Friday, December 5, 2008

This is one of my favorite pictures that Jason and I had taken during our engagement and I love it! Yeah, it doesnt show our faces but so much can be said without showing your face! we got a few like this but this one I just love! yesterday when I got home from work I went straight to our bed and took a nap. When I woke up Jason was laying next to me just looking at me and I was so excited to see him! he snuck in quietly cause he knew I was napping and laid in bed with me. Married life is so fantastic!! I am so stinking happy. one of my favorite parts is when we clean out apartment, its so wonderful! cause we have really nice stuff but it gets dirty fast with dishes and clothes and such. I love to clean it, open the windows and light a yummy smelling candle. ah! i love it.

tomorrow Jason and I are going christmas shopping for each other. we are splitting up and gonna try to finish up our christmas shopping in secret so we are actually suprised on christmas day. we will see how it goes.

Jason and I go to the gym together during half time in Jazz games and there is one tonight so I am super excited! it works out perfect, he watches the first half of the Jazz game while I sleep on his lap, we go to the gym for 30 mins to 45mins, come back and press play on our tivo and finish the rest of the game! I ordered the winsor pilates workout videos again, I used to have some and I lost them, but i really really liked them and they worked so I bit the bullet and ordered them again. I did it ebay style though so it was only 18 dollars! thats a 60$ value! lol. I love the 20 min work out, and especially the advanced workout but it takes an hour to do. I really do love them. its just as good as a cardio workout but without being hard on your knees. if anyone wants to come do it with me just let me know! :-)


Anonymous said...

Just got your comment! You are sweet!! Thank you.
LUV that golf picture---its to die for! And you are so right, so much can be said without showing your face!

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

I like your pictures too at the golf course! That is a steal for those pilates video's. Whenever you want to do it with someone i totally will. Just give me a ring. Hey I also wanted to ask if your wanted to start a game night with Andrew and I. We want to start one. We have some cool games and I know you do because I was over at your place when you put your crap away LOL! Anyway think about it and let me know girl! Love Ya!

Heather said...

I love those videos! I need to find them on DVD. They give you results faster than anything!

Anonymous said...

You should let me burn them and then we'll compare results. And I'll make you a copy of strip aerobics!!