Sunday, December 14, 2008

this weekend

This weekend was our brothers wedding! Sad huh? cause it snowed like crazy!! it was so cold and wet it was pretty much miserable. all we did was pictures on the steps, I dont think even the bride and groom did pictures anywhere else. sad huh? I think they are going to go back on a better day but its just not the same. after the temple the rest of us went to an italian place and had a thing called pizza benders? they were quite tasty. its like a little pizza folded in half... after lunch we went to the reception center, which was a little hard to find but not too bad. the girl he married is kind of a hippie so for their flowers they chose bamboo and it looked pretty cool. i wish i would have taken a picture but i forgot. sorry! the reception lasted probably around 2 hours. the weather made the attendance a little less and also Justins family ward was having their christmas party that same night and time so that didnt help any. all in all it went really well and i am very happy for them. they have been dating for 8 years! crazy right?

After all the wedding hype was finished we went to a movie with Curtis and Monica(brother and sister-in-law). we saw Twilight. I enjoyed it more the second time around cause i understood more about what they were thinking and what would happen. like when the are in the science class and bella steps in front of the fan, first time i had no idea why edward wanted to barf. now i do, and also the baseball scene i had no idea why they could only play during a storm and the second time i realized they were hitting the ball hard enough that the sound was as loud as thunder. it was fun and i love popcorn!!

There are only like 11 more days till christmas! now that the wedding is over we can focus on christmas! i am very excited, as i have written several times already. as much as i hate driving in snow, i hope its a white christmas. my first married christmas i am sure will be a bit weird, going to the in-laws house also will be obviously not normal but its still very exciting.


The Hansen's said...

Thank you! We love Christmas and are all about "Decking the halls". :) It looks like things are going great with you! Congrats on the wedding! THe first Christmas will be great! Make sure to spend some time alone opening presents with each other before going to the families. That was my favorite part. :)

Beki Jo said...

Ugh... I would rather the Erickson's didn't all get blogs. That would be a disaster! :)