Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekly update.

I have decided to just do weekly updates on blog to keep from my blog getting boring with the whole day to day boringness some bloggers blog about. :-)

So here is our weekly update.

We moved into our new apartment a few weeks ago, and have just barely almost got everything unpacked and put in its place. We really do love it. Its such a quiet complex, in such a fun busy area. When you are in our complex, somehow you can't hear anything, any city noise, traffic or anything. From our apartment the only thing you really hear is the other neighbors, but since our apartment complex is more pricey and is mostly business people, you never hear them. There are no pigeons, no dogs and almost no kids. Just lots of couples and business people.

We went to our new ward, and also LOVE it! It is so nice to be in a ward that you feel like you fit in. there are tons of young couples, and young families with a few older couples. Its a way nice church building and the ward activities seem pretty fun. The guys in the ward play basketball every tuesday, just to play. Jason is really excited for that.

Coupons! we started couponing this week. We figure, if the newspaper is going to GIVE you free money, why not take it? So we ordered the sunday paper, cut all the coupons we thought we might use and it was off to the store with us! We saved...get ready.... 43$!!! not bad for our first time eh? I am not going to go all crazy about it cause we don't really need to, but I will gladly spend 5 mins every sunday and cut things out if someone is going to just hand me 43$.

Trips! Jason and I have several vacation/trips we are way too excited about. lets see what is first. I think first will be a trip to Texas with our friends BenAsh, I am not sure how long we are going for, but we are going because Jason and Ben served their missions there. I know Jason is really excited about that trip. The next one is a mystery trip for me. For our anniversary Jason is planning a getaway trip and he isn't telling me where we are going! He is packing my bags for me, buying the plane tickets and not telling me a single thing. We are going for 4 days so I am excited for that one. Next summer/fall we are planning on, get ready for this, backpacking through Europe! so not like the hitchhiking kind, the live-out-of-a-bag-and-sleep-in-hostiles type. We are planning on going for 3 weeks! We are going to London, Switzerland, Ireland, France, Italy, Rome, Germany and maybe Russia! WE are so excited for this one! I can't wait! We are working on getting our passports and I am so excited to fill it will stamps! Can you imagine how many pictures I will take? Also in August we are going to Jason's family's yearly camping trip. yaaaaay....For those of you who don't know, I don't like camping. So Jason said I can stay home for half of it and going shopping. That's right, that is what he said.

Work. I got a promotion and a raise at work. yay! I have only been at my job 6 months and this is my second promotion with another promised in 6 months. I went from a CSR to Accounts Receivable to Work Flow Coordinator and in 6 months it will be Project Manager. Its been fun and I have enjoyed my time with this company, although it isn't where I want to be long term, for now its been great! I am going to study for my personal trainer certification starting in august, and then hopefully will be certified by October. I of course, am excited for that.

It seems as though everyone around me is having a baby, ugh. Our plans for having a baby are about 1-2 years out, which is fine with me. I want to have plenty of time for myself and Jason before our lives become all about a baby. So for now, Jason and I are living our life exactly how we want, going where we want and doing what we want, and loving it. We went to the Logan temple this weekend and it was great! We went to the SLC temple 2 weeks ago, I don't know if I blogged about that or not but let me just say, I am not patient enough to move 50 ninety year old people to 4 different rooms and then wait for them to fold out chairs for the other 20 that they crammed in there. Sorry. It was a great one time experience but I will not being using that temple regularly. I don't have patient for it. I did love the Logan temple we only had to move once lol. I think my favorite is Ogden, or Jordan. Haven't been to draper yet, thats next on my list!! oh and when we go to europe, you can bet we will be going to all the temples we can over there!

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment that I am half and half looking forward to. I am looking forward to a day off work, but not the dental work. The dentist is going to sedate me, since I am so difficult with dentists. I don't know what it is, I just don't like other peoples fingers in my mouth let alone the various tools they use. wish me luck for that!

Until next monday!!!


Angela said...

Yay for y'all coming to Texas!!! It's the best state EVER!! :-)

Glad to "hear" that things are going so well for y'all!! Super exciting things!!

Shalamar said...

I'm glad you like your ward. It really makes a big difference. Since I've been married, we've only liked our ward until now. Our current ward is the best. It's all young married couples starting their families just like us. I'm in the Young Womens and I absolutely love it. We don't have a lot of teenagers but the YW and YM are amazing. And the coupons...$43 is actually really great for you first time. I tried the coupon thing last year and wasn't very successful. I wasn't saving enough to make it worth it. I'd buy 4 or 5 sunday papers and clip all the coupons. After a while I ran out of space fore everything. Good luck, I hope you have more success than me. You really save a ton if you do it right.

bequi said...

I'm pretty jealous about your trips. ;) It's a good plan to have couple time before a baby. There are so many things Anthony and I did together that we couldn't have done with a baby. Camping in Arches Ntl Park and Goblin Valley and Bryce Canyon, Repeated trips to San Diego, the cruise... As much as I was craving a baby the whole time, I'm WAY glad we waited.

Mike n Julia said...

LOL i just thought it was funny when you said you don't like camping but you are going to be going backpacking through Europe for 3 WEEKS!! LOL

The Sawyers said...

I stopped selling mary kay a long time ago, and i got rid of all my stuff along time ago too. sorry