Monday, June 15, 2009

I quit

This blog.

I quit this blog.

I am going to be honest, due to lack of attention, and lack of much excitement, I am quitting blogging for a while.

No one talks to me anymore like it used to be and I don't like it.

So I quit.


Robins Family said...

Oh no! Dont quit! Blogging is SO much fun! I look forward to your updates!! If that helps any!! :o)

Angela said...


Mike n Julia said...

LOL that is funny that you say that becuase the same thing has happened to me!! But i guess that is just how it is. I still blog because it's like my journal! anyway don't quit because you will regret it! Plus i bet a lot more people look at your blog than you think!

Beki Jo said...

You get more comments than I do... Just keep going.

bequi said...

I go weeks without comments, and you *know* people are reading MY blog! ;)

Seriously, though, it's your journal and you shouldn't quit your journal just because people get busy.

Love you!