Thursday, June 11, 2009

My birthday was great. I loved it. everything I got was so awesome. I worked in the day, after work ended my husband and I went to the outback steakhouse! Oh it is so so so good. We were celebrating my birthday and my promotion/raise! So it was a pretty good day. Then we went to my moms house where she made a home made red velvet cake.mmmmm. I need to go back and get the rest of the cake! My dad served in Iraq last year and while he was there he got me a really cool camel skin scrapbook with handmade paper, and he gave it to me for my birthday, and I love it! My lovely husband got me 2 pairs of pants that actually fit! I have been wearing my fat pants forever and now I have some that are actually my size. Some brown one, like the picture, and some jeans. He also got me a pretty sweet new wallet, its a hippie one and I love it! Our friend Derek, gave me this magnet board! lol why you ask? I have been wanting to do this craft for a while, but I have done a lot of crafts lately so I haven't been able to do it, so Derek bought me ALL the supplies I needed to do it! Ladies, he is single. My mother-in-law was pretty pickled for this last week about what to get me, as i am always pickled about what to get her! SO she asked Jason who asked me what I wanted and I wrote a list!! not just any old birthday wish list, a life wish list of movies I want to own before we have kids! bahaha! there are just certain movies in my childhood that shaped who I am, and promote good role models and stories that I want my kids to grow up with also. I don't want my kids to be so futuristic with their movies that a good" moral of the story" movie isn't just as good to them. So I created a list and I intend to have all of these movies purchased before Jason and I have kids. It all started with Willy Wonka! so she got me..
I am way excited to watch Hercules, I think I will watch it, tonight!
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....AH!!!

I am SOOOOO excited for this movie!!! I have not seen this movie in at Least 10 years! I can remember watching it all the time! I don't know what it is, but lately I am so enthralled with watching these older, childish movies! It has been a while seen a good decent movie has been created, with the exception of UP!, so if there are not any good new one, why the heck not watch good old ones? I am way freaking excited.

My birthday was great! I am now 22 with a 24 year old husband. We love our life, our family and our friends.

Side note- I went to the dentist today, and it was awful. I HATE the dentist with an unforgiving passion. I went to a new one, one that my mother in laws sister used to work at. It sucked. Bad. the only good thing there was the TV in front of me. He hurt my teeth and used a COTTON BALL!!! for those of you who don't know, I hate cotton balls. They freak me out. Anyway, I guess he could tell I was a little uneasy because at the end he told me I should go to a sedation dentist. It was only a cleaning!! I am nervous. I am also very embarrassed to admit, that because I hate the dentist so much, I have not gone in 2 1/2 years. Needless to say, I have 4 cavities. I am sad.

2nd side note- I am going to the Salt Lake temple to do a session for the first time!! yay! I have been through Ogden, bountiful and Jordan river, but never SLC and I am so stoked. I think it will be a little weird to see an 80 year old lady play Eve, but oh well! I have heard everyone should go at least once, so I am! Afterwards we are going to....drumroll....COSTA VIDA!!!! which I also LOVE! sweet pork burrito here I come. I simply can not wait. I am getting my own burrito this time. lol. Normally Jason and I share meals since we don't eat much, but today, no. I want my own.

3rd side note- My sorta craft right now is a plant, wheatgrass. I planted wheatgrass in a container and I want to grow it as a house plant. Problem, the rain. My plant needs sunshine!! other then the fact that my plant may die, I love the rain. I love sitting at home with my husband in our nice warm cozy couch with a blanket and listening to the rain. Its lovely! I also don't like to drive in it, but I will sacrifice that to be able to enjoy the rain at home. It is going to rain for 10 more days!!! YAY!!!

2 random facts about me. 1, I use everyone else doormats to wipe my feet as I walk down our hall. 2, I can always tell when I am late for work in the morning if the bum on 4th south is still waiting for the bus. :-)

Thats all folks!!


Angela said...

How was the Temple?! Did you enjoy the live session? I miss being able to attend the SL Temple!!

bequi said...

When Honey I Shrunk the Kids came out, I watched it a million times (I didn't "get" the french class joke until I was 15...) I loved it so much that the day we got it on VHS, I said prayers and I started, "Dear Honey I Shrunk the Kids" and my family all laughed at me and I ran away and refused to pray that night.

Happy Birthday! I'm sad you didn't have a party. Not that I could have gone anyway, but still... :(