Sunday, October 3, 2010

pregnancy, equippeed with question.

so I decided all further pregnancy pics should be done in fitted shirts.
the last one, was done in an empire waisted shirt and it did not give the exact accuracy of my baby bump.

allow me to explain to you this photo, besides the obvious.
A) I have not eaten and gorged myself yet today with delicious food, therefor there is no bloatedness that there will be at 6 pm tonight.
B) My baby is confused, instead of putting all the junk in the tummy, our wee one has decided to place junk in white girl booty, and my chest. when I lost 50 lbs, I lost my chest, or at least the plumpness of them, and this pregnancy, it all came back! and I used to have a tiny booty, now its twice the size.
C) I DO have a baby bump, but today I decided to stop wearing my belt, because I no longer need it, and when the belt is not there tightening my pants, the bump is less obvious. but trust me, if I wore my belt, my bump would be muffin topping over my pants.
QUESTION: I have heard that your hair grows like crazy when you are pregnant. for this reason I have decided this is the time to grow out my bangs. But they dont seem to be growing any faster. Is this a myth?
P.S. only 14 days until we find out the gender. eeeeks.


The Viewer said...

You look Great!! But I know how it is, you can see all the changes/"imperfections" but honestly, the rest of us don't see them! The hair growing thing is from prenatals. The folic acid makes your hair and nails grow faster.

The Hicks Family said...

My hair didn't grow longer.. it got thicker.. it depends.. some women's hair does grow MUCH faster.. it's the prenatal vitamins.... :) Its true but EVERY pregnancy is different! :)