday together and it was perfect! we woke up late, dragged ourselves to layton around noon and ate with my side of the family, which is about 30 people! then around 33o we went to his familys to eat dessert. Food was good, family was good, all in all life is still pretty good! Cant wait for christmas! We went shopping the day after black friday cause there were still really good sales, especially in park city! we are pretty much done christmas shopping.

Our Wedding day!

Well, This is our first blog!! Jason and I started our life together on October 18th 2008. We were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple late morning. the day started out beautifully around 730( for me at least) with a hair appointment and then it was off to the temple! I met Jason there and the first time I saw him on our wedding day my heart sank and I knew without a doubt this would be the best day of my life, and it was! I was so happy to have all my family and close friends with me in our sealing room. My dress was PERFECT!! my wonderful mother spent 3 months making my dream dress. it was a short vintage style wedding dress and my veil was no exception. Jason was so Handsome in his Brown tux. Jason and I had a lovely and fun Dinner with all of our family the night before that way we didnt need to have a luncheon the day of the wedding so after our pictures Jason and I enjoyed time just the two of us eating lunch in the temple cafeteria. its good stuff. we had steak lol.

Our Reception was perfect! with the exception of our flowers, which were ALL COMPLETELY WRONG, everything went lovely. my bridesmaids looked beautiful and despite what a certain bitter prude wife of our friend thinks, our groosmen(most of which were married) looked great! Our reception center was lovely, perfect, AIR CONDITIONED, and just simply perfect. I loved my wedding day and almost everyone who was a part of it. ;-) everyone has their little imperfections on their wedding right?