Monday, October 18, 2010

2 years ago today, I made one of the best decisions on my life.
to marry my best friend.
2 years ago today, at this time, Jason took me by the hand and led me into the sealing room in the salt lake temple where we would be sealed.
Everything after that point went by fast, and was joyful.
(minus those dang florist messing up my flowers. grrr)
1 year and 364 days ago, Jason and I started our married life together, and it has been absolutely perfect every minute.
Jason and I know each other so well, and communicate with each other in harmony.
Jason and I had no idea what life had in store for us on that day.

1 year ago, today, Jason and I celebrated our first anniversary.
Having been married for 1 year, we could tell you at that point, we had never been happier.
the first year is a lot of learning and growing, and Jason and I learned to grow together.
Sitting at the top of a ferris wheel in San Diego, we also had no idea what the next year would bring.
Here we are, 2 wonderful years later, and I can tell you that we truly have never been happier.
Our 2nd year of marriage brought:
Our favorite Ward, Sugarhouse ward
lots of house hunting
buying our first home!
decorating our first home.
adopting our first kitten.
adopting our second kitten.
dinner parties.
family parties.
being healthier than we have ever been.
lots of new recipes.
dream jobs.
paying off our first car.
and of course, the news of our first child.

We were married at 10:20 am, October 18, 2008.
at 10:20 am, October 18, 2010, we are finding out the gender of our first child.
I really can't think of a more perfect time.

Sitting here, 2 years later, we can tell you that we have no idea what the next year as in store, but can not wait for it to begin.

1 comment:

Angela said...

That brings so many tears of happiness to my eyes! I only hope to one day be as happy as y'all!